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Everything posted by FantomXR

  1. I found it! There are several CS lines available at J10B! ;-)
  2. I finally was able to test what you suggested! It works perfect! Thanks!
  3. You mean in the bootloader? Yes of course! I only need one more CS. Can you tell me where to get it from? This schematic: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_lcd_ssd1306_single_mios32.pdf says, at J28 are four CS available. But the STM-core has no J28.
  4. Hey people, I have a problem with my OLEDs. I can get the first 8 OLEDs working without any problems. But the 9th OLED is mirrored with the 8th. I use the STM32F4 core and I used the 2nd E-line for the 9th display that is available at PC9 of the STM32F4. Do I have to enable this line in the firmware? Can't find anything about it. Thanks!
  5. You can transpose the keyboard with using the bank-mechanism and the kb_transpose-function (see NGC manual). Actually I don't see a comfortable way doing what you are after...
  6. Hey people, one more question on this: I'd like to clear a specific OLED before displaying the received text. How to achieve that? My problem is: If the newly received text message has less characters than the old, the non-overwritten characters will stay there. I tried a few different things like label=%C, etc. but this is not working at my side. Also it would be enough, if NG just adds some spaces after a received message. So I tried stream="0xf0 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x00 0x00 ^txt 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0xf7" which should output 4 spaces after the text-message... but that's not working. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  7. Okay, I did some checking. The problem with the booting times and the connection-problem is gone if I set single_usb to 0 in the bootloader. So with 4 USB ports the Macbook boots up normally and I can connect and disconnect the midibox without any problems. But regarding the topic-problem: This occurs only on KB. NG works fine (as far as I checked it yet). I don't think it's a mac-midi-problem, because I can see it clearly if I open MIOS Studio, that if I press down a key, it sends "(optimized)" and if I release the key it sends the note with the value... so it's working in reverse till I restart the midibox after OS-boot.
  8. Another problem occured: I updated my MacBook to Sierra. Now the computer needs 10-12min for boot with the MIDIbox connected. If I disconnect it, it boots much faster. Also if I'm in the OS, disconnect the MIDIbox a reconnect it again, the keyboard will not be recognized anymore till next boot.... Damn!!
  9. @Zam: Some more informations on this. Today I tried to use a separate powersupply for the LEDs. The LEDs are still attached to the fader-pcb... I already created a new PCB, but this needs to be produced first. Anyway: the jitter stays... also I found out that the jitter also occurs if the LEDs are not even switched on! Meanwhile I think it's more a problem wit shielding... I took a piece of copper foil, attached a cable to it and connected it to GND. When I put this piece of foil between the LED-strip and the fader the jitter will slow down but does not disappear.
  10. No, nothing! Also it doesn't depend on which macbook I use... I have some of them here of other productions. Didn't test with a windows notebook yet. If I use a USB-power-supply to boot up the midibox, it works... so this is kind of weird and I don't know where to look at...
  11. I thought it may have something to do with the USB power. But I added a converter, so that 5V is safely provided at any time.... the issue is the same....
  12. Yes! Correct! I tried to measure this with my DMM. But I'm afraid my DMM is not the best. I'll use my oscilloscope to check that. This is for a small computer which sits in the housing. It's a great idea to use a small regulator... but like you said: I'll start with separating the PCBs. Thanks for your help!
  13. Hey people, when I connect my MIDIbox-Keyboard (KB-app, not NG) to my MacBook and boot the MacBook, the keyboard sends weird informations like note Off instead of note-on. If I switch off the MIDIbox and start it again after the OS has booted, it works perfectly. Do you have any ideas what is causing this issue? The fastboot-setting doesn't change anything.... Thanks, Chris
  14. @Zam: Thanks for your suggestions. If you take a look at my screenshot above you will notice 9 4pin-pinheaders right next to the faders. This where the WS2812-PCB sits on. Do you think it makes sense to remove those headers and connect the LEDs directly? Maybe it's a problem that both (faders & LEDs) share the same PCB? BTW: I use a MeanWell RS15-5 Powersupply and I have 6 LEDs next to each fader => 6*9 = 54 LEDs. And none of them running at full power. They are at about 20%... I need to measure the current of the whole circuit. Maybe I should upgrade the PSU to MeanWell EPS-35-5? //edit: While my current PSU RS15-5 has a load regulation of +-1,5% which means 75mV the EPS-35-5 has a load regulation of 1% => 50mV. So you would suggest to add another power supply that is just connected to the LEDs? What is sense detection? I'd be happy to NOT add another power supply because I already have two supplys in the housing... 19V and 5V. Thanks for your help!
  15. Dear @Zam You are totally right. That doesn't make any sense ;-) Today I checked what you suggested. In the end it were the WS2812 LEDs that caused the potentiometers to jitter.... if I don't connect them, everything works great.... so I need to find another way to implement them into my setup....
  16. No. What I was asking is: If you configure your analog inputs via the AINSER command (AINSER n=1 enabled=1 cs=0, etc. pp.) the resolution of the EVENT_AINSERs that belong to this configuration of course use the resolution you entered in the AINSER configuration. I basically use the AINSER64. And using the standard method for the configuration allows me to set ONE resolution for the whole AINSER64 module. But what if I need a resolution of 7bit for the first 8 inputs and 11bit on the second 8 inputs? Hmmmm :-)
  17. @Zam: I had no time yet to follow up on your suggestions. But I'll do as soon as possible. Maybe you can answer another question: Is it possible (f.e. by modifying the source code) to set the resolution on a per-pin-base and not on a per-chip base? I ask because if I connect pedals as well as pitch to my board, than I don't need 11bit on the pedals, but I need them on the pitchwheel. I don't want to waste an IC just for one analog input ;) Thanks, Chris
  18. Grüße! Meiner Meinung nach kann ein Encoder nie das Gefühl eines Potentiometers nachbilden. Und da ein Potentiometer keine Rasterung hat, würde ein Encoder ohne Rasterung dem Poti wohl am nächsten kommen. Bzgl. Knöpfe teile ich dein Leid. Ich hab zwar eine gute Quelle gefunden, allerdings sind die MOQ ziemlich heftig mit 1000stk. Schau mal rein bei chiashinknobs.com.tw Lg, Christian
  19. Yes. I'm registered at Fatar as distributor. But it was hard to get there.
  20. Yes, sure. But the NGR doesn't track any other midi commands. So for example take a fader which sends CC80. If the fader is not moved for 3 seconds, CC81 value 127 should be send. But if the fader is moved after 2 seconds, the timer needs to reset. This is not possible with NGR afaik.
  21. Dear Peter, alright! I'll check that ;-) I already implemented a few META-commands by myself... let's see how far I can get... (I have an idea already!) :-)
  22. Hi Peter, the controller is actually an MB_NG. And I already did a little bit of coding on this. But since the faders, etc. are not "hardcoded", this might be not that easy to implement. If you have any ideas, please let me know! ;-)
  23. Hey people, I use a vst live host that allows showing / hiding the GUI of a plugin by sending a midi message. If I f.e. move a fader on my controller, the plugin shows up. But what I need is another midi message that gets send after a delay of f.e. 3 seconds after the fader has been moved to hide the GUI again. Any ideas how to do that? Thanks, Chris
  24. Thanks for your suggestions! I'll try that, but time is very limited at the moment! Will give you a feedback asap! Regarding your questions: - GND-Plane is on both sides. - I have the impression that the first faders are not jittering... but will need to do some more testing here - will do! Thanks!
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