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MIDIbox 808 Firmware


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Excellent :)

Just to be certain, this sequence-change quantization should apply to both switching between A/B/C/D -AND- when loading new patterns (in pattern mode).

I have one other request which may not be easy, but definitely interesting:

Last four "Assign" options: Repeat note on the 1st next step, 2nd next step, 3rd next step and 4th next step... like a MIDI-delay, eg.


x - - - - - - - x - - - - - - -

Repeat 1:

x X - - - - - - x X - - - - - - -

Repeat 2:

x - X - - - - - x - X - - - - -

Repeat 3:

x - - X - - - - x - - X - - - -

Repeat 4:

x - - - X - - - x - - - X - - -

Edited by sneakthief
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after i reworked my 808Seq, i had to re"make" the hexfile again, cause couple of things changed...

so i noticed:

...synch to measure isn´t working right...always double-triggering the first step...

also global shuffle isn´t doing correct when setting tracklength to odd numbers, like 7 or 9... with shuffle, they are kicked out of synch...wasn´t that working before ?

edit: forgot to mention , i downloaded Midibox808 V1.1c

Edited by nuke
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...synch to measure isn´t working right...always double-triggering the first step...

I will check this once I'm back home.

Somehow I remember this issue, I thought it has been fixed... maybe it happened in MBSEQ V3 and forgot to take over the changes into the MB808 firmware

also global shuffle isn´t doing correct when setting tracklength to odd numbers, like 7 or 9... with shuffle, they are kicked out of synch...wasn´t that working before ?

Hasn't this been changed on request?

From MBSEQ V3.4f changelog (code has been merged into MB808 firmware as well)

o Groove function now takes the global step has reference instead of the local step.

This results into better results on a non-linear step progression.

Or do you mean, that the groove function doesn't work this way anymore?

(Currently I can't test this...)

Sneakthief: adding delays will result into a lot of effort at my side, especially since I haven't programmed PIC assembly for months.

This can quickly result into many iterations even on simple changes, like demonstrated here:

And it could result into new bugs, reported by users months later (as demonstrated by Nuke's response)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Or do you mean, that the groove function doesn't work this way anymore?

exactly...seems to not working this way anymore...had worked before as i remember...but i can´t find my old files due harddisk changes in my system, so i had to download the 1.1c ... :unsure:

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Hasn't this been changed on request?

From MBSEQ V3.4f changelog (code has been merged into MB808 firmware as well)

o Groove function now takes the global step has reference instead of the local step.

This results into better results on a non-linear step progression.

Or do you mean, that the groove function doesn't work this way anymore?

(Currently I can't test this...)

Just checked the code visually - the change which has been done in MBSEQ V3 hasn't been merged into MB808

New release next week - please promise me that you will check it immediately and don't give me feedback months later when I'm working on totally different topics ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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as you wish...i´ll promise ;)

well, i had 808 seq v 1.1b running flawlessly, so there was no need 4 me to update to 1.1c...i never used midiout.

btw. the "Track Copy" function is working for a track from Part A-D while "Step Copy" works within the highlighted Part ( ie. you can copy Part "A" to Part "D" )...is it possible to change that to behave like the "Step Copy"? ie. having a rimshot line in Part "A" and want to copy only that line to "C" or maybe to the cowbell-layer on Part "D" is not possible, since it copies the triggers from A to D and also paste it from A to D...

so limiting the "copy/paste track" to only selected parts would be really cool...but only if its not tooo time consuming, referring to

Any other (simple to implement) feature request?


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Sneakthief/Nuke: please check the preliminary v1.2:


From the ChangeLog:

MIDIbox 808 V1.2

o Groove function now takes the global step has reference instead of the local step.
This results into better results on a non-linear step progression.

o Synch-to-Measure working as intended again

o Options Page: added Synched Section Change option (GP button #3)

o Options Page: added Synched Pattern Change option (GP button #4)

o Pattern page: GP LEDs of currently played pattern are flashing to the beat

btw. the "Track Copy" function is working for a track from Part A-D while "Step Copy" works within the highlighted Part ( ie. you can copy Part "A" to Part "D" )...is it possible to change that to behave like the "Step Copy"? ie. having a rimshot line in Part "A" and want to copy only that line to "C" or maybe to the cowbell-layer on Part "D" is not possible, since it copies the triggers from A to D and also paste it from A to D...

so limiting the "copy/paste track" to only selected parts would be really cool...but only if its not tooo time consuming, referring to

I've doubts about this change:

- it wouldn't be a track copy function anymore, but more like a "layer copy" function (selected instrument from one to another section)

- no possibility anymore to make a temporary backup by pressing copy, changing the pattern, restore via paste if it was trash

- difficult usage; a typical feature which you would use some days, and then forget and never use it again

- by re-entering a simple 16 step pattern instead of copying it, you will get some random variations for free ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Any other (simple to implement) feature request?

May I suggest my proposed modification be added to the official 1.2, so that shift + instrument encoder invokes "rotate"? ( )

I'm even thinking about changing mine to be the other way around, so shift is required to select instruments!

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Sneakthief/Nuke: please check the preliminary v1.2:

http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox_808_v1_2pre2.zip (latest update)

From the ChangeLog:

MIDIbox 808 V1.2


  o Groove function now takes the global step has reference instead of the local step.

