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MBSID V2 Bassline Teaser #2


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So, I've continued my work on the bassline engine in the last days.

Meanwhile I've added the feedback mod which has been introduced by AlphA. I connected the pot in the same way like described by Wilba (outer pins connected to ground and SID output, slider connected to SID input)

Here a very repetitive demo (repetitive, so that everybody can pick out his highlights - my personal highlight begins at ca. 2:35, but also 4:30 isn't so bad)

Warning 1: file size >8 MB

Warning 2: this is the dumb music our parents warned us! ;-)


Played live on a Korg Microkontrol:


Sequences selected with the pads, sound parameters changed with the faders and the joystick

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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TK, your demos are so sick.  :D  In a very good way.  They make me giddy with excitement to hook my MBSID boards up and try it all out.  I'm about a few hours of wiring away from finishing my 9090 though, so that project is coming first.  I can already hear the two projects together in my head and I see many sleepless nights ahead.

Thanks for always tossing out the audio.  I don't think anything here inspires more than hearing what I'm headed toward.  ;D

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HI TK, sounds mighty cool, but I can't really hear the feedback option used, or was it a fixed setting for the entire set? I find the feedback option a nice feature, but it is not as powerful as I had hoped it to be, at least in my box.

Yes, I used a fixed pot setting only for the pulse bassline. With feedback, the resonance is much more intensive.

You have to enable the Ext switch within the FIL menu in order to route the audio input through the filter.

So these are all internal SID patterns?

Yes, these are only 8 sequences. You might have the impression, that there are more... variations can be easily realized by changing quickly between the sequences on the keyboard, or with the pads. This can be done for each bassline seperately.

I disabled the synch-to-measure option, so that sequences are selected immediately.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So it's possible to set it up to change between patterns immediately, or at the end of each bar? That's a really nifty little function for sure.

Is there a way to chain patterns on the MBSID itself, rather than selecting them externally? Not essential, but would be cool.

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So it's possible to set it up to change between patterns immediately, or at the end of each bar? That's a really nifty little function for sure.

yes, both options are available.

Is there a way to chain patterns on the MBSID itself, rather than selecting them externally? Not essential, but would be cool.

Currently this isn't possible, but could be added later if really required. I for myself never use such prepared sequence chains - they are too static

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten, can you please give us some more details about sound itself?

Is it just new bassline engine + feedback or there is CEMs also? My SID V1 never sounded as close as yours, probably because of the filters. :/

I`m also interested what other effects are you using in your demo. Thank you

I am also planing to add pots to the front-panel like you Andrew. :)

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Thanks for your nice feedback! :)

How many SIDs do you have going there?

only two SIDs, controlled from a single core. I think that more SIDs would just add some unwanted complexity. On the other hand, additional cores/SIDs are nice if you want to have quick and uncomplicated access to different timbres and sequences, e.g. for a break or a smooth crossover to the next tune.

Thorsten, can you please give us some more details about sound itself?

Is it just new bassline engine + feedback or there is CEMs also? My SID V1 never sounded as close as yours, probably because of the filters. :/

It's just SID + feedback.

It works with a 6582 or 8580, but not with a 6581

Filter caps: 22 nF

No external filter has been used.

Important setting: LP and BP are activated the same time, not only LP. This results into a higher resonance when audio out is feedbacked (this can even drive the filter to self-oscillation!). And the EXT flag must be set, otherwise you would only hear a distorted sound.

(Note: EXT flag is not set by default in the bassline presets, I will change this in the next release)

With MBSID V1 you are propably not able to produce similar sequences, as the V2 engine got a lot of improvements, such as:

  - modulation paths are calculated with signed 24bit resolution instead of unsigned 16bit

  - the filter control curve has been completely overworked (now linear with calibration functionality)

  - alternative decay rate for accented sounds

  - variable accent for depth parameter

  - possibility to switch between sequences with a keyboard (which results into much more variations)

Some other tips:

  - use analog pots, faders and/or joysticks to control CutOff/Resonance/EnvMod/Decay and Accent - they give you more direct and faster access than encoders. Encoders are fine for the remaining parameters though (especially due to the total recall capability)

  - when adding drums, tune them until they are matching with the base note!

  - add effects (see below)

I`m also interested what other effects are you using in your demo.

  - an analog mixer to amplify the SID outputs

  -> compressor

  -> stereo delay (with different settings for both SIDs)

  -> a stereo frequency spectrum spreader (the one which comes with Logic Audio) for the high pitched bassline

And a limiter for the mixer sum (I use the "Classic Master Limiter", which is freeware, but behaves much better than the limiter integrated into logic)

do you mind if use you demo to drop under stuff while I'm DJing?

no problem! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The pyramid of life hehe.

So TK.. you say "It works with a 6582 or 8580, but not with a 6581".  Right now I have 5 6581's.. I've had to kill a lot of C64's and C128's just to get the 6581's I have.  How on earth do I locate 6582's or 8580's???  I've scoured all the C64 parts sites I've found.  Is there some secret that only a few people here know?  I _want_ that sound.

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Right now I have 5 6581's.. I've had to kill a lot of C64's and C128's just to get the 6581's I have.

No, you had to kill only 5. :)

I managed to dig about 30 and killed them all. I didn`t figured out which one have new, and which old chips. At first I thought fat housing must be hiding old chips, and modern, thinner ones new, but I was wrong. It could be frustrating when such a great project exists, and one of it`s main ingredients is rare chip. It takes alot of effort to find C64 at all, especially with 8580 chips. 6582 you wont find in C64 at all, they never got into it. These computers were very popular. I often talk to people about this project, and some never heard of SIDs, but sometimes I get lucky they have some C64 laying somewhere in the basement. So, keep searching, and eventually, you will find the ones you need. Good Luck

PS. I would also like to know the "secret" but anyway, I buy any I could find just if it have C64 logo on it.  ;)

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