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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Well, one could... but that's not my steez. I'm either nice, or nasty, and little between ...
  2. Nope, unipolar, just +5V and Ground :) I've never heard of stryper either!
  3. They pass electronics through the scanners separately and scan them defferently, looking for explosives, so you're pretty much OK.... But if you're an activist type rocking camo clothes and a bushy terr'ist beard, you're gonna get a hard time. In my case, they made me hand over the gear to be specially scanned by the feds and registered and stored separately to the rest of the cargo. Oh and I got a frisking.
  4. I'm a few years in... uhm... 6 to be exact. damn. My experience is mostly comprised of f*ckups though :D My initial hardware experience was limited to soldering other peoples designs and software was all windows-based... Not a great starting point in the midibox world :) Well, that really depends on what exactly you're trying to do with it. The arduinos aren't too hefty, I think the idea with them is more to bring data to the PC and do the processing there... But you can see from the MBseq v2 that the PIC in a MBHP core is quite capable indeed.... But there's a definite balancing act to be done. In fact, learning that balance is probably where 90% of the experiences I've gained have been. If you've got a really clear idea of what you want then I could maybe give you some tips to get started on your own sequencer app. Careful layout of data in ram, and preemptive processing, can give you a lot of power, but it needs to be tailored to the specific requirements you have. A good example from the mbseq is it's matrix. A lot of people ask about having a larger matrix on the mbseq, as it's limited to 4 tracks. That's because of the way it caches the song data, 4 tracks at a time. Having a larger matrix means caching more tracks for editing, but there's not enough ram for that, with the mbseq's design. There have also been hints that, if such amounts of data were cached ahead, then the time taken to refresh the matrix could cause timing issues. Essentially, it has the matrix it does, because that's how it was designed from the beginning - so that's why I said "If you've got a really clear idea of what you want" :) It's the bastard child of the vX ... I had to put that to bed until we get a more powerful core. The thing works great with just 4 tracks, but many more than that, and it went to poo. Timing slop, corrupt midi, dropped notes, core reboots, you name it.... and 4-6 tracks is of little use when you're doing algorithmic sequencing. Not to mention, that was using internal memory and no CS (i drove it by sysex and CC's and preset sequences) I learned a lot from doing the alpha though, specifically, what not to do... and learned a few more things watching the MBSeq in the meantime as a comparison (the track handling in mine is different but seeing what works for mbseq shows me what works 'under the hood', and why, which teaches me what I need to do in my own case).... So the new one does things a bit differently under the hood, but with a lot of functional similarities (and borrowed code).
  5. Sounds like you're on track now mate... Once you've had a play with the radium board, you might feel the need for a more advanced controller, then it's MB64 time :)
  6. Downgrading MIOS... Uhm I wouldn't try it. Hopefully the mods to JSL aren't too hefty...
  7. for multiple pads in one small box, I reckon FSRs are the only way to fly. Keep us posted man....
  8. Video looks good to me... Rasteri may be a good source of info here... Mate? Edit sorry for the doublepost, dunno what glitched there...
  9. Yeh but they sell either PCBs or full kits, but no partial kits... or so I thought?
  10. No that was just the truth... Reamings come with swear words ;)
  11. Got pics of the real ones? Read datasheets, take note of actuation force/curve, make a shortlist, buy/order free samples, try, repeat, repeat, repeat....
  12. Seems a lot of trouble to spare 2 square inches... Especially in a 3RU case... But hey it's your box!
  13. Oh, thanks a lot man, how am I supposed to get anything done at work today now?
  14. It might seem advantageous to continue a new problem in an old thread, and maintain momentum/attention... but you need to think about how it effects other people searching the forum for answers.... So I split this into a new topic, and I'm going to move it into the FM forum too. Hope that's OK.
  15. I agree, they're not bad. If I were in Europe, this would be sold by now :)
  16. cimo: that's exactly the problem, but that one is gone now... zenpho you deserve a fricken troubleshooting medal. Well spotted, thankyou. Going by http://svnmios.midibox.org/trunk/apps/synthesizers/midibox_fm_v1/doc/midibox_fm_sysex_implementation.txt a patch request looks like this: I'm not sure what Jsynthlib is doing :-\ Ahh maybe this is a hint: (I followed your hint that MIOS replied, not MBFM, and read http://svnmios.midibox.org/trunk/doc/mios/mios_sysex_implementation.txt : Sounds like jsynthlib was made for the old MIOS version and is reading direct from the BS. You could try an old MIOS version I guess, otherwise JSL will need updating :( Sorry for the "you found a bug"!
  17. Nah leave em there man, it's a valid question, I didn't mean to imply otherwise, I'm just making a joke. Yeh, I know, I'm not funny :P
  18. I've been keeping this is the background (to avoid impatient people accusing me of taking too long) but here' a bit of info: Scanning the matrix can put a hefty time load on the core. This can cause problems with timing-sensitive apps like a sequencer. With a fast processor (IE, not arduino or midibox) this is not such an issue, but for us, it means either having a very simple sequencer, or having timing issues. I've been working on a sequencer forever now, and am fast approaching the first working build with a CS. It uses two cores, one as the CS and one as the engine, which share external memory for the song data, which allows my UI concept of a 12x16 matrix, and a complex sequencer, in the same box. This is several months away at least, but I'll post some pix once the prototype boards are here in a month or so.
  19. Hurry up and pay ultra please guys. It's not nice to leave him out of pocket. Edit: no, ultra did not ask me to post this, it's just my opinion
  20. Welcome aboard, Excellent troubleshooting work man. (and you tagged right, yay!) Could you try this for me: Send the patch using the working tool, and save the log from midiox, so we can see what it sent. Then, do the same with jsynthlib. We can compare the two to see what's missing. If nothing is missing, this might come down to a problem with midi.
  21. Such good doco should really be on the wiki. If I can assist in migrating it there, please let me know. </broken record>
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