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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Indeed, and it's a positive result :) We love when it works first time!
  2. QBAS's code was written for a fatar ;) Alas I'm not sure if it's the same as yours... I can't quite make sense of your explanation... Any chance of a schematic?
  3. Ahhh the irony.... You've found a great solution to MTE's question, but he doesn't want to do it any more, and also it wont work in my design. DOH!!!!
  4. Totally! Hahaha why was that not more obvious....Although I'm fast realising that MTE's project and mine, are more and more different... Only trick is to make sure that the pins don't interfere with each other... Like, if one is low and the other high, you have a short... or could you risk pulling the LCD enable line low when you read it? I dunno you're the one that's good at this stuff :)
  5. Yeh that's how I do it too :D I have some kinda nice plotters at work heheh Still, I follow that old rule, and measure three times, when I ensure that the printout is properly aligned.
  6. Heh, I think you got me confused with bugfight :D
  7. Err yeh that's kinda the point of strain relief...it's specially engineered to stay on and not bend until it breaks...
  8. Correct. Yep looks fine. A tip for next time: the logs you pasted are perhaps a little confusing... You've shown the log of the upload, and the subsequent CC messages after a reboot... Maybe separate the two next time for clarity... or maybe I'm the only one that didn't realise that at first ;) But at first, all those 7F's made me go "that ain't right!" hehe Did you wire it for 4-bit mode? That's the default on a 4685... You can search for more info on that one :) Looks sweet. Did you use smart mode and wait for upload request? Have you tried re-uploading the app? 00000000029189 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 That's the PIC sending an upload request timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 ... F7 Thats the 1st part of the upload 00000000864544 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 38 F7 That's the core confirming that it was received correctly timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 ... F7 Thats the 2nd part of the upload 00000000864660 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 60 F7 That's the core confirming that it was received correctly timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 ... F7 Thats the 3rd part of the upload 00000000864779 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 40 F7 That's the core confirming that it was received correctly timestamp [unknown] | Sysex message: F0 ... F7 Thats the 4th part of the upload 00000000864933 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 60 F7 That's the core confirming that it was received correctly 00000000867238 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 That's the core upload requesting again. This shows us that it's rebooted, which is what it does automatically after an app upload 00000000871353 ms | [b0 27 61] Channel 1: CC LSB 7 (Channel Volume) value: 97 [b0 27 61] is a CC (B) on channel 1 (0) sending CC# 27(hex) value 61(hex). This is how the app works, it shows the revision (whichis in hex) as a CC. You should also see the above number 27 61 on screen. This brings me to my question: Why'd you run this app if you didn't know what it did?
  9. Heya Green welcome aboard :) First off, you should read the ucapps.de page, then you'd already know the answer to this question. It's the same chip, but not as you know it.
  10. Nice work! Does your girlfriend have a similarly geeky sister?
  11. No idea. Congratulations on grammatically correct usage of the word "amperage" though *whack*
  12. Well it's the same thing really... just that the SID will only write to the bottom lines, and FM will only write to the top lines, ever. I'm cooking up something entirely different, but the theory is the same....
  13. Who else has tried this design before? when it comes to the bipolar transformer, it's hard to go past northernlightx's thread...
  14. Yeh, when I look at the schem and how it should work, I'd say that the - of the elko should be on the bottom, so they aren't backwards... I dunno man, I give up. Told you that the bipolar transformer was the way to go ;)
  15. Well I wasn't 100% sure myself so I googled it and...yep, they're backwards ;)
  16. According to that schem, the elkos should have the positive terminal at the bottom, you've got them backwards... http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/bipolar_12v_psu Second schem right?
  17. Yes. Something's not right there man. Perhaps you have some of the diodes in backwards?
  18. I thought It gave you 17V last time? Edit: Gee you like gigantic images huh?
  19. Hahah yeh, I don't think I even need one, but darn that's a cheap way to get easy midi....
  20. Hahahahaha Really? In the way I spoke about above (with the switch IC), I don't see how the LCD would receive anything unusual ? You wouldn't be turning it on and off rapidly, just redirecting the data lines to one of two PICs...
  21. Excellent tutorial, thanks man! Heh, when it comes to this stuff, "normal" seems to vary depending on where you live :D Just one example: Here, the word 'foil' implies metal sheeting, like the aluminium you wrap food in....
  22. True but my point is, it doesn't matter if it switches a little slowly, it doesn't have to switch for every byte sent, only when you switch your CS from SID to FM mode... Worst case is that you have to throw a couple of NOP in there to make the core wait a bit for it to switch. BTW, you could make the enable lines to throw the switch, no extra pin required there. I fooled around with the logic and it's not particularly pretty ;) Lots of gates and diodes required... But still, you have to have some form of negotiation between the cores as to which one is controlling the LCD right now... I guess you could use a spare pin on each PIC, which are both connected *, and when the core wants the LCD, it checks that the pin is high, and if it is, it sets it low, before writing to the LCD. This way, if the other core wants the LCD, it will test that pin, see it low, and know that the LCD is busy right now. * I'm sure that if they were directly connected there would be a risk of a short circuit, if one pin was high and the other low. Also, if they were both set as inputs (to arbitrate access to the LCD) at the same time, then they would be susceptible to noise. I'm sure a pullup resistor is the trick here but I'm not that good with analog...anyone? And... do you think there's enough code space and ram available for these additions? Edit: uh oh, too late.... Hope you feel better soon MTE!
  23. I think it looks bang-on! I don't see any glitches or bubbles or miscolouration or messy edges around holes or anything... Is that one a water-slide decal or is it a normal adhesive backed paper? Were there any special techniques you used to place it?
  24. I don't suppose you'd like to share the answer for everyone else?
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