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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Well, how about a code generator which generates the PIC assembly instructions which are necessary to map and process data streams. Could also be provided with a graphical user interface. But this won't be my job (too much effort) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi Dan, Currently this option isn't supported, therefore you have to connect the MIDI INs of the other SIDs to J11:MI and J11:Vs As soon as the "through" option is available, the slave SIDs have to be connected to J11:MO instead so that the control surface is able to insert additional events. Please don't start with the panel before I've finished my own panel (I will begin in 1-2 weeks). I don't expect problems, but if I notice that the handling could be improved by adding more buttons (or encoders/pots), the layout could be completely changed. Yes, definitively! I just have finished "Step A" of the control surface (see download section, documentation will follow this evening). It's so flexible, that every parameter (also wavetables!) can be edited by using some buttons and an optional rotary encoder (for faster data entry). It supports 2x16, 2x20, 2x40 LCDs w/o loss of any possibilities Everything else will be optional stuff for an improved direct access to the parameters. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Yes, thanks for the tip! I will try it also :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. thanks! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. TK.


    COOL! An USB controller in a handy DIP package with IIC interface (the same protocol which is used by the BankStick) Maybe this is the solution - especially because MIOS already supports IIC. It is possible to connect multiple IIC devices in parallel! MIOS_USB_* :D Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Dan, thats ok, the concept allows to load the application also into the MIDIbox LC (or into a PIC18F based MIDIbox64) so that you can control the SIDs from another MIDIbox via remote ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Hi Phil, yes, thats correct. Rotary encoders are now handled like buttons and have to be connected to the J9 DIN chain. Once the DIN pins have been assigned to an encoder, USER_DIN_NotifyToggle will not be called for these pins anymore. USER_ENC_NotifyChange will be called instead. So far as you don't use the AIN multiplexers, a graphical LCD or a SID module, RC0-5 are free. My suggestion is to add the scanning routine to USER_SR_Service_Finish, this routine is called on every update cycle for the DIN/DOUT chain (update period can be lowered to 1 ms). It guarantees that no event get lost. The timer hook could be used for higher sampling periods. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. MIOS has a user hook called "USER_DIN_NotifyToggle" which is called on every change. Generating On/Off data is a piece of cake - see the AIN DIN DOUT example :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. TK.

    PIC question

    thanks SB :) And thanks also for the warning - yes, I was wrong, the I/PT derivative has another package and is not compatible to the MBHP Core module! Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: I had no problems with ordering more than 5 parts, it wasn't clear if Microchip means "5 pieces" or "5 different chip types", so I just tried it ;-)
  10. TK.

    Am I right ?

    Hi Kyo, every encoder allocates 2 digital inputs, with 56 rotary encoders you could only add 16 additional buttons Ok, alternatively you could plug some buttons to the analog pins, but this would require a AIN module (since more than 8 analog inputs are needed for this solution) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Dimitris, first question before I write 1k of infos which you already know: did you download the Logic Control Manual from the Emagic site? Because this manual comes with a description of all "button IDs" Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Dan, fine that it works! :) No, this release doesn't provide the control surface handling, this has to be done when my own hardware is ready (could take 2-3 weeks). You could modify sid_ain.inc. SID CC's can be controlled with the SID_CCIN_Set function. However, in the meantime I had the idea for a very flexible minimal control unit which is similar to MIDIbox TC, but much faster in the handling (it's a mix between the VST parameter handling of Logic Control and the F-key handling of a HP48 calculator ;-)) and it will provide several hardware options: 2x16, 2x20 or 2x40 LCD, 8 buttons, 6 buttons/1 encoder, 8 buttons/1 pot, etc. So, if you want to control your SID(s) directly without a computer, it could be a good idea to continue with the MIDIbox TC example. I will release the interim solution possibly tomorrow :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Really great price! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Hi Matteo, now you will find some more informations about MIOS under Concepts->MIOS->Introduction which should explain the reasons, why the MIOS concept is more useful than the PIC16F solutions :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. TK.

    PIC question

    Yes, I've ordered 3x24LC256, 3xPIC16F877 and 3xPIC18F452 I/P, the package was delivered via FedEx directly from Taiwan and I haven't payed any cent! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. TK.

    Am I right ?

    Hi Kyo, yes, you have to use two core modules for this setup, but it will work :) I would use one single core, 4xDINX4, 4xDOUTX4 as "MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point" (at the begining of the MIDI chain) only for the encoders and LED rings, and a second core as "MIDIbox Link Endpoint" for the rest. An AIN module is not required, since MIOS supports also unmuxed (non-multiplexed) access to the ADC. The appr. configuration has to be made in the initialization routine: ;; initialize the AIN driver ;; use 8 faders movlw 8 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet ;; don't use the AIN 4051 multiplexers call MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed I will provide a test application for 64 encoders and LED rings in the next days. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Hi Dan, I've just added a MIOS introduction to my homepage which should make the concept clear. ;-) 4x40 LCD: sure - will work. But you have to enhance the application by yourself, so that it prints more or less usefull messages on the additional space. Thereafter you can send me your modifications so that I can release it with the official version. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Hi Matteo, you should follow the other postings, because I don't want to repeat myself every time... ;-) PIC16F: funny, but a lot of limitations. All of my PIC16F firmwares get the best out of this controller, but it is very hard to add even more features PIC18F: more memory, faster CPU, less limitations, same price. Order some free PIC18F452-I/P at Microchip, exchange the 20 MHz crystal by a 10 MHz crystal and you are ready for the next generation! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi again, SID slaves: no LCD required SID master: no LCD required SID control surface: 2x20 LCD required Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Hi T-z-Z, sure ;-) the system architecture of MIOS is quite stable, everything has been pepared for more complex applications... See: mios_tables.inc, where you can configure 64 rotary encoders :) As I wrote in another article, a port of MIDIbox64seq to MIOS is planned, and the sequencer engine will be reusable for other types of sequencers. Rotary encoders and graphical LCD: no problem! But you have to enhance the application code by yourself or you have to hope that somebody else publishes his modifcations! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Hi Matteo, yes, you could send a "ping" command to the core: f0 00 00 7E 46 00 0F F7 The same string should be returned. Yes, because the power consumption is very low. In this case P1 and P2 are not required yep :) yes, perfect. You could also use a PSU with 200 mA Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Thanks a lot for the input! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.

    PIC question

    Hi Nenad, sorry, this was a typing error. Yes, PIC18F452 I/P or I/PT are working fine. Some instructions can be found under Concepts->MIOS->Bootstrap loader. The short form: use your JDM to burn the bootstrap loader into the PIC. Thereafter you don't need the JDM anymore! Load MIOS via MIDI, thereafter load an application via MIDI. The currently provided applications can be found under Concepts->MIOS->Download. And thats only the beginning ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Matteo, 470pF caps are the right ones for the 6581 (I have to update the PCB snapshot) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hi Matteo, this isn't possible with the PIC16F version, due to memory and latency reasons. But with a PIC18F452 you just only have to enhance the sid_ain.inc file Best Regards, Thorsten.
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