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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. Hah, I was just about to politely post the opposite. The short version of this is that a dedicated midi channel is fast enough for simple scratching but really fast scratches will be lossy.
  2. I am currently typing black text on a black background. My posts are much more interesting now ;D Seriously though, can we change the forum CSS or something so that the textboxes and dropdown lists and such use the system colours? (IE Window and WindowText for background and text colour respectively) Pardon the brief posts but it's not so fun hitting CTRL+A all the time.
  3. Sorry I thought the point was to have a patchbay :) As you guys all know by now, I'm a function-over-form guy.... Yes, what you said is simple, but it's not as simple as using the existing scan matrix code ;)
  4. ;stupid question? No. Unfamiliarity with schematics? Probably :)
  5. Yes I know... I even tried to find the other parts, but after two searches I decided that I Couldn't be bothered ;D
  6. 2200 should be fine Yeh Yep I guess cause there's one two-pole switch, one for 5V and one for 9V ;) (Don't quote me on that, I didn't even look at the schem)
  7. OK I see the VB hatred (lord I'm glad I canned that career path!) But what's wrong with feng shui? Especially with your interest in web design it should be a subject which is of great importance to you!
  8. Ahh dammit i can't get the pdf to extract :( ;D
  9. Just to throw a spanner in the works, may I suggest a VCS3 style patchbay? It's more flexible, cheaper, and easier to implement....
  10. You should just edit the existing setup*.asm file as required, then you don't need to edit any of the scripts.
  11. Oh yeh.... Crap, there's a GUI way to do it! Oops!! Run the MinGW installer, and choose "Download only" instead of "download and install". Continue as normal. When completed, you will see the needed files in your C:\temp directory (or whatever your temp directory is set to). They'll be *.tar.gz Copy all those files from your internet PC's temp directory to the music PC's temp dir Copy the installer to the music PC too, and any files it has created (like .ini file) Go to your music PC Run the installer as per the instructions (this time do it normally, with "download and install".) The installer will see the files in the temp dir and will not need an internet connection.
  12. FWIW, I'd be building the apps on the internet connected box and transferrng the built app (hex file) to your DAW/production box. Internet connections are kinda needed when you're doing the DIY electronics thing. Well you didn't mention which part of MinGW you want.... If you just need the 'make' upgrade (IE, you don't want to use AC-Sim, so you don't need GCC) then you can cheat, and grab the file from http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=2435&filename=mingw32-make-3.81-20080326.tar.gz You'll get a file named mingw32-make-3.81-20080326.tar.gz. Open it with your compression tool. Inside, is another file named mingw32-make-3.81-20080326.tar. Open it with your compression tool. Inside that file are two directories. Go into the \bin directory. You should see a file named make.exe. Copy it somewhere handy. AFTER you install MSYS, Copy the make.exe file from your handy location, to the C:\MSYS\1.0\bin directory. OVERWRITE that old version. Perform the make version check from the doco to make sure it works. That should take care of it. Now, if you want GCC as well... it can be kinda big. Have a look here and grab all the files you need: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435 For information (ignore this, it's just for the record and wil only cause confusion) The above build of make v3.81 is from mingw. You could just as well use the MSYS build of make 3.81 which can be found here: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/make-3.81-MSYS-1.0.11-2.tar.bz2 One of these days, the MinGW guys will include MSYS - the latest, and working version - in the MinGW installer, and all this BS will go away ;)
  13. Yeh, MIOS is a text adventure.... like, scaling Mt Everest is a snow adventure ;) Hang in there !
  14. Democracy at work. You voted for it! And besides, it's for your safety, to protect you from terrorists and other freedom fighters. ;D
  15. Time to do some more reading ;) Upload the hex file. It is generated from the asm source code.
  16. Have you edited makefile. ? Normally, running the makefile should build all four of the asm files in the zip... For the sake of testing, can you try running make on a freshly unzipped file, with no edits? I'll be in the chat for a while, you're welcome to come by there to do the troubleshooting thing. Edit: Can you also run "make --version" and paste the output here? Just to make sure it's getting the right version of make :)
  17. Those colours are an optional styler config ported from anonther unix editor (textmate?) called Vibrant Ink You can get config files for vim my _vimrc and vssettings files courtesy of this blog. I didn't find anything for scite, but you shold google it, I didn't try very hard ;)
  18. Don't sweat it bro... It's not a hassle, it just means that I can't help out as much. Using stuff like copy/paste makes it easier for me which is a win win if I am trying to help :) To save you reading the thread, jump here for all your toolchain needs: Setup & Install
  19. There was that one time I posted a 'Personals Ad' ;D
  20. Updated the instructions, everything works now (I hope, hahahah) The MinGW and MSYS installation are the only parts that have changed that you need to worry about if you followed the old instructions.
  21. weeks of trying to find the spare time, and 15 hours later.... The Windows section of the application development wiki page has been updated to reflect the new MIOS structure as seen in the latest sid and seq releases. Setup & Install I have also included setup instructions for NotePad++. Existing NotePad++ users, UltraEdit Users, and Code::Blocks users might like to check it out ;) A couple points of note: (boring details) Until now, we have been using a zip file (posix_bin.zip) which was cut from the WinAVR toolchain to provide us with the POSIX environment. This works great, and is not too complex - all you have to do is unzip the file to a directory and put it in the path. However, I try to make the docs as "friendly" as possible, so I tried to use an installer. Unfortunately, one of the most important tools, make, does not have an installer for the latest version, as such. However, we can get the latest version using another required installer, and copy it over. I asked a few guys in the chat (names withheld to protect the innocent) and they thought the installer+copy would be easier than unzip+unzip+change directory+unzip method, so I went with that. Now, the posix tools are installed with MSYS, and make 3.81 is installed with mingw, and copied to the MSYS directory. As well as making things work in the installers to be 'friendly', this also avoids problems with different unzip utilities, and unknown paths used for installation. ...but, it might change in the not too distant future. Also, I have not updated the Code::Blocks project setup to reflect the new structure. Why? because I'm not using it any more. If someone would like to volunteer, please feel free ;) Oh, and if you are doing a custom app and want to know how to include the mios sdcclib library or custom memory segments, you can ask me. The short answer is: copy a linker script from the SVN repository, and edit is as before, and specify it in your makefile. The long answer is not long enough to make it worth documenting the tiny change hehe Eye candy: Check out notepad++ on MIDIbox missions. Double clicking the error jumps to the offending line, you can edit ASM or C and get highlighting and completion in both, and build with a shortcut, and filter 'cosmetic' errors. Hotness: Enjoy, and feel free to edit it or point out any problems.
  22. Just an interim note so that you don't waste any time - TK spotted a problem with one of the tools. The instructions you see there will work for you, but this one tool may need to be replaced later. Or you can just wait a little longer until I sort it out :) Back soon... Edit: I broke rule #1 and posted before I finished testing hehehhe
  23. FWIW... I settled on Consolas. This page was about the most accurate roundup in my opinion: Visual Basic Feng Shui - Fonts
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