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Everything posted by EsotericLabs

  1. Did you copy the mbseq_hw.v4 file? to verify: you have a wilba control surface?
  2. no files on the SD card except MBSEQ_HW.V4? Try to create a SESSIONS directory in MIOS studio and then a new session named default? Can be done on the command line with " new DEFAULT" Hope that works. Otherwise, try to format your SD card on a computer with the FAT32 format and then reinstall MBSEQ_HW.V4 and a SESSIONS directory. Or try another SD card, preferably a small 1 or 2 GB one. Good luck!
  3. Try to format the sd card from the miosstudio command line?
  4. Yes, I might be interested. PM sent. Any more details? Gut shots?
  5. Where are you located and what is your price?

    Could you send gut shots?



    1. before


      I send you a PM.

  6. Much depends on build quality.. Pics & specs needed.
  7. I agree, the basic SEQ V4 (core & midio) is not too hard to build. If you did an arpie you will manage I expect. But you will need a CS pcb though.. Another route is to build a custom control panel, i.e. wire all individual buttons, encoders and leds to DIN and DOUT or the combined DIO matrix module. There are two front panel variants: straight wiring, needing 3 x DINx4 and 1x or more DOUTx4. Then there is matrix wiring, needing one DIO and one DINx4 module. Read ucapps > SEQ V4 > user manual > hardware options and look for "standard front panel" . the premade CS board is "Wilba CS' . I gave a try once at the matrixed version, but well umm, made a huge mess out of it. There is a reason Wilba made this amazing pcb, get what I'm saying? Maybe I should have done the straight version, that looks more doable. But I would not hesitate a second to get a SEQ CS pcb once they're available again. Oh and there is talk on the forum that some of the gurus are designing a new front panel PCB for a new software version called V4+. Read up on that as well. Some ppl seem to postpone their build for that. >> But why don't you post an ad in the fleamarket that you want a SEQ, or parts for it and see what comes up?<<
  8. Well, you will have to work yourself through the soldering guide of these hardware modules. They are really step by step. I suppose you can solder a kit. Cases here or get / make a front panel and build a simple wooden enclosure. Lots of info in the forum, be sure to dig deeply into all threads. Fleamarket is another forum section, you'll find it. I don't know when SEQ CS boards will be available again. Smash TV aka Tim aka midibox-shop.com is the best.
  9. [FS] a clean MIDIO and a Quad IIC pcb up for sale from NL.EU. Tims price plus postage.
  10. Read up on http://ucapps.de about the STM32F4 core, on the MIDIO and AOUT_NG boards. 2 MIDIOs are 4x midi in & out, AOUT is 8 CV's. Quad IIC Midi adds four more midi out.You will also need a SEQ CS pcb. Check out boards and kits at http://midibox-shop.com, some are unfortunately sold out. Check the fleamarket regularly. SEQ's do come by.
