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Everything posted by Twin-X

  1. Welcome LL (prob not the real one ;)) No you do not need the SID module. Focus on the MB-6582 documentation. All modules are integrated on the Baseboard PCB you ordered. Regards, Jeffry
  2. Looking good Jooks. It's nice to hear you enjoy your build. Keep it up. You are our noob role model now ;)
  3. http://cgi.ebay.nl/roland-tr-808-FULL-16-step-SWITCH-SET-new-repro_W0QQitemZ300291673997QQcmdZViewItemQQptZKeyboards_MIDI?hash=item300291673997&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1399%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  4. Great stuff. How did the crowd respond to your creation?
  5. Yeah i am in for 2 or 4 if we can't make it. I have a usa adres (a special service bust costs alot) but the seller can send them to smash too!
  6. Someone stepped on his toe i guess. :P He unregistered himself.
  7. Hello Alex, Well it is simple to awnser your question. It ain't forbidden to sell your midibox. However there are conditions: * You have to ask TK permission. * You may not sell it for profit * You may only sell it on midibox.org I really do not understand why people cannot live with this statement http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,5758.0.html Those are the rules. If disregarded the whole forum will do anyting within it's power to stop it. And trust me this can be utterly anoying. Regards, Jeffry
  8. As Seppoman said Yes. However you misinterpeted me. Let me explain it again in 4 simple steps: *Think of a midibox project. *Buy the pcb's and components. (if you cannot find a specific component you may ask it on the forum) *Start building. *If you get stuck or don't understand: Ask on the forum. We would love to see you start building something.
  9. Julien, You are not on the right track. In another post you asked for gerber files. Now for ready made modules? And the STM 32? it is not even ready. I ask you to read alot first so alot of your questions will be awnsered. If you keep asking these kind of questions people will think you have wrong intensions wich could result in member irritation and will get you banned from the forum. So think of a project, start building and then ask questions. Jeffry
  10. Ik heb denk ik wel wat maar die moet ik eerst nog even testen voordat ik ze verkoop. Gaat om 8580's. Mochten ze werken dan vraag 20 Euro per stuk + verzendkosten.
  11. Sasha i was thinking. Is it to late to add buttons or shift function for those real specific 909 things. Wat i am trying to say is that i miss shuffle/flam and an accent button (feature) As an ex 909 owner i can tell you that you will use this alot! And it would be a great + if this could be added somehow.
  12. http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Switches/Toggle-Switches/Sealed-miniature-PCB-toggle-switches/61658 http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Switches/Latching-PCB-Switches/PCB-Power-switch/72625 http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Switches/Latching-PCB-Switches/Illuminated-push-button-switches/70729 Maybe? I kinda like the last one myself.
  13. For the switch keep it one that is easily available in shops. I had to trash a c64 to get the switch. I have to wait for salary too otherwise i would have send you some fundings for the prototype.
  14. He is ok! He just needs to take it slower. I think because he was absent for a while he has lots to do and this has not come along the list yet. He will respond. Just give it a bit of time. Jeffry
  15. This is the best looking seq i have seen to this date. Excellent done my compliments for the pro looks on this monster!
  16. Sasha i have not started my 9090 yet but i allready like what you are doing. So if you approve, i am willing to do the batch. It will be a first timer for me but i think i can manage. My second question is the 9090 housing. I allready got one but now that i see your's hmmmmm me like :D. Could we do a panel or case batch too after the pcb's?
  17. Julien, I missed this. When you have ported to mios 32 i will build one too and sell my monome instantly!!! However i am looking more for a 8 x 16 will your software be compatible with that? Great job regards, Jeffry
  18. Ultra is selling doing a second run of his pcb. Follow that and you have a breeze buidling 1 yourself. Don't forget to join the Wilba groupbuy for the easy seq frontpanel and matching pcb!!!
  19. Yes i can chat too on work with the mibbit on this page. And i know for sure only port 80 is open to the outside world.
  20. stryd if you really need one i can donate you a Vista 64 license (yeah legal one)
  21. Correct it's VIP, i was lucky to get me one. I allready asked for a second run. But if this is not gonna happen then i will try to rebuild it but then with the MIOS32 technology.
  22. No the closest current 303 sequencer is the Transistorsex:
  23. The Awnser is simple: A good price to pay is the cost for the materials not for the job done. Do you have a picture of this SID or link so we estemate the price? Regards, Jeffry
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