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Everything posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Yes that sounds completely logical... :rofl: How is that important? If they make pleasant noise just build an MBSID with them. You can always decide later that you rather have SIDs with proper silkscreen.
  2. I'm okay with that :thumbsup: Now I only need to know why the frequency control need a bipolar supply and the resonance doesn't, and why a bipolar supply is needed at all for proper v/oct response (which to my knowledge is still only 0v - 5v).
  3. For the AOUT_NG a fix was suggested that only required to change a few resistor values. I was still under the presumption that a similar fix would be possible on the filter (and VCA) modules. Maybe I'm totally wrong?
  4. Yes, I know that. I was asking for literature about WHY I need it. [edit] For example: all I find about CV voltages is that it's between 0v and 5v (because some guy called Moog thought it up that way). Now, why do I need a negative voltage then? Only for calibration of the 0v - 5v range perhaps?
  5. OK, stumbled upon another piece of confusing info while planning the CV outputs: Seppoman describes how the AOUT_NG only outputs + / - 2,8V without modification, and that the Original AOUT probably suffers from the same "bug". Since I'm building this thing with compatibility with other external modules in mind; do I need to change resistor values on the Original AOUT as well to get + /- 5V? I'd also like some more info on the difference and necessity of unipolar and bipolar CV outputs. I'll try to Google some more info tonight but if anyone has some good recommendations please post them! :thumbsup:
  6. Hey AndroSID, do your SIDs produce offspring? Your quanities "left" seem to rise over time :rolleyes:. You have to share your secret because I can't get mine to mate... :sweat:
  7. All my SIDs have the ADSR bug. I wouldn't classify them as defective though. Bugs are what give ald analog gear its charm. Nowadays designers of synth VSTs are trying to mimic the analog circuit quirks and instability bacause their products are deemed too clean... You get this as an integrated feature with the SID. Learn to love it :console:
  8. Hi, when I have an LTC module (without the MAX IC stuffed) attached to the Core, MIDI does not work at all (monitoring with MIOS Studio). As soon as I pull the module everything starts to work immediately. When starting the setup with LTC attached, only one LED flashes briefly (maybe only because of inrush current?). Looking at the schematics, LTC does not do anything complicated, and the Core pins are not reassigned for different functions. What could be going wrong? Cheers, Alex.
  9. Jan's payment is pending, and the manufacturer communicated an expected shipping date of 10-10-12, so everything is going smoothly so far. I only have to refund Rosch some cash (will do so this week) and order the Molex parts. Will keep you all updated when there's anything to report, so be prepared for a short radio silence. If you have questions do not hesitate to PM or mail me. Cheers, Alex.
  10. Update: NorthernLightX Myself Shuriken Payment received Rosch Payment received ilmenator Payment received dnode Payment received jojjelito Payment received Johey combined payment & shipping with jojjelito janvanvolt ? I'll PM janvanvolt some more :rolleyes:
  11. Update: NorthernLightX Myself Shuriken Payment pending jojjelito Payment pending Rosch Payment pending ilmenator Payment pending Johey combined shipping with jojjelito dnode ? janvanvolt ? I really hope the guys who haven't responded yet will do so soon. I have already ordered the 14 pieces, if someone bails out now I'll have some spares I need to get rid of...
  12. Latest state of the frontpanel, added patch matrix to the right side. The patch matrix will consist of all 6,3mm jacks, so it takes up a lot of space but that's fine. EDIT Apparently shading (shades of grey) are not possible with laser engraving, so I had to overwork the entire panel to vector graphics. This turned out to be less hard than expected, and the result is very much to my satisfaction. The red spaces indicate the holes if you're wondering. /EDIT
  13. OK, I think I have sent a PM to all participants. If you have not received a PM please contact me ASAP. Cheers, Alex.
  14. Great! I'll place the order today then, so from this point on nobody can join the BO anymore... :tongue: Final list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 2 Johey 1* - combined shipping with jojjelito dnode 2* janvanvolt 1* --------------------------------------- Total 14 I will send payment details by PM this afternoon. Cheers, Alex.
  15. Ajax decided to pull out after all, so janvanvolt is the only one who hasn't replied yet. Updated list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 2 Johey 1* - combined shipping with jojjelito dnode 2* janvanvolt 1 --------------------------------------- Total 13 Please everybody; have the funds ready to be wire transferred early next week so the Bulk Order can go forward as planned. Thanks! :flowers:
  16. ytsestef cancelled by PM, so I'm still waiting for janvanvolt to confirm or cancel his order and then I can start collecting payment and place the final order next week. Updated list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 2 Ajax 1* Johey 1* - combined shipping with jojjelito dnode 2* janvanvolt 1 --------------------------------------- Total 14
  17. End of the month I'll begin collecting payment. Once everyone has paid or announced they no longer want to participate I'll place the final order, and it will not be possible to join the BO afterwards.
  18. You're able to create your own PCB but not able to read a bridge rectifier rating even after it is explained by another forum member? That's perculiar imho. Anyway, yes, a recifier rated for 50V(ac) and 1,5A (1500mA) is sufficiently rated to put behind a PSU that supplies 12V(ac) at 600mA. Rule of thumb is that you multiply the Vac rating by 1,4 to (roughly) know the Vdc rating, and 12 x 1,4 is 16,8 which is still way below 50. Good luck!
  19. Ajax contacted me via PM, updated list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 2 Ajax 1* ytsestef 1 janvanvolt 1 --------------------------------------- Total 11
  20. I've looked at the specs of the Reichelt PSU briefly in the past, and as far as I can remember the switching frequency is also 100KHz so it's fine in that regard. It is however less efficient as Shuriken already pointed out, has about half of the power the Mean Well RPT60-B can deliver, and is not cheaper.
  21. Maybe I can help. What do you have to offer? :whistle:
  22. updated list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 2 ytsestef 1 janvanvolt 1 Ajax 1 --------------------------------------- Total 10 So the minimum of 10 units is reached :cheer:
  23. Great! Current list: * wants molex connectors as well confirmed / unconfirmed NorthernLightX 2* Shuriken 3* jojjelito 1* Rosch 2* ilmenator 1 or 2 ytsestef 1 janvanvolt 1 Ajax 1 I will send out PMs to the unconfirmed orders now.
  24. Hi Rosch, as far as I know the -12v is only used for bi-powered opamps, and those really do not draw that much, I'd be surprised if your mentioned setup would draw more than 100mA. 4A on the +5v line is very high, so I don't expect any issue there as well. 2A on the +12v is also way more than needed for the stuff you're mentioning, even with 8 SIDs. I am planning to use one of these PSUs to power an MB6582 baseboard with custom control surface, and at least 2 MAX525 AOUT, 4 Seppo VCF and 1 Seppo VCA. I am even planning to add more modules later, and still expect the PSU to handle it without any trouble. That all said I still want to make a disclaimer: your mileage may vary.
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