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Everything posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Hi, All parts before the regulators are rated for at least 35V, so you'll have to do pretty strange stuff to blow them ;) Parts behind the regulators are overrated too. I've finished fixing the error in the schematic (and ended up designing a totally new board again). Will post that in a few minutes. Cheers, Alex.
  2. One of my co-workers, who is also fairly skilled with electronics, pointed out that my schematic is flawed, and so the board is useless too! I have to put the resistors in series with the input of the 7809 and 7805. I will correct this asap, in the meantime the current pictures will be removed temporarily, sorry. Thanks for the warning, I indeed did not take that into account! The 7912 will not become all that hot though, not much stuff makes use of the -12V anyway, and since I'll have to redesign the board anyhow, I'll put it in a separate space. Cheers, Alex.
  3. I'm looking forward to publishing my PSU design in the WIKI, as well as my MBSID which will get some mighty nice additions not yet in the MBHP module program :D So stay tuned ;)
  4. Core board not for sale anymore, neither are the SID boards. One SID board might be back on sale later.
  5. [edit] Images removed due to design flaw. Will post new ones below. [/edit] 8) This is the final version so far. I am really content with the board, it was fun actually, like a puzzle :) The regulators are placed in a line, Mendelt's suggestion was to make it possible to use the case (if it's aluminium for example) as a huge heatsink. I needed some space on the edge of the board for routing, so I'm not sure if that's possible, still a good piece of aluminium could function as a nice heatsink for all 4 regulators. I've also taken pay-c's advise into account, and all SIL headers have the GND on the same side now, exept for the 3 legged headers, where GND is the middle pin. More last minute changes: the 330n WIMA film capacitors where exchanged for 220n Kerko's - Mendelt suggested that Kerko's are much better at filtering higher frequencies than the film caps. The 2 resistors are placed to keep the 7809 and 7805 cooler. How this works exactly, and if I've placed them right, I don't know. They are 2W 10Ohm resistors in parallel, forming a 4W 5Ohm resistance. Any comments are still very welcome! If the design is approved, I'll release the Schematic and .BRD file to the community, along with a Reichelt partlist. Total costs of the PSU are about 20 euro (including 2x 12v Toroid transformer @ 2A, excluding heatsink and PCB) when ordered from Reichelt. Cheers, Alex.
  6. You're welcome, but as always: as soon as anybody else gives you advise that sounds like they're more knowledgable about this stuff, they probably are ;-) I don't understand what you mean with "tolernce", but if it is about the regulators: they need about 2 volts to operate. So in order to get a clean 5v you need to feed it 7. Also note that these regs only give accurate readings when something is actually attached to it, a Core for example. or else they will indeed feed higher voltage on the out pin. AC is nice, because when rectified and regulated, you get the peak current from the wave (so in practice your AC voltage gets upped bij 41% when converted to DC, minus 0,7v). If you feed DC to your rectifier,the only thing it will do is eat 0,7v from it. You could use a DC supply and omit the rectifier, but be careful not to switch the polarity, or you'll discover a new kind of smell from your elco's :-) Your DOUT boards get their power from the Core, unless you build a custom cable. If you want that, you could power each DOUT board with a separate Filtercap/78xx line. But let's say for example that you'll use 100 LEDs, and they're always on. I don't know if you want full brightness, but let's assume you'll go with the standard 220 Ohm resistors. (Right now I'm going to use a calculation from a website in Dutch: http://www.tomvanleeuwen.nl/led/ - it's for calculating LED values. If you can't read Dutch it's not much use unfortunately) Let's also assume your LED's are rated for 3,5V and 20mA - that's quite standard. With 220 Ohm resistors they will draw about 7mA a piece. that's 700mA for all your 100 LEDs. As long as you don't use a backlit LCD, your entire box can be powered off 1 7805. If more power is needed, just increase the value of your resistors. If you use 390 Ohm, the current will be down to 4mA per LED, so using 200 LED's wil only eat 800mA. They will be less bright though. You can also use the bigger resistors to limit the current so a backlit LCD can be attached to a single 7805. Hope this clears things up a bit. And I also hope I haven't made any stupid errors, I'm fairly new to electronics myself ;-) Cheers, Alex.
  7. If you only use Core, and some DINX4 it's better to use a 7Vac powersupply, so your 7805 won't get too hot. You don't need 12v at all.
  8. Sold some stuff, updated info on others. Core module is now 0,5 euro cheaper. Check changelog in top post. Cheers, Alex.
  9. Hi, the buttons will TAKE what they need. the PSU's rating is what it CAN deliver MAX. So, having an overrated PSU is no problem at all, it's even more safe this way. Simple analogy: Voltage gets FED to your components, so you'll have to make sure there's not too much of it, or they'll be over fed. Amperage is DRAWN from your PSU, so you have to make sure there's enough of it, or your components will kill your PSU ;) Cheers, Alex.
  10. So for the big capacitors to be able to do so, you'll need to supply them with at least 11Vdc. THat means, taking the 1,41 rule into account, that your Vac just before the rectifiers has to be at least 7,8 - plus the 0,7V the rectifier consumes, so 8,5Vac at least. 9,5 would be more comfortable, for example when your mains power is below average (which caused "unexplainable" readings on my box earlier :D ) Just a post to check if I understand correctly now, correct me if I'm wrong about anything ;-)
  11. Hi, tying them into a +5v circuit is useful if your LEDs need to be always on. If on the other hand you want them to switch on and off according to actions on your box, you will want to use a DOUTX4 module for that. DOUTX4 both arranges for the supplying voltage (+5v is routed from the Core) and the logic. The resistors on this module are just what Raphael was pointing out: they're for limitting the current through the LED. Good luck!
