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Everything posted by NorthernLightX

  1. I seem to recall what you trying to do was possible only on the 6581 due to a VCA bug, which made noise when turned on or off. This "feature" was later used to reproduce digitized sound. The bug was fixed in the 8580 so this functionality was lost AFAIK. Then again I could be wrong, or I could be talking about something completely different.
  2. No I bought 2 because of the exorbitant shipping and handling costs (the unit costs €22 on the website, the S&H is €25 :mad: ). So now it's about €33,50 per unit instead of €47 for one. The FM doesn't need that much power anyway so I can build a linear supply for it with parts I already have in stock. Plus the order hasn't yet been confirmed so I could also just buy 3 now :)
  3. A good thing then that I ordered two RPT-60B instead of one, so you can buy the extra one from me :) (I just ordered before the weekend and haven't heard anything back yet though, so bare with me)
  4. Nah, not in the mood for cuting up things just yet. Might bug them about a case with dimensions that would harbour the baseboard in the future, 'cause those cases look sweet. First things first though; finish 6582 vanilla -> finish other projects -> rip up 6582 and stuff in bigger case with custom frontpanel. Maybe. Ever. :shifty:
  5. Based on this Pic I guess the MB6582 baseboard does not fit the case?
  6. Low ESR is no issue, I ordered loads of those a few days ago for some other projects that are scheduled for imminent completion :angel: I consider myself adequate enough as far as soldering wires and through-hole are concerned, SMD however is a big nono for me, I'm not going down that path. ordering it is then, I hope they get back to me soon.
  7. Any guess on the cost and complexity of that homebrew switching PSU? I like the DIY idea, but I need to have some success this time... everytime I run into major difficulties with the DIY projects I shelf the whole shizz and pickup one of my other hobbies... Maybe better for me to just order one of those 20€ (plus €25 S&H) babies and get going while I'm on this roll... Just thinking out loud :ermm:
  8. including mounting holes? I tend to forget those when prototyping on veroboard and man that is annoying...
  9. I believe both of them are equally suitable. The Mean Well is a little bit smaller but that's only an issue if you're tight on space. If they're no different price-wise just buy the one that's in stock :wink: I've mailed the Dutch distributor asking about the stock of the RPT-60. If it's in stock I'll buy at least one for my 6582, and I'm considering buying one for my FM too. BTW don't forget to buy the matching Molex connector for the primary and secondary side of the PSU.
  10. Hmmmm, that TP-75 is not the holy grail after all I guess; this is what the datasheet says:"Fixed switching frequency at PFC:67KHz PWM:134KHz". I have no clue what that means exactly, but 67KHz does not look pretty for that price (€ 43,90) and it's quite over dimensioned even for a very full SID box. That LPT42 @ Mouser is also a bit on the expensive side, €36 for an open frame unit. I found this: http://www.meanwell.nl/products/Meanwell-RPT-60B---PSU-pcb-medical--plus-5V-44A---plus-12V-22A---12V-055A__RPT-60B.aspx Features: Open frame - oh well, we're DIY, so we'll fix something won't we? Delivers +5v/+12v/-12v - check Switching freq @ 100KHz - yay! Tiny(!) - only measures 4"*2" (rougly 10cm*5cm) Affordable - a little over €20 ex VAT
  11. Good tip. Lesson: assumption is the mother of all f***ups. I'm very glad until now I only inquired about prices because I was planning to order this morning; great timing dude! :thumbsup: I'll go ahead and dig into some datasheets then, basically anything switching above 50KHz (I know human ears often dont go beyond 22KHz but let's assume Philips knew what they were doing when deciding that 44.1KHz was the right bandwitdh to use when they developped the CD) is out of the audible spectrum, above 94KHz is out of the recording spectrum as well and thus (theoretically) better. Aside from the guys who record at 192KHz but I don't believe any switcher is that fast. Besides, if it really adds something to your recording to go to 192KHz/32bit instead of 94KHz/32bit is a whole different discussion. /EDIT I found some datasheets of Mean Well supplies that deliver the required voltages: http://www.meanwell.nl/Images/pdf/datasheets/T-40-spec.pdf http://www.meanwell.nl/Images/pdf/datasheets/RQ-50-spec.pdf http://www.meanwell.nl/Images/pdf/datasheets/TP-75-spec.pdf Nowhere can I find the switching frequency. Is it hidden somewhere within another parameter? /EDIT2 Damn I need glasses, it's at the top of each document. :whistle:
  12. Some success has been reported. Still, try at your own risk :rolleyes: Depends on what you're going to power with it. T30 looks good enough for a 6582 with added filters and more fun, but as it is not available from the Dutch distributor (and I can't find it on meanwell.com either - discontinued maybe?) I'll go with the T40. Whichever you choose, you need the 'B' model for +5/+12/-12.
