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MIDIbox SID V2 Release + Feedback


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Hi *,

this thread informs you about the latest MIDIbox SID release, and it gives you the possibility to write down your feedback (bug reports, questions about existing features, suggestions for new features, etc...)

The current MBSID V2 binary can be downloaded from http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

Please read the CHANGELOG.txt for latest changes

Link to user manual:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've already written a v1_to_v2 patch converter script, but the resulting sounds need some finetuning, as the scaling of some parameters like LFO rate and depth is not identical between the two MIDIbox versions.

I'm planning to release an overworked "vintage bank" soon.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Only for comprehension:

1.if i wanna update my old 4xSID for a new stereo MBSIDV2 i can remove 2 of my 4 Coreboards out of that box and connect each second SID board on J14, right?

2.MIDI-Connection: i have to connect MIDI LINK like in description of changelog?

3.CAN-BUS: i have to connect D0, D1, D2, D3 of LCD to VSS? Is this LCD correct working without D0-D3 connection from Core?

Is there really only 1 single line for CanBUS (so i have to connect D2+1N4148 and D3 together on 1 line)?

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Beta2 is now available for download (see first posting of this thread).

Please don't report errors of older versions - they could be obsolete.

Please always include the version number in your posting for easier tracking.

Beside of the new .hex files, beta2 contains 128 "vintage patches" which have been converted from the v1 preset library.

I've improved most of the sounds by adding stereo effects.

A small number of patches does not work properly due to compatibility reasons - they will be replaced by new patches in future.

For those who haven't noticed it yet: MIDIbox SID V2 provides a cloning mechanism, which allows an firmware update via MBNet.

Once you've uploaded a new version to the master core, press the MENU button during boot until the "Cloning Slaves" message appears on the LCD. I hope that this special button function is working with your CS, as I've only tested it with my button matrix based hardware.

To all beta testers: please let me know if cloning was working successfully. My hope is, that the usage is easier than an update via MIDI.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That Cloning feature sounds interessting... Great! I'll check it out next time, if i've build up the MBNET connection.

Ooh.. I don't find any description about connection of the second SID Board on J14 in ChangeLog.

Best Regards, Rio.

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beta3 is now available for download.

Beside of obligatory minor bugfixes and improvements (e.g. portamento disabled on initial note, bugfix in CS handler, MOD->LFO Depth modulation now even working when static LFO depth of target is 0), I added a new feature for the Modulation Matrix.

There is now a "S&H" (Sample & Hold) operator, which samples the value of SRC1 whenever SRC2 changes from a negative to a positive value. The direct integration into the MOD matrix is an unusual, but very powerful solution, as in difference to common synths it not only allows you to capture values periodically (e.g. by using a LFO), but with any pattern. E.g., you could trigger the capturing from the wavetable sequencer, or with a certain modwheel or velocity level (requires a second MOD path which is doing a comparison 1>2)

Have fun! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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S&H is especially useful with analog signal sources, so I finally implemented a dedicated AIN handler for MBSID V2, which is officially supported from my side. In addition some other improvements (as usual)...

From the ChangeLog of beta4:

  o an incoming patch or bank change request doesn't update the
    the patch anymore if it was already selected before. This is to avoid
    "glitches" when a sequencer sends a program change shortly before
    a note is played.
  o the "Knobs" are sending CC values now when the CC function is
    activated (press SHIFT + Page Up/CC Button to toggle this mode)
    Other parameters are still not sending CCs over MIDI, as NRPNs
    are not implemented yet (low priority)
    The CC numbers are 1 for Knob #1 (Modulation wheel), and 16/17/18/19
    for Knob #2-#5 (GP values)
    In addition, Knob #P sends Pitchwheel Events in CC mode
  o support for analog inputs (J5:A0..A4)
    This feature has to be enabled in the setup_*.asm file by setting DEFAULT_J5_FUNCTION to 1
    Conversion results of the analog inputs are directly passed to the knob handler.
    This generic approach has the advantage, that it is possible to control 5*2 parameters
    within a specified Min/Max range, and that in addition the analog values are available
    as modulation source within the modulation matrix (K#1..K#5)

    The feature behaves differently on master and slaves:
    Master: analog inputs are forwarded to the selected SIDs - use this
            option as replacement for rotary encoders, or for adding
            analog control elements like pots/faders/joysticks to your CS
    Slave: analog inputs are only handled internally - use this option
          for modulation with analog signal generators

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Oh I see what you mean.  And that's right given the audio example.  6 monophonic voices would be 6 different single OSC patches.

With MIDIbox SID V2 the Volume is available as 8th modulation target column. Although the SID chip only provides a 4bit resolution for this parameter

Could there be (or is there already) an option to route this to an external VCA or DCA? (or indeed an integrated VCF/VCA like the SSM 2045 or CEM 3372)

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V2A -> see http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_e.html

In addition, from the mod matrix, you can route any mod path to any CV out.

Btw.: is there anybody beside of Wilba who already uses the MBSID V2 and can provide really useful suggestions?

I've the impression, that either the firmware has so many bugs, that you've uploaded v1 again, or that the usage is so complicated, that nobody really likes it.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It is also about v2 since I tested it only on this version.

Is this possible to set real mono sound from two sids simultaneously?

I have alvays differences between sound from left and right speaker- a specially heared on phones. It`s like pseudo-stereo. Of course it can be usefull sometimes, but when it is always, I would like to ask if you have possibilities to hear real mono (the same sound from left and right side).

Of course when I press "mono" function this effect still is played.

Becouse I`m very noob with electronic audio - I not checked values of capacitors and rezistors (when I built sid modules)- with one excepion: filter caps - I used this spuerb from ebay. So maybe it is reason why I have differrent sound from sids?

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The SID has freerunning oscillators, which means, that phases are not in sync so long you don't reset them. The phases can be synchronized manually by setting Phase=1, and they are synchronized automatically while changing a patch.

In addition there could be of course small sound differences, especially for filtered sounds. They especially happen when you are using different SID revisions - and yes, it could also depend on the filter caps.

For real mono, it's better to use a single audio channel and pan it to the middle

The mono flag was intended for people who don't own a second SID...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Nice work TK!

what is the reason for the choice of a 6-note polyphonic mode? Why not 8? Is the PIC's processing power the limiting factor?

The reason I ask is because I've almost finished the design of a single PCB containing 8xMBSid + 8xMoog filter and I was hoping to use this hardware for an 8-voice polyphonic synth (or a 4-voice stereo poly synth). I treat each SID as if it's a single voice with 3 OSC's. So each SID has an independant signal path, through a Moog filter to an output.



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