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just how hard is it...


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...to build a MIDIBOX SID? Look, this question must have popped up here a zillion times, and feel free to delete this post as you see fit.  :)

Being a SID composer of old age, and having little to zilch time to actually build me one of those (with soldering skills that are virtually non-existent), surely it should be possible for someone willing to help me out with that, without commercial intend. I'm a musician, not a technician.  ;)  I feel that technicians sometimes tend to forget that it's the SID music that should be created with it that counts, not wether you have an A-level in soldering (thus forcing DIY dowm my throat :P ). But perhaps I'm mistaken and I can build me a MIDIBOX SID module straight from an available kit without too much trouble? Which kit would you then recommend?

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the next one asking for pre-built boxes - don´t any of you ever read the forum or FAQs before posting? from yesterday: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9648.0

Anyway, welcome to the forum. You´re gonna have to solder yourself, but a C or D in soldering is absolutely sufficient ;)

Kits are available from SmashTV: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/buy.html

If a simple box is sufficient for you, then just order one Core kit (with 4685) and depending if you want mono or stereo, one or two SID kits. one 24LC512 doesn´t hurt for saving patches. Except for the SIDs themselves and a bit of wires/connectors, this is everything you need just to have the sound. A LCD, one DIN and some buttons would be necessary if you want to edit the sounds directly on the box.


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No let me ask you these questions:

Can you operate your remote control

Can you Read

Can you drive with a shift stick

Are you patient

Have you played with lego

Have you played with mecchano

Have you ever painted something

Are you afraid of heat

Have you ever glued a broken object together

Do you know how to use the search button on forums

Do you mind to buy something new if you broke the first one while experimenting

These look like silly questions but if you can awnser yes on 90% of these then you can build a sid!

Kits are available in some sort of form. Look at smash his website. We are all short on time so you have to build your own!

No experience is needed and your tutor is the internet and you must be in a position not afraid to experiment.

And since you are a first timer buy leaded tin wire and not the unleaded stuff. I know the stuff is not good for your health but hey in the end we all die.

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No let me ask you these questions:

Can you operate your remote control

Can you Read

Can you drive with a shift stick

Are you patient

Have you played with lego

Have you played with mecchano

Have you ever painted something

Are you afraid of heat

Have you ever glued a broken object together

Do you know how to use the search button on forums

Do you mind to buy something new if you broke the first one while experimenting

These look like silly questions but if you can awnser yes on 90% of these then you can build a sid!

Kits are available in some sort of form. Look at smash his website. We are all short on time so you have to build your own!

No experience is needed and your tutor is the internet and you must be in a position not afraid to experiment.

And since you are a first timer buy leaded tin wire and not the unleaded stuff. I know the stuff is not good for your health but hey in the end we all die.

;D ;D ;D This is much better one than Thorsten`s "I you now which is right side of soldering iron..." ;)

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;D ;D ;D This is much better one than Thorsten`s "I you now which is right side of soldering iron..." ;)

Like the end you don't kiss.........?

Right.  ;D But, I searched the forum and I couldn`t find any info about it. Sometimes you just go with emotions... ;D ;D ;D

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  • 1 month later...

Soldering isn't difficult. If you want some experience before building the SID then buy yourself a decent-ish soldering iron and some sort of cheap kit from the internet, do a search for "electronics kit" on ebay and get on ethat mentions that it requires solderin such as this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electronics-Kits-brain-game_W0QQitemZ330160273242QQihZ014QQcategoryZ106260QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.

, to be honest though, it'd probably be cheaper to get one of the smaller kits from SmashTV and be prepared to replace it if need be.

An even cheaper way to learn would be to buy some strip board and some random componants and just practice.

The most useful technique I got taught by my electronics teacher was "Heat 2...3... Solder... 2...3.... Dwell 2...3 off 2...3." (The 2-3 isn't 3 secons but a count probably being only 2 seconds). Basically you heat up the joing you're soldering for a count of 3 so you heat up the componants leg, then slowly add the solder (push the end of the solder wire against the componant leg, not the soldering iron, it is the heat in the leg that melts it, not the iron), a count of 3 seems very generous for this, remove the solder and keep the iron on the joint for a count of 3 and then remove the iron and let the joint cool down for a count of 3 before starting the next joint.

In my experience this usually produces a good joint.


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