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Technobreath is midiboxing

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StereoSID case model soon ready.

First of all, gotta say - sorry - no pictures, my crappy htc phone is at repair, and I have no card reader for that tiny mem card in the computer, so pictures gotta come later on, I have em, but phone crashed before I could load them onto the computer :).. This saturday i have been working a lot on the model. A heavy dose of "bondo" to fix some mistakes I made while sanding the release-edge on it. To make sure all the surfaces was even (it's hard to feel every tiny uneven bump in the wood



Update on StereoSID

YES! Finally an update on my StereoSID build - the reason why I started the blog anyway. As many of you know I have an ongoing project - the mb6582 - too, but this stereoSID project I am doing at least 50% becasue of the learning value of it - not electronics, but the rest. To make a long story short - my late grandpa was working almost all his career as the head of the model workshop (they made all kinds of things mainly cast iron stuff for the industry). When my grandpa retired, another you



MB64e control surface

Today I etched a few more PCBs. Now the control surface is complete. Or that is - I haven't yet soldered on most of the cables on the new boards, but components are soldered, backlight on the menu encoder is tested, ok (looks good as expected hehe) and I laid it out on the workbench to see how I want the frontpanel to be. I think I'm gonna use this setup here, unless I get any bright ideas or any bright tips :). It has 8 general purpose encoders, 8 general purpose buttons, encoder for left/ri



MB64e update

Today the nylon spacers arrived, yesterday the smd leds arrived. So I etched the upper board, drilled it, soldered the LEDs sandwitched it all together and tested the leds with some normal resistors. I haven't yet ordered the smd resistors that is going on this board, as I am searching for them on ebay - as soon as I find the right ones, I'll get to them too. But at least I got to test the board. Have a look :). Looks nice yeah? :D I am very pleased with it so far ;) (sorry



MB64E Side project

Yo! Just thought I'd do a small blog entry on the sideproject (I consider the synths my main projects). A midibox 64e. This is a short term project, and all parts have arrived or are on their way. It's gonna have 9 encoders, lcd and some buttons + 4 expression pedal connections. One pedal is soon built - waiting for the last parts to arrive from the states :). Anyway, some of you might have seen my picture of the encoder PCB. Now, here is a couple of pics of the finished built pcb. Also fi



Easter Saturday calls for finalizing model!

Yo, I had a small update on this blog yesterday, but promised a new one today, and here it is. The finished model (except for a spray paint coat to seal up the wood - that comes next). I am assuming now that the build is gonna be a bit slower the days to come, because I need to figure out a couple of things when it comes to casting the mold. Gotta get hold of release wax too, so I don't think I'm gonna be able to do more with the enclosure before after easter... Anyway, here's the pictu



Dinner party in between... no good for workflow :D

:nuke: The enclosure is soon ready for the warp core! Today, before and after easter dinner party at the in-law's place :yawn: , I killed some time in the workshop. Enclosure model is due to be finished tomorrow - or at least the wood work part of it. Still needs heavy bondo work to be all there, but I am pretty sure I'm starting that tomorrow. I haz some new pics too of course! :w00t: First sidewall for the right horn installed. Lots of angles, lots of work. Here is a pict



Enclosure Building Continues

:w00t: Today I used up some hours of my day off for enclosure construction! A couple of pictures of the build so far: A picture of the front. Didn't have all the right tools, so it was a pain getting everything line up, so some bondo work will be needed to correct everything before making the mold. Just a quick shot that shows the horns on the front. The angle is gonna be approx. how I hold the "horn". Hope u like it :) Until next time, have fun :)



Project: Bulding the case - status: Started :-D

EDIT: I deleted the old pics from the blog, and replaced them with lower resolution ones, so it doesn't take ages to load with internet speeds I take for granted :P hihi. Finally! :sorcerer: The case build has started! Keep in mind when looking at these pictures: The actual case is going to be cast with fibreglass, and this is only the wood model wich is gonna be used for making a mold. So this is a L O T of work! I have shot tons of pictures during the work, and some of them make it i



Texalium cloth for littleSID case front panel unpacking! :D

Yo! Just a short update. The usians finally came through, and sent me the cloth I ordered a long time ago. This is gonna be used for the front panel. Rest of the case is being cast in plain fibreglass. Colors for the case was originally green / black, but the cloth wich is gonna be cast in transparent epoxy, were not available in green, so it the theme changed to blue / black :). Thanks to www.compositeenvisions.com for delivering promptly - NOT. Well well, I got it in the end... Wel



Modular comming around...

Finally had some time to sit down figure out the cable configuration for J10 / J14 on stereo SID setup. Also made the connectors for audio outs on the sid modules. There's gonna be some weeks before I get the custom case going, as I am building my future studio at the moment - that has to be done now, as the window for using money on that, and real help came along. I'm really looking forward to getting started on the case for this. A concept drawing of it is uploaded in my gallery some tim




Thought I'd try setting up this blog. Get stuff gathered in one place. Until now I have been "blogging" in the gallery. Anyway... I have never ever tought of doing a blog before, so I guess it's gonna be funny to see what comes up here - probably the usual shit :).



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