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Wiki "home" page changes


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If you tell me how i will fix this for you.


Have fun!! :) (No, seriouly! usually .htaccess are ok on mutualized servers this should not be a problem... So option 1 is the best as you can understand. More efficient and more user-friendly)

Best regards, Didier.

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Have fun!! :) (No, seriouly! usually .htaccess are ok on mutualized servers this should not be a problem... So option 1 is the best as you can understand. More efficient and more user-friendly)

Best regards, Didier.

Hi didier,

It is shared hosting so i cannot go for option 1.

Until we get a server of our own you have to wait for this.



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hello mates,

I just couldn't stop to digg around in the css;

I uploaded some screenshots and attached the modified css. Maybe someone should verify these before installing them on the server; I must admit I haven't checked if some of my modifications would affect the IE ;D

I made these changes:

- midibox "logo"

- headlines (mainly increased the distance to the top. we should have to remove some manual spaces in the wiki -esp. in the "old" (current) homepage-, but I think a bit more space really helps the overview)

- switched to Arial as default font; I think it's a bit cleaner this way

- overworked li-distances and made the color lighter (I think this is improving the layout a lot!)

- added two more blue tones (bluelight and bluedark) for boxes

- made the internal links darker and bold

- edited the code2 colors (I hope these aren't too radical changes, but I always find red comments better than light grey; helps me reading quickly through sources)

mbwikiupdate01nw1.th.png mbwikiupdate02jp1.th.png

mbwikiupdate03jp5.th.png mbwikiupdate04qw7.th.png

mbwikiupdate05jb2.th.png mbwikiupdate06uu8.th.png



MidiBox DokuWiki Style AC Edit1.zip

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Whooo! I find those changes really cool. But I just can't bear when there is too much space before the heading. I saw you added a \\ before each header in the wiki. A bit more space is a good thing but i find that 1 "\\" is too much space.

Also, the bold links are a bit weird. I've never seen any website with bold links... Also that is weirder when you see that external links are not bold. Maybe this might not so understandable to people, and also disturbing!

Finaly, warn that the first box on you start page screenshot do not have space between caption and content as the other box. Maybe you made an accidental change in the css. :)

Best regards, Didier.

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I am stupid and i never read.

Don't say that! I should have explained a bit more!

Items implemented now :D

Yeah!!!! Don't you find those URLs are cool guys ?

Also standard "?" urls are still working so bookmarks one has made are still valid... :)

Thank you very much Jeffry.

Also could you put the redirect plugin please ? One of the last things I ask!! :)

Cheers, Didier.

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Call me obsessive compulsive but... Argh I can't hold it in any longer! The capital "I"! Ahhh I hate it! The one in the top right (sans serif) is nice, the one in the page body (serif) is funny lookin' :P Looks like this:

  _____  _____

M __|__ D __|__ box

Hehehe seriously this thing looks really nice now, and it just makes that ugly 'I' stand out even more. I think you should change it, it is sullying your pretty design ;D

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hmm, I must admit, I do not understand what stryd is talking about ???


but I'd like to get some more feedback on the css update (that one with the screenshots above); 'cause I'm going to holidays next week and maybe I could finish that one up.

I see your points ptitjes, no prob, could change this -

just thought that the links are quite important, but I'm not keen on making them bold by default...

I just don't know what you mean with the "space between caption and content"; this looks quite normal to me (but maybe I'm looking at the wrong pic) :)

any other opinions?



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AC: About namespaces: I think we should do like other wikis are doing. If we want a namespace for projects we should call it "project:" and not "projects:". Then we can have a page called projects that lists the project: pages. I think it is a good convention.

BTW i tested the redirect plugin. You can see it in action there: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midibox_fm

I feel the wiki is going the right way! :)

Cheers, Didier.

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okay, I see now what stryd meant :)

iirc this is called a slab-serif and I wouldn't mind that; but took an Arial Black in exchange.

I took away the spaces again, but added an overline for the headers; I still think they should be better separated from the content above.

I overworked the link colors (& removed the bold).

and checked the IE:

(of course) stumbled over two bugs:

the -hr- is shown in IE (but I guess it should not)

and I fear there may be an issue with the list dots ...grrr...

mbwikiupdate11fv2.th.png mbwikiupdate12of1.th.png mbwikiupdate13rg1.th.png mbwikiupdate14bn5.th.png mbwikiupdate15yl2.th.png mbwikiupdate16ot7.th.png mbwikiupdate17aab7.th.png mbwikiupdate17beg3.th.png mbwikiupdate18aml9.th.png mbwikiupdate18bbo5.th.png

the last four are direct comparisons now/update

what'ya think?



MidiBox DokuWiki Style AC Edit2.zip

MidiBox DokuWiki Style AC Edit2.zip

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+1. Really pretty!

BTW, as you might have noticed, the changes of the box colors have gone away on the server when the redirect plugin have been installed.

I think the /dokuwiki/lib/plugins/plugin_style.css stylesheet is generated from the plugin. So it would be good to reflect the css changes of box and code2 directly on the plugins. Else when another plugin will be installed, changes might be lost again...

Cheers, Didier.

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more ideas:

mbwikiupdate20rf4.th.png  mbwikiupdate21es1.th.png 


The more I look at it, I like the last one (currently just the buttom of the page) best;

maybe we should make a real clean entry page; in this example: take all the colorful stuff and put it into a MBHP subpage.

dunno about projects...

then just five entry-points:

- General

- Projects (Devices)

- Hardware (MBHP)

- Software (MIOS & Tools)

- Users (Community)



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okay, then maybe we should give the new css styles a try?

I'll be here for two more days and then on holiday next week, so we could catch some (constructive) opinions and see what works and what not:

(css files attached)  :)



MidiBox DokuWiki Style AC Edit3.zip

MidiBox DokuWiki Style AC Edit3.zip

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You know, seeing as the "old" wiki has been changed anyway, I think that having an offline copy to work on, is a redundant measure.

I would encourage that given the current state of things, it would be best to put any changes on the live server as soon as possible. The offline copy that you have, is 100010000*nicer than what's there now, and it will also make it easy to mark up any commentary to the changes... For example if I don't like a font I can just edit the page and type "I don't like this font, something like this is easier to read: <img>" Rather than spending 5 years in the chat room trying to explain a picture in less than 1000 words ;)

That is of course assuming that the browser compatibility issues are working out OK (and tested on a PC that's not your machine, which was doing very strange things!)... That is a major issue and I know it's not possible to avoid, and not easy to work around, but I think that all browsers need to be able to access the wiki and see the same look (not 100% but you know what I mean). At the least, as discussed in the chatroom, we should see if Twinny is able to provide stats on which browser reads the pages most, and get the optimal setup for that browser... But I think that would probably suck for everyone else.

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right; I switched the home page.  :D

main overworked pages are:




There are still some subpages that need a workover, eg MIOS, the Tools or Basics; but at least it's a beginning...

The boxes are indeed a very nice plugin. We have now these colors:

(nothing=dark grey), grey, bluedark, blue, bluelight, red, orange, yellow, green

I'm usually using 48% width; as Didier said: when the boxes kill the layout, just add a <hr> ("----") below.



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