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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Yes, you make it more difficult than it is! ;-) Since you are not sure about the electronic details, my suggestion is that you shouldn't try to left out any component of the core modules in order to avoid trouble. E.g., from the electrical point of view, there is no difference between a master and a slave core (or did I ever write something about this?) - once you've built the modules, you are free to experiment with the setup in order to find the perfect combination. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Solange ich die LCDs nicht genauer inspiziert habe, werden Dir die Angaben erstmal nicht viel weiterhelfen, und ich rate davon ab, bereits jetzt eines dieser (kompatiblen) Displays zu ersteigern, weil noch nicht klar ist, ob sie evtl. eine zweite Spannungsversorgung benoetigen. -> LC7981 kompatibel -> T6963c kompatibel -> DMF6104NB-FW (controller noch unbekannt) Es koennte auch durchaus moeglich sein, dass die neuen Driver der beiden oben genannten controller auch mit anderen zusammenspielen - vielleicht sogar mit jedem normal erhaeltlichen graphic LCD, aber darueber mache ich mir wirklich erst Gedanken, wenn die Displays vor mir liegen... bisher habe ich lediglich anhand der Datasheets ueberprueft, ob ein Anschluss an den PIC18F prinzipiell moeglich ist. Gruss, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Lo, thats interesting, the order is not correct? Very strange - in this case the motordriver will not work, as it requires clear fader->motor assignments. Could you please check the order (also of the cables...) again with the AIN DIN DOUT test application? Just change following lines: ;; use 64 pots movlw 64 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet ;; use the AIN 4051 multiplexers call MIOS_AIN_Muxed must be exchanged by: ;; use 8 faders movlw 8 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet ;; don't use the AIN 4051 multiplexers call MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Hi Lo, thats interesting, the order is not correct? Very strange - in this case the motordriver will not work, as it requires clear fader->motor assignments. Could you please check the order (also of the cables...) again with the AIN DIN DOUT test application? Just change following lines: ;; use 64 pots movlw 64 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet ;; use the AIN 4051 multiplexers call MIOS_AIN_Muxed must be exchanged by: ;; use 8 faders movlw 8 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet ;; don't use the AIN 4051 multiplexers call MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed Another important hint: the MF module voltage must be lower than on the PIC16F implementation (ca. 8V) and the AIN deadband value should be <= the MF deadband value. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. No, this wasn't an april joke ;-) But forget the wavetable solution, a PIC is not practical for so much data, an old 386, running under Linux, can do this much better. I owned a GUS many years ago, before I bought an AWE. Sure, these were pretty good soundcards with great possibilities, but a real synthesizer is something completely different. Or how do you realize a pulsewidth modulation with a wavetable card? ;-) In the meantime wavetable soundcards can be easily replaced by (free) sampler PlugIns, and in fact it makes more fun to manage all the sounds on a computer and to control the parameters with a common MIDIbox. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. No, this wasn't an april joke ;-) But forget the wavetable solution, a PIC is not practical for so much data, an old 386, running under Linux, can do this much better. I owned a GUS many years ago, before I bought an AWE. Sure, these were pretty good soundcards with great possibilities, but a real synthesizer is something completely different. Or how do you realize a pulsewidth modulation with a wavetable card? ;-) In the meantime wavetable soundcards can be easily replaced by (free) sampler PlugIns, and in fact it makes more fun to manage all the sounds on a computer and to control the parameters with a common MIDIbox. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. This heavily depends on your planned setup, so which modules should be connected to the cores? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. This heavily depends on your planned setup, so which modules should be connected to the cores? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. TK.

    midibox link

    Hi Lo, MIDIbox Link is natively supported by MIOS and is also compatible with the PIC16F implementation :) To enable this function, add following line to the initialization routine: movlw MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_MBLINK_EP call MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet for a MBLink endpoint movlw MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_MBLINK_FP call MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet for a MBLink forwarding point Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. TK.

    midibox link

    Hi Lo, MIDIbox Link is natively supported by MIOS and is also compatible with the PIC16F implementation :) To enable this function, add following line to the initialization routine: movlw MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_MBLINK_EP call MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet for a MBLink endpoint movlw MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_MBLINK_FP call MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet for a MBLink forwarding point Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Christoffer, random bugs are the worst case... However, I finally found it: the software synthesizer part overwrote the multiplication result registers, this crashed the control surface with a probability of 1:500000000 ;-) Step A3 can now be found under Concepts->MIOS->Download There is still another issue: when you upload a patch to a BankStick via JSynth, there is a (low) risk of dataloss, caused by the MIOS_BANKSTICK_Write routine which takes longer than on the PIC16F. Reason for this is, that the MIOS version also verifies (read-back & compare) the content. Since this routine has never reported a failure yet, I will add a MIOS_BANKSTICK_WriteFast function to the next MIOS version which runs with the same delay like the PIC16F version and therefore solves the upload problem. Temporary workaround: upload the patch twice. MIOS surpresses writes to an EEPROM if the data is equal, this gives the application enough time to correct the missing data which have been lost during the first attempt. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Mickey: maybe something for Step Z ;-) I just have updated the MBSID firmware for PIC18F: in the new main page the sound patch can be selected via rotary encoder or inc/dec buttons. The menu is called by pressing any select button. The menu has a new item "SAV" to save (or copy) the patch to the current/a new patch number. Note also that there is a new bootstrap loader especially for MIDIbox SID (and others) which doesn't stall anymore if note events are received during the startup phase. see Concept->MIOS->Download Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Search in the web for "yamaha fm" ;-) Yamaha OPL was a very popular sound chip in the early nineteens, supported by nearly every PC sound card. I just have purchased a couple of old soundblaster and galaxy soundcards for 1 Euro each and will evaluate the possibilities in the next weeks - no more info before my first tries. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Search in the web for "yamaha fm" ;-) Yamaha OPL was a very popular sound chip in the early nineteens, supported by nearly every PC sound card. I just have purchased a couple of old soundblaster and galaxy soundcards for 1 Euro each and will evaluate the possibilities in the next weeks - no more info before my first tries. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. TK.

    Stereo SID

    yes... like it can be found on the SID intro page since 6 months ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hallo, vor einem 128x* Display kann ich nur dringenst abraten, weil sich auf diesem Display die 2x55 Zeichen der "Host-Message" nicht mehr darstellen lassen. Mittlerweile sind schon drei verschiedene Low-Cost Displays unterwegs zu mir, fuer die es dann bald auch entspr. MIOS-Treiber geben wird. Die Auswahl sollte dann so gross sein, so dass man auch bei EBay mal etwas brauchbares erwischt. Gruss, Thorsten.
  17. Hi Dan, it seems that the three multiplexer select lines @J6 are not in the correct order. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Hi Dan, it seems that the three multiplexer select lines @J6 are not in the correct order. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Fortunately...! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Fortunately...! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Hi Scott, different things have to be taken into account: ensure that mono or legato mode is enabled (and not poly mode) if the pulse waveform has been selected, the pulse width should be > 0 if the oscillator output is routed through the filter, don't forget to enable LP, HP and/or BP Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Hi Scott, different things have to be taken into account: ensure that mono or legato mode is enabled (and not poly mode) if the pulse waveform has been selected, the pulse width should be > 0 if the oscillator output is routed through the filter, don't forget to enable LP, HP and/or BP Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. http://www.allelectronics.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=search&item=MSP-10K&type=store Best Regards, Thorsten.
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