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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I don't see why not....the SBC is run by a far less powerful PIC than ours, and it does all the same stuff. Where did the greybox website go? It'd be very handy to get the original source.
  2. I've moved this out of the user projects forum (read the sticky please) and fixed up the tag ("Wavetable Power" ??) Shout out for code help when you've got this nutted out...
  3. "Optimized PSU Question for the Schematically Search Engine Challenged". ;D
  4. who the f*** is jimp? :D Yeh, 10 <-- Vbat
  5. Seems strange to build an SBC and then control it with an mbhp core.... Why not hang the 2A03 off the core, directly?
  6. Well, it would have helped if I had said so in the first place :D Is there anything else that could do with a fixup?
  7. Ahhh I don't have moderator access in this board. Dender, please remove that pic immediately.
  8. How's the dead human any different to the dead pigeon? Heck, if anything, the pigeon is worse; it didn't do anything wrong, it just was being a pigeon. Meanwhile our lust for consumption has caused it to be killed, by a device used to save us a few precious minutes of time, at the expense of the pigeons and every other living thing on the planet we rape to build and fuel the device. And dender is celebrating it as a good thing because the pigeon's natural life doesn't work well with his agenda. OK sure there are too many of them in our cities - but who's fault is that? Yeh, you're right, I'm angry! I've removed both of the corpse pics (sorry for editing your post dender but it's inappropriate)... I guess I should have just removed the bird gore in the first place, but, I guess I wanted to hammer home the point, to people who have a problem with the birds: The pigeons were here first; YOU are the problem.
  9. Thx bugfight.. FWIW I used a BS250 to make a (pulled-down) NOT gate. I had a schem for a NOT gate using a BS170, which is NMOS, but I needed mine to pull down,not up... I found this schem: and managed to find that the BS250 is the equivalent in PMOS through google bruteforce. Not the most efficient thing ever done :D So, SLP and I have our immediate issues solved, but I'm still curious about the general "how do you pick a transistor" subject: ....yaknow.... aside from creative plagiarism/googleducation ;)
  10. Ahh so the MV8k's death will not be in vain :) Good luck illy!
  11. Yeh that's it! I knew I had it wrong even as I typed... "It's closer than that..."
  12. I have a better idea: Dead animal pic removed.
  13. Heh, I had this same situation tonight! Coincidence... What I did, was googled around to find a similar circuit to what I was making, and then used a similar part... There's definitely a large amount of voodoo around this subject, I hope someone can enlighten us both!
  14. Seems to be paying homage to 8bit toys :)
  15. ohiopctech.com avishowtech.com They're just similar, it 'rings a bell' :)
  16. Buß. (In case you missed it, that's the new spelling - we have found the answer to the neverending argument about "buss" vs "bus"!)
  17. Yeh I think once we have something really concrete, we might put up a sticky then... although noone seems to read those things anyway (He said, complaining loudly) ;D Thanks for working it through with me man!
  18. LOL same here!! Gets me every time!
  19. Heck I'd put the core right inside it and use them for clockboxes or something :)
  20. It comes with panels but it's probably cheaper to get your own stock than to ship them back and forth... Try these ;) http://uscockpits.com/Jet%20Fighters/F-16C%20Block%2030_2.JPG http://uscockpits.com/Jet%20Fighters/F-16C%20Block%2030.JPG http://blogfile.paran.com/BLOG_51114/200510/1130299027_cockpit07.jpg http://uscockpits.com/Jet%20Fighters/F-16C%20Block%2025.JPG http://www.habu2.net/vipers/viperpits/block25.30.front.jpg Finding good info on these things is tricky cause they're still in service...
  21. It does to me :) You're being a pioneer here so your feedback is mega valuable man. Did you mean this : cd c:\<your application directory> SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;%PATH% make The good news is that you don't have to type that whole thing every time - if you set the PATH enviranment variable permanently to include those directories. I've updated the doc to hint at that, and point at the instructions from the detailed guides on how to do it.... http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart#build_application Is that better?
  22. Well multiple tags is good too, helps narrow it down... I mean, in addition to 'pcb', it would be good for example to have one of proto or vero or perf... because just 'pcb' is a bit ambiguous, so without more tags we're actually creating noise in the 'pcb' tag. ... but all of them seems overkill... Strictly speaking, I guess this is not perf (which has no copper, just perforated) or proto (which has unconnected holes) but it could be vero (which has connected holes)? Although I think it's supposed to replace proto more than vero. Seeing as these are so similar maybe it's worth having a single tag for vero, proto, and perfboard? (I'd say just go with 'proto') I'll leave it to you to decide which one to go with... But choose wisely because everyone will follow your lead :)
  23. Wicked! It's only a handful of installers so shouldn't take too long.... but I know that clipboard pain, it sucks... That does what? I thought about making an installer for all of these packages but figured it wasn't worth the trouble of constantly updating the installer when a new package is released, when compared to installing the few packages separately... And there are actually two less packages needed than before :)
  24. Well, once they've been tested, that is exactly what will happen. Edit: unles you count where it's already done: Setup & Install It is a little confusing but the pages do all explain it :) .bat files are all a thing of the past with the new structure. Just go with the new doco on the wiki that I wrote, and you'll be set. This only counts for projects like the SID or MB808 which have been released with the new structure.
  25. Two by the same person (Me) and if you read them you'll know what it's all about ;D http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart - Quickstart guide. For tech-savvy people who just want to get up and running, quick. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_core - Detailed instructions for the core components. The detailed instructions are broken into sections. You need the detailed instructions if you're having trouble with the quickstart, are a newbie, or if you're a guru and want a nonstandard setup but need a full reference to how it normally works. First line of the first link: Err mostly no... the quickstart is linked to, only from the app development page. The detailed guides' sections are all interlinked, and also linked from the app dev page. The ucapps link you posted just now is TK's and will probably be revamped/removed/linked to the wiki/whatever, once the modular structure that you're doing now, has been tested more and is ready for a full release... Likewise, the one you were reading before, which said that the document you were reading then had been updated... Again, the reason why there's a mix of old instructions and new, on ucapps.de, is that the wiki pages need to be confirmed working OK before the old documentation is removed, so we have old docs pointing to new docs. Which is why it's good that you're testing it, thankyou!
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