    This results into better results on a non-linear step progression.

  o Synch-to-Measure working as intended again

  o Options Page: added Synched Section Change option (GP button #3)

  o Options Page: added Synched Pattern Change option (GP button #4)

  o Pattern page: GP LEDs of currently played pattern are flashing to the beat

  o press SHIFT and move Instrument encoder to rotate a pattern

mmm...sync to bar/measure is working now...but the global groove when using odd track length with shuffle isn´t...

i just tested with rimshot set to length "7" and used the shuffle pot to about 7 and its off sync every 2. loop...

btw. synced part change and pattern change -> great!!

Edited by TK.
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May I suggest my proposed modification be added to the official 1.2, so that shift + instrument encoder invokes "rotate"? ( )

I'm even thinking about changing mine to be the other way around, so shift is required to select instruments!

How could I forget this - will be added! :)

mmm...sync to bar/measure is working now...but the global groove when using odd track length with shuffle isn´t...

i just testet with rimshot set to length "7" and used the shuffle pot to about 7 and its off sync every 2. loop...

Of course, because it's in sync with the measure and to all instruments which are playing the same number of steps as selected for the measure.

Example: try 7 steps per measure and the 7-step track should always be in sync.

This approach is especially important when MB808 is synched to external sequencers which are playing a shuffled groove as well.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Of course, because it's in sync with the measure and to all instruments which are playing the same number of steps as selected for the measure.

Example: try 7 steps per measure and the 7-step track should always be in sync.

This approach is especially important when MB808 is synched to external sequencers which are playing a shuffled groove as well.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

but this worked before...just with setting the tracklength to odd numbers...now there´s even a problem when having a track set to "random dir" and "random step" ...it will be off sync even when the track length is set to 16 like measure is...

btw. steps per measure is set to even number...difficult to change to odd numbers without recoding the hex.

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I quickly tried this by myself, and can confirm that this isn't the intended behaviour.

E.g. enable all steps of a track, increase shuffle and select any track length: the "groove" should never change, right?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I quickly tried this by myself, and can confirm that this isn't the intended behaviour.

E.g. enable all steps of a track, increase shuffle and select any track length: the "groove" should never change, right?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

correct...thats the way it should be...as it did some versions before...

btw. i found the version on my hdd wich was like this...maybe it helps...

i swapped it in the new version...then it works...but the delaytriggers won´t anymore... :unsure:


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Alright, there are two places which have to be merged with the original MBSEQ V3 code, I only merged one function and haven't tested it properly (but this is your job anyhow as agreed ;))

The interesting point: it seems that I never committed this update to the SVN server, and the files got lost after I moved to a new computer...

Therefore all the confusion.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i noticed some minor issues...not only with the new firmware, older also , but...in the mute page the lcd shows "mute" even when using shift-mute, shouldn´t it be "solo" then? also the shown instrument doesn´t change when turning the intrument-encoder while in mute-page...

2nd - the progression page: forward only works when some backwards steps are defined, shouldn´t it be like skipping a few steps when backwards is zero and forwards is more than one?...dunno...

well, doesn´t bother me much, since i really seldom use these features...

but, for now it really runs great with the new firmware...

greets, nik

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I tested the new firmware and it's great! The pattern switching works exactly as I'd hoped.


i noticed some minor issues...not only with the new firmware, older also , but...in the mute page the lcd shows "mute" even when using shift-mute, shouldn´t it be "solo" then?

Solo toggles the "solo button" of the MBSEQ V3 firmware, it will be handled independent from the mute page and only solos the selected instrument (for easier editing)

Which means in other words: you are still in mute page.

also the shown instrument doesn´t change when turning the intrument-encoder while in mute-page...


2nd - the progression page: forward only works when some backwards steps are defined, shouldn´t it be like skipping a few steps when backwards is zero and forwards is more than one?...dunno...

It works like intended: we count "f" steps forward before jumping "b" steps backward.

The skip/repeat/interval progression has been introduced with MBSEQ V4, but it isn't part of MBSEQ V3/MB808

If there are no other issues, I could release v1.2 now, alright?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It works like intended: we count "f" steps forward before jumping "b" steps backward.

The skip/repeat/interval progression has been introduced with MBSEQ V4, but it isn't part of MBSEQ V3/MB808

ya...a little thought later, it was clear to me...makes totally sense...my fault :rolleyes:

me no issue yet found ...so go for it :cool:

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  • 8 months later...

Hey all,

Can someone lead me to the correct button combo to get to the screen to make patterns finish before switching to a new pattern? For example, if I am in A1 and switch to A2, A1 will play through to the last step before switching... Or if I am in A1 and switch between A and B they will continue to the last step before changing.

I have been unable to figure this one out myself, even though it should be easy... Maybe I'm blind...



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One more question: What is the correct GP button to do a complete backup? I built an eight eeprom bankstick, so I have more memory than what the MB808 mainboard provides.

I guess part of my problem is that I don't quite understand how the device ID works with backups...



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  • 6 months later...

I think I found a bug...with pattern length set to 32 if I change progression to fwd: 2 back: 3, only the steps 17-32 on will be played back. strangely enough if I set the progression to fwd: 2 back: 1 only steps 1-16 are played back and then of course if I set it to fwd: 1 back: 0 is plays normally.

Does this happen for other people?



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