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Everything posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Could the problem be in the wiring of the midi plugs? I did that wrong the first time too. You write you checked them, but as you also wrote you checked the value of R5 which turned out to be wrong, maybe you also misread the plug polarity, or maybe you connected ground on the MIDI in port.
  2. HI TK, sounds mighty cool, but I can't really hear the feedback option used, or was it a fixed setting for the entire set? I find the feedback option a nice feature, but it is not as powerful as I had hoped it to be, at least in my box.
  3. Too bad you didn't look at the schematic for the optimized PSU before you finished all the Core modules; you would have noticed that the 7805 regulators need to be removed from your Cores to use it. You also stuffed 4 optocouplers, I think you only need the opto stuffed in the master core, not in the slaves. Hope this prevents problems for you.
  4. Distortion is a nice effect to have with the SID. I have made a distortion unit that sounds good with synth, but it might have a bit too many features for use with SID (4 potmeters and a switch), and it is not MIDIfied right now. As soon as I have finished the project I will upload the schematics and the docs on the WIKI, with recommendations on how to simplify the design. MIDIfication is beyond my abilities, I'll leave that to the experts for now.
  5. OK, if I did it right the picture can be viewed here: http://senduit.com/1c7384
  6. I built myself a DINX2 and a BankstickX2 on a piece of vero and it's quite easy to do, just follow the schematics. If you really don't dare to do it, use a DINX4 PCB and only stuff 1 IC. Sawing in the board would not help things, and I cannot recommend it.
  7. Thanks Stryd, I might use that. Unfortunately the file is at home and I am at work right now, will try it tonight.
  8. Hi FLD, I looked at your photos and to be ahead of problems: - It looks like you have created yourself a groundloop (ground wire connected from 9V PSU to SID board AND from 5V on Core to SID as well). This will probably introduce noise. - You have not grounded the audio-in of the SID. This creates a massive amount of noise. Cheers, Alex.
  9. Hi Guys, I'm building a guitar distortion pedal for a friend of mine. The distortion circuit is made of all kind of bits of schematic found here and there on the web, with massive tweaks made to them. To be brief: it sounds nasty, and has numerous sound tweaking options. I have tested the current design with a synthesizer, and it is quite useable. I will probably make an adapted schematic for use as a Midibox SID / FM extension in the near future. The artwork I have also made out of several bits and pieces found on the web, and is currently black and white. I am quite content with how it turned out, as I am very, VERY unexperienced with computer graphics (the last time I was tinkering with them was in the time a Tseng videocard with 4MB of DRAM was considered ubercool, but I spent more time with my GUS MAX). I have already bought a sheet of Lazertran to transfer the decals to the stompbox, which is made from aluminium and will probably be brushed to a satin finish before applying the decals. I do not have access to hosting space at the moment, so I cannot upload the file here, sorry. I can only describe the thing a little: it involves "tribal tattoo" style graphics, and has a dragon crawling over it. So, what's the deal then, you migth ask. Well, I have access to a color laserprinter at work, and was wondering if a multicolor decal might add a final touch of coolness. I do not have the skills to make my design more colorful and add coolness as well, so I'm asking if anyone out here would like to give it a shot :) If anyone has too much spare time is interested just reply here or PM me, and I will send you the file (it's PNG format). Cheers, Alex.
  10. Well, I have had boards from Mike, and if I ever need extra boards I will order from Smash, even though I'm in europe. Mike's boards work, but Smash's boards are much nicer in my opinion.
  11. Hi, I voted to buy anything, but I can imagine someone wanting to build a box with blue leds. In that case red knobs would be not so nice, and that person would probably vote for blue knobs. But if blue would lose to red, that person would rather have clear knobs than red knobs. So, I think there should be 2 more options in the poll: - Anything but red, and - Anything but blue (the above scenario counts for people wanting to use red leds as well). Clear knobs work with any color. Just my 0.02
  12. Sorry for talking bogus again, I do that a lot lately :-[
  13. Wouldn't it be easier to just adapt the code? I have little experience with coding, but in the code I saw it's very easy to move functions to different DIN pins. Just a suggestion.
  14. Sorry to kick a very old thread, but I have a similar situation here with an Aztech card. Funny thing is, that the card layout is exactly the same as on the MBFM module SMD desoldering tutorial. This card has a chip in the place of the OPL3, named LS-212 408 GH. Probably a clone, maybe some extra logic. I only need the YAC512 anyway, so if anyone want's to tinker with it I'd be happy to send the card for only the postage. Cheers, Alex.
  15. I have some of those lying around, but it never hurts to have some extra ;D So, sign me up for the group-buy.
  16. I would be interested in the Core and the DIN modules. I you consider selling these apart from the rest just give me a PM. Cheers, Alex.
  17. That's so embarrassing ;D I'm a noob to programming, but 've searched for a day and a half on ucapps and the forum for that info, never occurred to me that there would be a simple readme file. As long as you guru's are not offended by my n00bish questions I'll keep on posting them, so other people can find those answers on the forum and don't have to post the same questions again (and suffer the embarrasment ;) )
  18. I didn't think about that, you are right, it's not preferrable You probably alrady tought about this: If you use 2 bits in the header of a patch to tell what kind of 4 possible patch configurations is used one could already choose between the current 3 options (standard 16x16 track, 16x8 track with parametertrack, 32x16 track), that is, if there are 2 free bits in the header. With 3 bits 8 options are available, for example to tell the engine this is a patch with double length tracks. I have absolutely no programming experience and can't predict the impact on the CPU load and programming effort, so if I'm talking crap please tell me ;) Then I would advise: keep it simple. Users who require sophisticated loops must make MBSEQ. I would love to build both MBSIDV2 and MBSEQ in the same case, to create an UberMonsterMidiBOX ;D ...but that's just me. Cheers, Alex.
  19. Hi Wilba, I would be interested in a PCBfor either the CEM or the SSM chip seppoman was talking about earlier. And if it would be also possible to control the values with pots instead of AOUT that would be cool too, if it isn't too much work.
  20. Hi TK, I tought, if one would want to have 16 sequences, it is possible to use a second patch for the other sequences. In theory one could even use more than 2 patches to create x * 8 sequences. Maybe it is even possible to define in the patch how many "patch-spaces" a patch occupies, to increase the number of sequences as needed/wanted? I do think an assignable parameter on a second track is something useful, but on the other hand if one would want to make sophisticated sequences one could just build MBSEQ... So, I voted for the second parameter track, but would be just as happy with any of the other options, if something I want is not possible with the SID alone, I'll build a SEQ to accompany it. Cheers, Alex.
  21. today ;) No seriously: the sooner you place and confirm your order, the sooner Wilba can estimate how much work will be involved. I have some experience with bulk ordering, and there are two things to do: order everything you want (so don't make endless requests to change your order) and order early. Happy ordering ;D
  22. It's probably me, but I can find how to change the LCD size in main.asm anywhere. Can somebody please explain? Im trying to adapt the SID V2 beta firmware for a 16x2 LCD, 4 select buttons, 1 menu, 1 shift, and 1 encoder. Also, as soon as I can edit the asm files, how do I upload the code to the midibox?
  23. No problem, I like group initiatives ;) Was just curious about your motives.
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