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somebody interested in x0xb0x PCB`s (BATCH CLOSED)


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are you going to include panels and those cool buttons, or just pcb?

I can offer panel for all interested and include with PCB`s. Panel can be blank, powder-coated aluminum or engraved.

I am building myself custom aluminum housing, probably with thick water-cut side panels, but it depends of availability of thick aluminum. (i found inexpensive waterjet service in my neighborhood) :)

About buttons... well they are not so straightforward to build as putting the caps on buttons as they consist of 3 parts+LED and they need to be glued on button. When glued LED 2 thin wires should be soldered from the LEDs pins to the PCB. I guess not much people will be interested in doing that. We will see.

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If that is indeed the case, then I shall be building one for sure! I might be able to help out with a UK supply of the rare transistors, but i'll have to check. As I said, if we can get the price down a little (lot :) ) it will be awesome!

That said, I wonder if you've considered modifying the PCB a little to take it slightly away from the x0xb0x? For example, the switches have always bugged me on this thing, is there any possibility to make it look more like a real 303 like the ML? Maybe i'm being offered a slice and asking for the pie, but I'm a sucker for those vintage looks!

Either way, i'll buy a kit for sure.

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If that is indeed the case, then I shall be building one for sure! I might be able to help out with a UK supply of the rare transistors, but i'll have to check. As I said, if we can get the price down a little (lot :) ) it will be awesome!

Sure, thanks for an offer. Most of the parts can be ordered from www.dalbani.co.uk, and there are prices for 1 and 10 pieces, for bigger quantities we need to ask a guy by email. They are very nice and respond quickly. Before that, we need to know a final number of needed parts. Personally, I would like to order parts for more than one x0x. There are more people in Serbia interested in making x0x.

That said, I wonder if you've considered modifying the PCB a little to take it slightly away from the x0xb0x? For example, the switches have always bugged me on this thing, is there any possibility to make it look more like a real 303 like the ML? Maybe i'm being offered a slice and asking for the pie, but I'm a sucker for those vintage looks!

NP, I understand you, but I really dont know Eagle. I just moved the buttons in line, but some serious modifications is really out of my skills. :-\  I would really like to modify few things on both PCBs, but not to look more like real 303, rather to make it more suitable for other parts like better quality jacks instead of plastic ones with big plastic nut (pretty ugly if you ask me) something like this PJ603A with metal inner part. It would also be nice to have jacks in same level with back panel instead sticking out... not so pretty. I`m slave to the aesthetics, and every improvement in that field is welcome.


If somebody wish to make some more modifications I`m open

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I love the looks of that ML, although the round buttons do bug me a little.

As I think i've mentioned elsewhere, I don't think I can get Eagle running, but if I can, i'll have a look at maybe shoehorning some nicer switches in there like the original. Any xOx I'm going to build HAS to be silver though... ;)

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Just had an idea: what are the possibilities of making some laser/water cut black and white acrylic into moving piano keys, operating simple tact switches underneath?

It's definitely a pity the ML was discontinued - I never really liked the original sequencer UI, though more knowledgeable people on the subject suggest that a lot of the 'acidity' was due to it's particular quirks.

There is always the thought of a MIOS based UI to drive it - hasn't this been done/planned somewhere? I know x0x isn't just an original sequencer either.

Random thoughts - I do kind of fancy some toy piano style keys though.

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Just had an idea: what are the possibilities of making some laser/water cut black and white acrylic into moving piano keys, operating simple tact switches underneath?

You just have to stick your nose in every my idea, don`t you professor...? ;D But, I forgive you.  ;)

One of the few design ideas was exactly what you said, and I get an inspiration when I decided to make my x0x red... it reminds me of SH101 ant thought... why not to cut acrylic piano keys. I made some drawings and prints to check the look and seams it is not problem. Only problem is LEDs. They will spoil the design if I drill the keys to integrate the LEDs. Possible solution would be to have bottom key illumination, but right now I`m not sure how will it look. I need to do some more tests with this one and few other ideas. Here is how it looks

This design is with Albs knobs as seen on Virus. ;)



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i talked to a good friend of mine, who was btw involved in designing the ml, and asked him about the parts neede for the original 303.

most interesting thing was that there were different versions build, with different trannies used. i wrote it down, but forgot the sheet of paper in my studio, so i can post the different versions tomorrow.

in his opinion the most important parts soundwise are the jfet, the ba662 and the 560 ohm tempco. the tempco is substituted by a 1k tempco in the xox design, the jfet is there, and, well, the ba is some kind of voodoo chip. he said you won´t notice too much difference when heard alone, but in direct comparison there ARE differences. the ba6110 is noisier, and the 662 "bites" more.

nest important thing is the sequencer handling... but that´s not relevant here, because the xox doesn´t clone the seq in an original way.

btw, i found almost all parts needed at vintaplanet.nl...

i´m going to calculate the costs for the parts from vintageplanet and post it here...

best wishes,


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yeah i'm interested in this too.  not sure about hard to find parts, and for the united states we might have to get a group buy for tempco resistors because when i searched for them for my box-o-trix, i only found them overseas with high shipping costs.  so i'll buy a pcb, and will offer to lead a group buy for parts here in america. 

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in the us you can get tempco´s at precisionresistor.com. these are remakes of the classic tel labs q81.

i calculated the prices for the hard to get parts from vintageplanet:

it´s 17,60 € WITHOUT 3x 2SC1583 which are currently out of stock, and without 24x 2SC536, where no price is stated...

the ba662a is available, but you have to ask for the price.

so, compared to 53,65 € at dalbani, with all parts, it seems to be about the same...

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i´m going to calculate the costs for the parts from vintageplanet and post it here...

Well, I already explore all available possibiities for ordering and you can see the prices in this thread.


Vintageplanet is not the cheapest that is sure! Some parts are best to get in Germany and I already found the guy who is going to buy it.

2SC1583 at dalbani costs 6.28EUR and at cpcares just 0.90$

Problem with cpccares that they dont use email, only phones so somebody in US would need to order it. Even we need only 3 of those for x0x, price difference is big.

Again, the price for all rare components is 30.7EUR without quantity discount, with it even lower!

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According to my Panasonic original data sheets, AN6562 was renamed AN1358. This would seem to be a second sourced LM358. The spec reads identically

I used LM358's in my TM3030. I've now got a few 'pulled' AN6562's and will do an A/B test.

The AN6562 in the power supply is to provide the different power rail voltages, and can have little impact on the sound output.

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the an6562 costs 0,64 € at reichelt.de...

The prices are going more and more down... This community is much better than native x0x`s at laydyada forum.  :) I posted same offer there but nobody seams to be interested.

According to my Panasonic original data sheets, AN6562 was renamed AN1358. This would seem to be a second sourced LM358. The spec reads identically

I used LM358's in my TB3030. I've now got a few 'pulled' AN6562's and will do an A/B test.

Good news! Waiting for your tests.  ;)

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