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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. There are lots of free alternatives, no need to steal.
  2. That's great! :D Thanks for sharing the answer mate, I'll chase this up and keep you posted.
  3. Welcome aboard Michael! Thanks for the doco! I had a look, and I noticed that you have added stuff about macports, and removed something about Fink. I'm not a Mac user, so maybe this new method is the only way to do it, but perhaps it would be best to leave two methods in place, and allow the reader to decide which one to use....
  4. That's pretty much why it's in the skeleton.... of course, it's not required there, but it is placed there so that if someone needs that workaround, they won't have to go searching for it. This, you said that having it there means having to explain it to newbies,.... well not really, in most cases I would have just said "you won't need it, don't use it'... I know you're the inquisitive type who would like to know what it is for, even though he won't use it (like me), so I explained ;)
  5. Well yeh, those are for initialized data, so it reserves the memory in RAM for the data to be held, and places the initial values in codespace, then when your app starts it uses your provided code to copy the data from ROM to RAM.
  6. Instructions for TortoiseSVN users to do this to all your files in one go: Right-click the folder containing your app From the context menu select 'TortoiseSVN... Properties' Click the button labelled 'New...' From the dropdown box select 'svn:keywords' In the textbox labelled 'Property value:', type the word "Id", without the quotes. Tick the box labelled "Apply property recursively" Click OK Click OK Add this to your files: /* $Id: $ */ Save, commit the files, enjoy.
  7. Ahh, you too huh. OK I've been getting those errors - Error 1 and error 5, for some time now. It rarely showed the 'EOF before end' message, but that was the one that helped me to track it down with a file monitor (sysinternals filemon, BTW). That EOF before END is when the OS *thinks* it has opened the file, but can't buffer up the end of it, so it's like it's only opened the first half of your file, to compile it. They appear at random, and often just typing 'make' again will do the trick. I noticed that it happened more often (sometimes just always) if I launched the cmd.exe instance from late proceses... as in, if I did file...run... cmd.exe, it would be more reliable, than if I opened the prompt from say, notepad++ . A lot of research showed me that windows was failing to open the file for writing - either a disk or ram issue. But of course, any time windows fails to open a file, and lacks a definite reason, it blames RAM or disk by default... Doesn't help much! I'd tried to lock it down but I knew it was a problem with my machine, and figured it would not effect any one else, so I didn't mention it. Sorry! Firstly I'd like to ask - how'd you figure out that it was the path being too long? I decided to check if mine might be over the limits... First I needed to know what the limits are. Here are the goods: (so, you don't need the hotfix if you're running SP2 or greater) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/830473
  8. That directive has voodoo powers ;) I found this good summary: Although, the MPASM user's guide says nothing about it.... I will have to defer to TK again on that one ;)
  9. Nah, that's not the same thing.... That code #defines the value, if it is not already defined; the 'trick' above is ifdef (if defined), not ifndef (if not defined).... Again, that's not the same thing you were originally discussing - That is there in order to set a default. If the user wants to override the default of '1' for this value, then they can set it in their app, or in the makefile using a -D switch in the compiler parameters variable. In the modules (and in apps too), it's good style to write the #defines wrapped in ifndefs like this, because it ensures that the value is always going to be defined - either to the default, if it has not been previously set, or to the user-specified value (via the makefile, or maybe the application) For another example, check out the AOUT module's pin definitions. The default pins are set in the module, wrapped in #ifndef, which means that the default pins will be used - unless the same values are already #defined in your app. Nope, that's exactly it. I think the only thing you didn't see, is that this is different to the 'trick' we were discussing earlier :)
  10. They can locate the memory themselves, with the EQU in the app. I would put it in the inc file. You just need to be a bit crafty about where you put the 'code' directive. (as in, it'll have to go in the inc file too). Then again, if someone is writing in ASM and including the inc file directly, chances are they'll be able to reserve the space themselves, so you could make the code look a bit cleaner.... Your call :)
  11. Yep, this one confirms my suspicion that handwritten labels can look quite good if you take the time to get uniform alignment and dimensions :)
  12. Gday mate. You can find another example in the BLM module. The trick is that GPASM provides '#ifdef YOURDEFINE', and '#if YOURDEFINE == something', but no '#if defined YOURDEFINE'. So, if you want to have a conditional compile, where you test firstly to see if the define exists, and secondly to what value it is set, then you have to use TK's trick.
  13. Well said!! :D I think the original post was not really meant literally, but hey... you never know who will read it ;) We wouldn't want to scare away the next nik tesla would we?
  14. Messiahtallica - Xmas in F# minor from the album Jesus Rocks Vol II OK I had to take the mickey out of the christmas music but that is one awesome project :) Thanks for all the details :) I know where you're coming from sasha but I don't agree. It *exists* because people care about each other, and don't want to see people get fried if they make a mistake. Sadly yeh, if you see it on anything a business owns trademarks for, then chances are that it's there for legal purposes. I don't think you have to be a 'retard' to stuff up and zap yourself. I know some of the people around here have done some dumb shit, like shorting large 240V caps with metal screwdrivers in their hand (that was me in case you missed that one) or kissing soldering irons while they're on (we won't say who that was ;) ). If you say something like that, and next week I electrocute myself, you might regret using that term to describe me when I'm dead ;) So yeh, point is, I think it's a good idea to warn the reader (it could be some 10 yr old kid for all you know), and it's a nice thing to do, if the intention is nice. If the poster is saying it just to cover their ass from stupid laws, well, maybe that's a different story.
  15. This topic has been moved to Fleamarket. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=12735.0[/iurl]
  16. The right place to be asking this would be one of: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search or http://wiki.midibox.org/ ;)
  17. The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. Beaten!
  18. Yeh, MIOS32 will have OSC. Start building your new TK shrine today ;)
  19. Bingo. You've already got access to the Programmer's Lounge, so if you go there you can find the thread where we have generated our keys and uploaded them, for TK to give you SVN write permissions. Follow suit, and you're in! Alternatively you can mail them to me and I'll up them.
  20. ? Macs are PC's, and they have serial ports (sometimes you need a USB 'dongle', but yeh...) Also, AudioCommander is a Mac user too...
  21. welcome aboard madsci :) There are lots of DIY electronics/music geeks around here, so hopefully you will find someone who has also used a BS or PICAxe. In the meantime, is there a specific reason you're considering those two platforms? Perhaps MBHP/MIOS would be a more appropriate solution? You would be working on a platform specifically designed for use as a midi controller, which could make the task quite a bit more simple... Good luck!
  22. I hate when that happens! Glad it's still coming along nicely mate :D Edit: You added a video, nice! Edit2: Hey the LEDs are still rather bright even with the room lights on... Did you add circuitry for high current LEDs?
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