  12. Update voor de mensen die meelezen: We hebben nu bestellingen van 4 mensen, totaal al meer dan 250 euro. Ik hoor morgen of er nog een bestelling bijkomt, en dan is het daarna z.s.m. inkloppen die handel bij Reichelt.
  13. Denk je? Ik denk dat je beter een klein stukje uit de CS code kunt copy/pasten in de Step A code. Maar doe vooral wat je zelf denk dat het beste is, dat meen ik echt. Het gaat erom dat je er zelf achter staat en lol hebt, niet wat de kortste of makkelijkste weg is.
  14. Update: the 10uF caps have been replaced by 22uF caps. Diodes are in place. I'm looking forward to receive Mendelt's findings, last time I spoke with him he suggested placing the 7809 and 7805 directly after the big filtercaps, with a 5w 5Ohm resistor....I don't really understand it all but fortunately he knows his stuff :) Cheers, Alex.
  15. Die xtra knoppen heeft nog niemand gedaan in NL bij mijn weten maar dat is geen rocketscience. Twin-X heeft bij mijn weten een SEQ gebouwd. Gr, Alex.
  16. heel simpel: ja. Klikjes wil je ALLEEN bij encoders die je voor het menu gebruikt. ALLE andere encoders zonder klikjes. Ik zou als ik jou was nog even heel goed kijken naar het implementeren van die extra encoders. Ik krijg de indruk dat jij denkt dat je ze, net als potmeters, ergens tussen kunt kwakken. Dat gaat dus niet, je zult dus de huidige SID Step A applicatie moeten uitbreiden met extra code, en je hebt een extra board nodig (DINX4 - of als je zelf graag klooit op veroboard kun je zelf een DINX1 of X2 improviseren). Succes! Gr, Alex.
  17. Hi Smash, I don't want to bug you in any way, but can you give an indication when your shop is going to be online again? Am really anxious to place an order ;-) Cheers, Alex.
  18. OK, some more changes will be implemented: - Bridge rectifier will be replaced by discrete diodes (avalable bridge rectifiers might not fit the pcb-holes correctly, diodes always fit) - Mendelt currently is researching a design change to try to get the regulators less hot (not the use of bigger heatsinks). Fortunately, he knows more about electronisc than I do. Results will be posted as usual. Cheers, Alex.
  19. OK i get that ( about the voltages) but the info page said that the core can function with an overpowerd source because of the low power consumtion, it said that thats possible because the 7805 doesn't get too hot. The site also said different things about the voltage for the sid, somewhere it said 15 V the other said 12 V so thats the source off my questions. And Alex i can't find the topc on you multi-voltage powersupply mabey you can past the link. Tanks for the answers guys Geert
  20. Two things: - why only American sites? If your switches are so difficult to find, surely at one point you'll want to order them anywhere? - Happy searching the sites you do want to order from.
  21. I advise you to do one of 3 things: 1. Learn English. All suggestions by everybody in this thread have been polite and helpful, if you could only understand what they're writing. Also for me, understanding what you're writing yourself is quite a puzzle sometimes. 2. Get somebody who can understand English to help you with posting the questions and reading the answers, that will probably clear most of your questions up a bit. 3. Find another hobby. You get frustrated much too soon, you probaply would never finish the project anyway if you're dissapointed this soon. That's how I think about it. Have a nice day.
  22. Hoi Geert, ik heb in je Engelse post gereageerd. Ik adviseer je om je technische vragen altijd in het Engelse gedeelte van het forum te stellen, veel meer volk en ook goed technisch onderlegd (beter dan ik gelukkig). verder: welkom! gr, Alex.
  23. Hi, A 12v supply can work for the 6581 SID, but not for the Core, which needs 5v. There's enough info about this on www.uCApps.de, you could also look in my topic about the multi-voltage powersupply, it's in the Design Concepts board. Good luck searching! Cheers, Alex.
  24. Detented wil zeggen dat je hem voelt klikken. TK heeft een algoritme dat ook halve waardes doet ofzoiets, dat werkt het beste als je die klikjes niet hebt tijdens het draaien. Voor je Menu encoder wil je overigens wel detents hebben. Extra filter en (dus) resonance is een heel ander verhaal, de encoders sturen namelijk de software in de PIC aan die de interne filters van de SID bedient, en er zit maar 1 12dB filter in elke SID chip (voor alle 3 de OSCs slechts 1 filter, dus niet 1 filter per OSC). Je kunt er wel een extarn filter bijbouwen, zie bijvoorbeeld het Moog Ladder filter of het CEM3378 project van TK hier ergens op het forum, maar dat is nog zo pril dat er geen enkele documentatie van is. FF wachten dus. Of zelf iets maken, schema's genoeg, als je wilt kan ik wel een linkje posten. Maar maak eerst die SID maar af ;-) Gr, Alex.
  25. it looks like I did, doesn;t it? oops.... :-[ I will copper fill the thing when it's finished. Why should the GND be the same direction? that way I get all kind of unwanted routing problems..... ???
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