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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I still don't get it... What's wrong with the standard wiring?
  2. *stumped* Board looks good, known-good IC's working OK... Now, I would put the IC's (the good ones) in the sockets, disconnect the board from the core, and test all the points on the board with your meter to check for bad or shorted joints, measuring from the pins on the IC to the copper trace... soldering looks OK from here, so I'm wondering if the sockets are to blame.
  3. Observe: Exploring MIOS [18F452, WREG (W), FILE REGISTER (F), DESTINATION (d)] (V0.2b)
  4. Such a thing is not the job of a sequencer... stay with me... Well, I know what seppo means here but that's not strictly true either. A midi 'note' is just a number from 0-127. Whatever device receives it, can decide what it wants to do with this number. It could play a note in twelve tone like most synths, or a pecussion instrument or a sample or turn on an LED or flip a relay or move a robot's arm ;) As you've both mentioned, you can use pitchbend to fake the tuning you want, and it works to some extent, but with some synths you will hear this 'cheat', especially older boxes or when you have portamento turned on. Also, it's indeterminate - a certain amount of pitchbend may move the frequency to the desired one in your special tuning, or it may not, depending on the depth of pitchbend on the synth receiving it. It might move the filter cutoff, or alter the amplitude envelope, depending on the patch you play. For these reasons, the pitchbend method is mostly functional, but sometimes not. This is why you should use the tuning standard wherever possible, as it clearly defines the way that the receiver will react to incoming data. If that's not available to you, then as has already been said, you could write a custom midibox app, that will offset certain notes by using pitchbend data. You would want to have a table that stored the offset you want (your custom tuning) in cents, and store the pitchbend range (in cents +/-) of the receiving synth, then it would all be automatic, and you can use both hands to play :)
  5. [me=stryd_one]looks around[/me] Who me? ;D
  6. Sounds like a short on the AIN serial connections. You mentioned that it is intermittent, so have a look for maybe dry solder joints, or very fine bridges.
  7. How about: /--> Keyboard ---> MB64 ---> Computer --\ | | \-----------------------------------------/ MIDI Thru should be on, for the keyboard and MB64, and not the PC.
  8. Video soldering tutorials, excellent. I hope you don't mind that I moved this post into the sticky thread? (I can move it back if you want)
  9. I don't think there have been many patches shared up till now... but if there are enough maybe we could set one up, or a sticky in Songs & Sounds or MIDIbox SID forums..?
  10. The modular idea is an old one but a good one. There's a design concept image in the ucapps gallery, and the mawser that followed some years later :)
  11. stryd_one


    Holy crrrap look at that case!!!!! :o Comon MTE tell us all about it please :)
  12. That's mostly correct yes. You wouldn't want to use a DOUT for the enable pin, but a spare pin on the PIC itself, and you'd need a custom driver, but yes.
  13. Yeh, knowledge is only valid if gained from a university ;) LMAO! I used to stick the search results page to their head but some people had an allergic reaction to the glue :D
  14. Holy cow! Welcome aboard man. That's one heck of a good set of troubleshooting. You ruled out most of the usual suspects already. You mentioned uploading in manual mode, was there a problem using smart mode? If your app is going crazy like that, it can cause the upload to fail, but the first layer bootloader should send the first request, which mios studio should respond to before your app starts, so using smart mode should work. As you pointed out, it's broken even without ain or din, so at the moment I would focus on the core, dout and lcd. Have you tried a different midi interace (if you have access to one)? PS Welcome to the Melburnian MIDIbox crew :)
  15. Just happened to me. >:(
  16. Awesome! To do that. on vero... very well done. I like the stickers on the panel... kinda looks like a racecar :)
  17. PCB looks good to me mate.. When you tried the other board, where was the wiring change? Did you use sockets there too, or re-solder? I don't suppose you've tried those two known-good IC's in this new PCB? I assume you used sockets, so it should be quick to swap them over. If that works, add one chip at a time until it breaks, and you've found a dead chip.
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