  11. Here you go. 108 to start with. I realize it is a lot and I hope it is practical to work with. Community suggestions welcome of course. Some explanations about the chord names used: chords with r, 1, 2,3 mean root position, 1st, 2nd, 3rd inversion, d3 or dr3 = drop 3, d5 or dr5 = drop5. top3 tp3 have octaved-up thirds. things like gC, gE, gD, gG are guitar voicings based on C, E, D, G chord shapes. Guitar players will know. Just try them arped with a pluck sound! things like g4, g5, g6 are complex guitar voicings with roots on 4th, 5th, 6th etc strings. Mostly jazzed up guitar chords encyclopedia stuff. occasional n4 and n5 are 4 note // 5 note versions of the chord. Maj, Mj and M refer to major chords, m, min to minor, 7,9 etc to dominants pwr5 and pwr8 are fat power chords without roots. {{0,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, 'pwr5'}, {{0,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'pwr8'}, {{0,4,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'Maj'}, {{4,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'M1inv'}, {{7,12,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'M2inv'}, {{4,12,19,-1,-1,-1}, 'drp3'}, {{7,12,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'drp5'}, {{0,7,16,-1,-1,-1}, 'top3'}, {{0,4,7,12,16,-1}, 'MgC'}, {{0,7,12,16,-1,-1}, 'MgD'}, {{0,7,12,16,19,24}, 'MgE'}, {{0,4,7,12,19,24}, 'MgG'}, {{0,3,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'Min'}, {{3,7,12,-1,-1,-1}, 'm1inv'}, {{7,12,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'm2inv'}, {{3,12,19,-1,-1,-1}, 'mdr3'}, {{7,12,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'mdr5'}, {{0,7,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'mtp3'}, {{0,7,12,15,19,24}, 'mgEm'}, {{0,7,17,15,19,-1}, 'mgAm'}, {{0,7,12,14,-1,-1}, 'mgDm'}, {{0,4,7,9,-1,-1}, 'M6r'}, {{4,7,9,12,-1,-1}, 'M61'}, {{7,9,12,16,-1,-1}, 'M62'}, {{9,12,16,19,-1,-1}, 'M63'}, {{7,16,21,24,-1,-1}, 'M6g2'}, {{7,12,16,21,-1,-1}, 'M6g3'}, {{0,9,28,31,-1,-1}, 'M6g6'}, {{0,3,7,10,-1,-1}, 'm7r'}, {{3,7,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm71'}, {{7,10,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm72'}, {{10,12,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm73'}, {{0,7,10,15,22,24}, 'm7gE'}, {{0,7,10,15,19,24}, 'm2gA'}, {{0,10,15,-1,-1,-1}, 'm7g5'}, {{0,3,7,9,-1,-1}, 'm6r'}, {{3,7,9,12,-1,-1}, 'm61'}, {{7,9,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm62'}, {{9,12,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm63'}, {{9,15,19,24,-1,-1}, 'm6g2'}, {{0,9,15,19,-1,-1}, 'm5g5'}, {{0,9,15,19,24,-1}, 'm6g6'}, {{9,19,24,27,-1,-1}, 'm6g2'}, {{0,3,6,10,-1,-1}, 'm7b5r'}, {{3,6,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm7b51'}, {{6,10,12,15,-1,-1}, 'm7b52'}, {{10,12,15,18,-1,-1}, 'm7b53'}, {{0,7,10,12,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g5'}, {{10,15,18,24,-1,-1}, 'm7b6g3'}, {{0,10,15,18,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g6'}, {{3,12,18,22,-1,-1}, 'm7b5g4'}, {{0,4,7,11,-1,-1}, 'Mj7r'}, {{4,7,11,12,-1,-1}, 'Mj71'}, {{7,11,12,16,-1,-1}, 'Mj72'}, {{11,12,16,19,-1,-1}, 'Mj73'}, {{4,12,19,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7d3'}, {{7,12,16,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7d5'}, {{0,7,11,16,19,-1}, 'Mj7g5'}, {{7,12,19,23,28,31}, 'Mj7g6'}, {{0,11,16,19,24,-1}, 'Mj6g6b'}, {{7,12,16,23,-1,-1}, 'Mj7g3'}, {{0,4,7,10,-1,-1}, '7r'}, {{4,7,10,12,-1,-1}, '71'}, {{7,10,12,16,-1,-1}, '72'}, {{10,12,16,19,-1,-1}, '73'}, {{0,4,10,12,16,-1}, '7gC'}, {{0,7,10,16,-1,-1}, '7gD'}, {{0,7,10,16,19,24}, '7gE'}, {{0,4,7,12,16,22}, '7gG'}, {{0,7,10,17,19,-1}, '7gA'}, {{0,10,14,-1,-1,-1}, '7g6'}, {{0,4,10,-1,-1,-1}, '7g5'}, {{0,3,7,14,-1,-1}, 