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Everything posted by Twin-X

  1. Looking at it. Fisrt it was memory now it's cpu >:( >:( >:(
  2. Cpanel updated their software today for vps optimization :D :D :D That did the trick. And it happend to be released on my birthday. Even so i increased ram with 256MB. We should be covered now!
  3. Eh you found this last night? I allready build this one since they left the recording forums. It's a very good compressor. I have build 1 for someone in NZ . Still have to build 3 myself.
  4. OOOPS you got me there. I didn't want to be responcible. Alot of these WOW players throw themselfs of buildings and so. Would be a waste if you guys do this. Because alot of knowledge would be lost :D
  5. Keep still and let me do the worrying! Did some optimizations. This vps is unmanaged so i have to do everything myself. Seems like i got it fixed for now. Fingers crossed. Sorry i could not fix it sooner. I had too many private issues on my hand the last days. (nothing to worry about for you guys.)
  6. I think depending on what application there will come the duome (why not call it "bugger") there will be alot of animo. As i said i would preffer it with a midi interface and not like the monome that depends on a host application on the pc.
  7. Thanks Simone, It is because i just bought a monome 40h kit and finished it. However it is not worth the price. On my planning is still a 4x16 grid button monome clone with midi and the 4x8 + 4x1 grid for mbseq 3. So i was just wondering how far you guys are.
  8. Do you guys use the rgb sparkfun leds? And what is the status of this project? I am looking to use this in the matrix board for sequencer.
  9. What is a dry solder joint ??? Ya even i am sometimes a nub :D * wait i got a brainwave: is that an unsoldered joint?
  10. That's odd i have a midiman sport 4x4 and it sucks big time. No signed drivers (it costs them 80$ to get those signed.) i have to use my old live blaster 5.1 to get data on my core's
  11. kut is another word for vagina in the Netherlands :)
  12. I have a huge list of invalid emails. But due to privacy reasons i will not post the usernames and email adresses that are attached to it. The forum is updated on the latest patch level and i will keep doing this whenever a new one is comming out. So no worries about your email being disclosed to the public. And i won't sell your email to spammers. Regards, Jeffry
  13. I have one. But not for sale. This was announced a long time ago. Maybe if you are lukcy, Jeff will do another run but don't count on it. It was a tremendous amount of work for him to do the 2 batches.
  14. I will fiddle with redirection a bit ok.
  15. I use 4 computers. No issues as far as i can see. (if i would i had fixed them instantly ;))
  16. WTF i love your tunes. Awsome!! But please take some dancing lessons or quit eating shrooms ;D ;D ;D
  17. There are movie clips online where some famous dj's try the toy.
  18. This looks intressting. I think i would buy one since i spend alot of time in the train to my work. But the price is way off chart. What do you think of this gadget? http://www.pacemaker.net/
  19. So my young padawan. You are ready for field work now. When will i recieve my panel :D:D:D
  20. Lars, I would like to see a full tutorial and a list of items you need and shop links to make my own panels. I see you are allready making a tutorial on your blog. Regards, Jeffry
  21. True but that does not mean Mike is a bad seller or anything. There are more places to get the PIC from besides Smash and Mike. Do not be bound by one seller.
  22. Twin-X


    Then who is ??? ;) ;D
  23. When do you take orders for the groupbuy ;D ;D ;D
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