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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Yeh I've been face to face with this one too and I second that... and around here, that's not something I say lightly.
  2. Wait means wait. An advanced concept, I know ;)
  3. OK enough crossposting please :) Your enthusiasm is duly noted :)
  4. hehehe, defensive much? Who said that editing is forbidden? I certainly didn't. What was wrong with it? You might say you "asked doc kindly to give a referemce", but when I read the post, it sounded more like you were challenging his qualification to give that advice, and rudely, not kindly. My initial reply was to post his postcount.
  5. You can, yeh. The only tricky part is having the buttons notify mios when they are (de)pressed. Have a look at the J5 as DIN example code for hints. Why the aversion to DINx* modules?
  6. Oh that's really coming together man! The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: Warning - while you were typing 10 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post. Hahaha I'm rocking 'missile switch' (they're not really for firing missiles heh) covers on my boxes, they're good stuff... Although I think they might not match the 'earthy' look of this box, especially as they are generally rather glossy. You can get protective covers in metal which might look nicer though...
  7. Removed the crazy tag. Tagging hint: four words in one tag is not four tags.
  8. Edit: You just edited your post. Good idea. It'll be our little secret :)
  9. Nice one man!!!! To be a 'user project' we really should move the documentation to the midibox wiki (see the sticky thread in this forum). This is important because, unfortunately, offsite documentation is proven to be less persistent... What I mean is, they disappear :( (Yes, I know how long your site has been around, don't take it personally :) ) I'll leave this here for now anyway, I'll give you a hand moving to the wiki if you like? Just drop me a PM. Great work though man! The download link on your page seems busted though :'( Can't wait to hear it!
  10. Just so you know, there is a tool called setx which is not included in the default windows installation but is a free addon. Things like messing with path variables is not what falls into the category of general use ;) That said, the whole wiki process there, is to make your windows box behave like unix; so if you have a *nix box, you can use the posix tools in there and it should work fine. I hope you'll add to the doco on the wiki for all the other linux people, like me when I next try it out ;)
  11. I think the project (and it's documentation) pre-date the 4620 and 4685... So eh, '452 or 4620 will do it. LOL I hate when that happens. "I read it three times, I swear!" ;D
  12. That's why you should search instead of assuming!
  13. Well if you tried *one* search and gave up, then you didn't try hard enough! Why search for "bridge rectifier" ? Is there some other kind of rectifier you are trying to avoid? Just search for rectifier. Using quotes is also worse because it can limit the results unnecessarily. Did you try searching the forum for the part number?
  14. In your GARAGE?! Sacrilege! Give it to ME! Edit: thanks seppo that's a top link! I had found it a while ago when looking for the transoniq archives and lost it again... Bookmarked!
  15. Workaround != "Solution" (even with the quotes) ;D LOL
  16. Well it doesn't work like that - you have to set it every time. Path changes made in a command shell are not permanent, that's why you have to do it in the GUI, or type it every time...
  17. Given that it's on a protoboard the bypass caps are probably more important than ever. Try it with those on, and maybe higher resistance...
  18. Can it? Yes, in theory. Does it? I don't think so. It does CV-Gate though, will that do? Sounds like overkill! Mod the MBCV... Make your own app... Uhm... What exactly do you require?
  19. Buttons shaped like that are numerous...what are the dimensions?
  20. I think she needs to get her geek on. Jesus loves geeks too!
  21. You're absolutely right. I mean, I am. I mean, I was. I mean, we are. We was. Something. Just use SPI ;D (PS - Props for using the search engine, which you clearly have!!) But yeh, not the built in peripheral - bitbang it. It might pay to keep an eye on the SD card project.
  22. Well that's what the quickstart guide was before... Well you'd already be in the directory if you ran the bat file :D Also the idea with this is that you can just run a few commands to get into it, creating and editing batch files isn't really within the scope. We just want to run a few installers and then type the necessary commands to use them. Exactly. That's why there are two documents - quickstart (no forks) for the people familiar with windows, and detailed guides (fork-fest) for those who aren't, or those experienced users who want to know all the forks. Maybe I should remove the part I just added then?
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