'm9n4'}, {{0,3,7,10,14,-1}, 'm9n5'}, {{0,4,7,14,-1,-1}, 'Mj9'}, {{0,4,7,11,14,-1}, 'Mj9'}, {{0,4,7,10,14,-1}, '9'}, {{0,3,7,10,14,17}, 'm11'}, {{0,4,7,10,14,17}, '11'}, {{0,4,7,11,14,21}, 'Mj13'}, {{0,3,7,10,14,21}, 'm13'}, {{0,4,7,10,14,21}, '13'}, {{0,5,10,-1,-1,-1}, 'ply4'}, {{0,7,14,-1,-1,-1}, 'ply5'}, {{0,3,6,9,-1,-1}, 'dim'}, {{0,3,6,-1,-1,-1}, 'dm3'}, {{0,5,7,-1,-1,-1}, 'sus4'}, {{0,5,7,10,-1,-1}, '7sus'}, {{0,4,8,-1,-1,-1}, '+ '}, {{0,4,8,10,-1,-1}, '7+'}, {{0,3,7,11,-1,-1}, 'm(Mj7)'}, {{0,4,6,10,-1,-1}, '7b5'}, {{0,4,8,10,-1,-1}, '7#5'}, {{0,4,7,10,13,-1}, '7b9'}, {{0,4,10,13,-1,-1}, '7b9'}, {{0,4,7,10,15,-1}, '7#9'}, {{0,4,10,15,-1,-1}, '7#9'}, {{0,4,6,13,-1,-1}, '7b5b9'}, {{0,4,8,13,-1,-1}, '7#5b9'}, {{0,4,6,15,-1,-1}, '7b5#9'}, {{0,4,8,15,-1,-1}, '7b5b9'},
  12. Anyone can download the code base, tweak and recompile. I know TK uses code input from forum members in certain occasions, not only feature requests. I guess the code goes under the same license as the hardware ?
  13. Excellent, 128 is a lot of possibilities! We might include inversions, guitar voicing, all tensions, different bass notes, stacked fourth and fifth polychords to begin with. Then I'll happily check my modest collection of jazz and exotic chords encyclopedias. :lol: Do you want 4, 6 or more note chords? How many characters for names? 4 plus a long name? In the C code format we used for the chords2 layer?
  14. Another small suggestion for the chord handling is as follows: We now use abbreviations like A/2 and A/3 for different octave of the same chord voicing. But now suppose that we would have local octave transpose parameter layers (just like the local root note TK implemented). Then we could do more transpositions with less scrolling. And maybe it would free up display space to allow for musical chord names instead of the single letters. Maybe it is even possible to make a chord inversion parameter layer? I'd be happy to discuss this with you, provide help, and rewrite the section in the beginners guide. I can do simple hacks in the code, but not much more than that.
  15. Thank you for the link and the extra pix! If I may ask about the USB connectors, the regular USB connector (the seq as client to a host computer) will have the more or less square type B plug. The USB host side (SEQ as host for other devices) will have an USB OTG cable internally to a flat type A outside connector. Am i correct?
  16. I see. Are they from Reichelt or Mouser? If you'd share the part numbers, I would be much obliged. And there is a Quad midi out involved I assume. Can we see the back panel design? Thanks for sharing the pix, great inspiration to improve mine.
  17. SO beautiful! whats exactly the double USB bus for host and client? I'd want one..
  18. The note in the track mode works excellently, I am very happy with that. I'll notice @jjonas and see if we can update the beginners guide with the new system. It is much easier now to use the chord feature. I'm only not sure if the new drum track types are correctly in: 4*16 + 2*64 and 4*16 + 1*128 are correct for 16 instruments i think seq_ui_trkevnt.c line 140 has a 4*16 + 1*256, 16 instruments drum track type, but that would have 4096 trigger step bits. If it is 8 instruments, there is room for 4*32 parameter steps if i understand correctly. Two drum track types in the code seem to double with others; e.g. line 146 with 141 and line 147 with 144. This could be a useful drum track type for Novation Circuit owners.: { SEQ_EVENT_MODE_Drum, 4, 64, 2, 256, 4 }. It has only 4 drum instruments and 2 synth, but is is a very nice affordable groove box to go with the SEQ. But I can also recompile a special edition for myself, no problem.
