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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. 2x40 = 42,80 € 2x20 = 82,00 € :o Maybe not. Damn if you manage to find orange youre deing better than I. I've seen red ones as surplus but that's all. Optrex do them in white, and I thought about a cellophane filter...
  2. Dude did you make that?! Nice rosettes!
  3. Look to those who have gone before you, and ask nicely if you can use their code ;)
  4. It sure would be possible. You can find examples in AudioCommander's projects, sorry I don't have much time on my hands to do this right now :( Edit: it would be nice if you could share the source code of your mod!
  5. Relatively rudimentary monosynths are everywhere, commanding unreasonable prices... You collect vintage synths, you should know! Ahh... there ya go.
  6. If you want to use SPI you should bitbang it, rather than using the inbuilt peripheral, however I'd say you'd be better off using the analog output of the fader and the AIN features on the core. The core will support up to 8 faders without an AINx* module, or up to 64 with the modules.
  7. Yeh, nice! Can you tell me about the LCDs too? Blue 2x40, that's rare as... Only one I know of is the optrex and those aren't them...
  8. MTE is a troubleshooting trooper! However, for all our efforts, we can't get it to behave. I suspect that MTE's new mystery LCDs are a bit unusual; it seems as though, when they are not being written to any more, the LCDs are still interfering with the control or data lines, so the other LCDs are not written to correctly. MTE is going to try and track down the manufacturer so that he can get a datasheet, but until then we have to give up, because I only have PLEDs (which don't like 4bit mode). Damn :(
  9. Groovy. Expensive but groovy. Edit: Cleaned up this crazy tag "Veroboard Stripboard PCB proto "
  10. Uhm I think these fall into the "super rare" category heh... never seen one before :) Really wanna know if you can mod it? Crack it open and show us it's insides....
  11. wow a DIY CNC machine... NICE! Well we already have smashtv and mike doing PCBs for the community... but if you're doing them up and you've got spares... I dunno. It's not my place to make a decision on this , so we should wait for TK... In the meantime, would you mind telling us about your CNC? I'm pretty impressed and very curious :)
  12. Lookin good man! Where did these faders come from? What brand/model are they? (so we can avoid them!)
  13. Holy crap dender what the hell?! OK it's like this - we greatly appreciate it being brought to our attention. BUT: there's a time and a place. This is the right time (immediately) and the wrong place. This is normally a fun community and people doing this ill shit (stealing from us all) is a total bring-down. It's best to PM someone, like me or TK or any of the "frequent writers". Let us deal with this quietly and perfectly legally ;) While you get to chill and make midiboxes. It was bad news but the guys had a funny silly idea that perfectly reflects the fun nature of this forum: to post bird pics. So we did. And we were having fun, despite the bad news you had rightly delivered (although in the wrong way)....Until you came here and had a bit of a temper tantrum. You're pretty new around here but up until now I'd say you seemed like a decent guy, so I'm assuming you've had a real bad fuckin day and taken this the wrong way. Given that you seem otherwise nice, I'm guessing that you probably feel bad right about now and wanna apologise, right?
  14. SR Pins are numbered that way :) Re: DOUT pins backwards?
  15. Well, that would explain why we had problems with the built-in CLCD driver too.... Though normally, a CLCD shouldn't go crazy like that if the enable line is strobed.... in theory it shouldn't do anything at all... and it doesn't explain why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't ... ...But it will be interesting!! I'd suggested this too, and MTE wanted to try J5, so it should be interesting to see how this goes... Heh, I was going to write that for you tonight :) I hope you weren't waiting for me... If you are waiting for me just let me know :) MTE if you need a hand with this, we'll meet in the chat at the usual time. From our testing, I know that you know how to change the include with the makefile, so now you should use the one from SVN (don't forget to do SVN Update first!) so it should use $MIOS_PATH*. FYI, we did try this with the old driver to no avail.
  16. 101_2009bmodd.jpg (405.21 KB, 2560x1920 - viewed 2 times.) 101_2010b.JPG (288.32 KB, 2560x1920 - viewed 1 times.) hahaha you sure that's big enough? I'm all for high res (lord I wish I had your camera!) but I think I can see the reflection of Mars in your resistor leads.... ;D
  17. Nope, parrots are entirely different... I have about 100 of these in my yard: [img width=400]http://wallpapers.bpix.org/wallpapers/15/Rainbow_Lorikeet.jpg Hey, you can resize images in bbcode! [img width=400]http://wallpapers.bpix.org/wallpapers/15/Rainbow_Lorikeet.jpg[/img]
  18. Oh, we have those too, they're all over the cities ... Generally considered to be vermin. My case in point ;)
  19. Maan, that XYYAXB pattern on the second word had me stumped... Didn't think of trying names and punctuation heheh.
  20. Have you priced the NKK's yet? I think you might be surprised at the difference ;) (although they are tacts so it shouldn't be too bad) I doubt the caps will be soft on either of these. In fact, that would be such a special feature that I'd say you'll be made well aware of it if they are.
  21. Pigeons are wonderful creatures. We humans just get annoyed because we introduce foreign species, and despite our endless destruction of their environment and general mistreatment, they adapt well and breed as they always did. Be nice to the birds, blame the humans. Here, meet some aussie pigeons/doves: (did you know they're the same thing?) Edit: How's my SNR? ;D
  22. Yeh wow, these kinda switches are hard *not* to find, they've been cloned to death! Seeing as you only need a few, I'd be hitting surplus sites, get some nice vintage ones....
  23. Please remove the poll, this is not a subject open for decision by anyone but TK. (And people, don't vote in it)
  24. Wow that's cooked. "Aleatoric" hahahahah
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