  13. Due to the overwhelming amount of people who want to jump on the bandwagon (exactly 0 (zero)), I'll just go ahead and order one for myself. :tongue:
  14. What the topictitle says. I want 4 SSM2044, and have at least one 8580 spare. Make me an offer I can't refuse. Cheers, Alex.
  15. OK, Mean Well distributor in NL just got back to me about prices. Up to 19 units will be €18,20 per piece, when ordering more than 20 units price per piece will drop to €16,30. For standard shipping & handling they charge €25 per order. So for example if there would be 5 midiboxers who want one, price per piece would be €18,20 + €5,00 + shipping to your home address (or come pick it up for free & a coffee). So, is anybody interested in a bulk-order of these babies? Just shout here or PM (or mail) me, if there are a few guys interested I'll also advertise in the bulk-order section. I'm not planning on organizing a huge order though, so don't wait too long to respond but also don't jump on if you don't have the ca$h (and keep in mind that shipping in NL can be quite expensive; €7 for domestic parcels, international costs more). Cheers, Alex.
  16. Hi All, for an audio project (unrelated to Midibox btw) I need a 2x15V (or 1x30V with center tap) Toroidal power transformer rated 20VA (but higher is not a problem). The thickness of the unit should not exceed 30mm, it needs to go into a 1U case. I could use a total of 3 of those units. Reichelt sells them @ €15,75 new and shipping is not an issue since I need some stuff from there anyway, but it'd be nice if someone has them lying around and doesn't need them anymore. Preferrably in NL so shipping costs can be kept low. I also have a few things to trade if that's more fun, just drop me an email or a PM and we'll sort things out. Cheers, Alex.
  17. I'll scrap the 45-15 then, and go for the Mean Well. Has better looks anyways. Do you have an URL or something for the distributor's details? I'm a freelancer so I have everything needed to buy stuff directly from them, as long as I don't need to buy 10 at once anyway (in which case I might organize a bulk order :))
  18. Me likes! I didn't search very hard yet but found these 2: http://www.dil.nl/PartDetails.aspx?ProductID=ZPS30 and http://www.dil.nl/PartDetails.aspx?ProductID=ZPS4515. Have no idea about their switching freqency but one of these has been successfully used as a replacement PSU in a vintage amplifier I was told. But since those are EOL I might just go for the T40, seems to be perfectly right for what I want with it.
  19. Because a. I need +5, +9, +12 and -12 volt rails so I would need 4 wallwarts with your solution. b. Wallwarts are uncool, more than 1 wallwart is seriously uncool (IMHO). 4 wallwarts is not only insanely uncool, but also extremely impractical. c. What's the fun in using wallwarts? I like it better if something is custom and/or expirimental. Besides, if it turns out switching PSUs aren't evil anymore per sé, lots more Midiboxers could benefit from that info, so I plan on ordering one in the very near future. Might even finish my 6582 project that way. And you're exactly right to do so. (IMHO again) Cheers, Alex.
  20. I have been talking to someone with experience on using switching PSUs in audio applications. He suggested putting coils in the path for filtering, if the HF noise would be within the audible spectrum. I have no idea if and how that would help, maybe someone who is into this matter could explain further?
  21. I have been thinking about a switcher as well, but am hestitant because I also want to use AOUT and SSM boards. Toroid trafo's still are the way to go in audioland AFAIK...
  22. Those are rated 15VA, it's been years since I was into this stuff but please correct me if wrong; that means 2A for the 7,5V trans and a little more than 1A for the 12V one, right?
  23. Maar jij bent dan ook een mazzelaar. ;) NLer: check Actief: Mwoah. Zo eens in de 3 jaar :whistle: MB: Een heleboel onderdelen ja. Nu nog iets van een voeding.
  24. You guys still messin' with my PSU desing huh? :) Sad to say I never got it working and all MB stuff has been in the closet for several years. Would love to finish that stuff one day, but I don't have them skillz to finally make a usable PSU. Anybody in the Amsterdam / Haarlem area willing to help? (read: I'll provide coffee/beer and/or entertainment while you do the hard work, and I will offer spare parts/ICs/other cool stuff as compensation for your time). Cheers, NLX
  25. Hi Jeff, no I was making music fairly often, just never finishing anything :D Please do check the songs, I really want to know what everybody thinks. Have sent them to a dozen trance labels last week, hope I get a positive reaction. Pffffff....I'm recovering from Mysteryland, that was quite a hefty party....
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