  19. TK, you're amazing! I will test the new note mode, for sure. I also like remote cc control over stop and play very much, for working with a foot controller. And of course, I will also try the other new functions.... for drum tracks, there are 1024 bytes for parameters and 2048 bits for triggers , is that correct? Less instruments allow longer parameter and trigger patterns, is my understanding correct?
  20. Testcase in testsession2. G1T1 is a chord track that sends C Am Dm G into bus1 with parA root & pad B chord. G1T2 is a bassline from the euclidian generator, with only c-3 notes, transposed from bus1. G1T3 is arpeggiated from bus 1 with a simple 3+0 2+0 1+0 2+0 repeating pattern G1T4 is drum part (4*16/2*64) with 16 instruments (4 used) with rolls, Nth1 and Nth2. First test results: in G1T1 the chord display issue is solved. in G1T2 something special is going on with the transposed bassline. In order to stay in tune, it must be transposed +5 semitones. And when you changes e.g. the second chord from a/2 to b/2, that also affects the bassline. It seems to make sense when the bassline takes the first note of the chord for transposition (which is the fifth and not the root). This is plausible, because the arpeggiator plays the root at 3+0 and the fifth at 1+0. Maybe the arpeggiator could be tweaked so that in root position chords 1+0 = root and 3+0 = fifth? G1T3 the arpeggiated track works like a charm. G1T4 the four parameter layer drum track type works great . I've also tested some of the existing types of drum track (2*64/2*128; 8 instruments). Gate, accent (triggers) and Roll & Nth1 all seem to work just as before. Same with (128/2*128; 8 instruments) with gate, accent and roll. I've added some extra drum track types (4*32+2*128; 8 instr. and 4*64+2*256;4) (i'm tweaking for my 2 synth 4 drum instrument Novation Circuit) -they work too! Ive tested the 4*64;2*256 4 instrument track with Nth1, Roll and Prob - no issues. Thank you so much, TK, this is already a great feature. Any more testing you want? Testsession2.zip seq_ui_trkevnt.c
  21. And maybe, if you feel like programming, I have another suggestion, now for the drum tracks. At the moment, there are about 7 types of drum tracks with one or two parameter layers, one or two trigger layers and 4, 8 or 16 drum instruments. Maximum length is 256 steps with one trigger, one parameter and four drums instruments. That is actually quite long, especially if you consider that the Nth1 and Nth2 can add quite some variety with fills, accents, crashes and stuff. They can be programmed into a 32 or 64 step sequence, and being played only every 2nd, 4th or whatever time. The difference between Nth1 and Nth2 is very nice. I would argue there is a use case for more than two parameter layers in drum tracks: e.g. an Nth1 layer, an Nth2 layer, a Roll and something else. It is easy to add or change a line in seq_ui_trkevnt.c to allow more parameter layers; but then there is a UI issue: In the Track Event mode, drum tracks have fixed type positions for LayA and LayB. Note tracks, however, have different handling of parameter layers with encoder 9 for selecting layers A-H and encoder 10 for what each layer controls. If the drum tracks would have the same parameter layer type handling as all other track types, that would add some more flexibility. I gave it a try in Eclipse, but could not get it working properly.
  22. Hello TK, Thanks for looking into this. I found that the chord track does not really need a note, but a gate trigger. Previously, I had been switching notes (and gates with that on & off). If I go into edit -> Trg view, i can switch chord playing on & off with the gate trigger, which makes sense! No note layer needed indeed. The chord display issue is still here though: I have chords A/3 a/2 a/3 A/3 on G1T1 of the attached zipped session. In edit->step view; the right lcd says (above encoders 11 & 12) Maj.II/0 Maj.8/0 Root/0 Maj.6/0. This seems strange to me; both A/3 chords are major I and a/2 and a/3 should be minor I, according to the dox and the source code. Testsession.zip
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