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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Welcome aboard! Try this thread: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,6968.msg44913/topicseen.html#msg44913
  2. Well at least in my own case, saving a couple of hundred on housing, by DIY panels, is the way that I can afford to have nice switches... so it's one or the other ;) Obviously a round one wouldn't look like these, but I don't buy switches just for looks, the primary concern for me is the 'feel'... throw length (hopefully short), sound (hopefully none), pressure curve, etc...
  3. Aussie Aussie Aussie! OI OI OI!
  4. Seems I caused some confusion... The midibox will convert CC to sysex in real time, no worries. But I doubt the synth will respond accordingly... As you already know I'm sure, the response to sysex on these old boxes is usually far from musical (many of them simply drop out when receiving sysex) ;)
  5. Oops yeh... if it's just for live, do it in live :)
  6. That wouldn't work, the pancake would get cold while you etched it. They have to be warm so the cream and jam melts and goes all gooey and yum. Then again, maybe you could use a really hot wide laser to actually cook the thing on the cutter, then change focus and etch the picture on, and then give it a flash of the wide laser to warm it up again real quick. More importantly....Why the spoon? The guy has a fricken laser cutter! Why didn't he dice them into neat bite sized chunks. With the jam and cream inbetween. It'd be like no-mess pancake micro sandwiches. And hell, if you etched your own plate, then you'd know the exact dimensions, and then you could place the plate on the cutter and re-run the program and it'd etch the food scraps right off it! No more dishwashing! Now that's technology at work. MMmmm. pancakes.
  7. Probably pretty easy man :) It won't be as responsive as it would if it supported CC's natively, as in, you won't get realtime control out of it, but it's do-able. What do the required sysex strings look like?
  8. If you write an app that uses these SDCC internal registers, you'll see in the output: ; Internal registers .registers udata_ovr 0x0010 ;; normaly 0x0000, changed by mios-gpasm r0x00 res 1 In /trunk/bin/mios-gpasm (a shell script) you can see where this is done: sed \ -e 's/^\.registers.*udata_ovr.*0x0000/.registers udata_ovr 0x0010 ;; normaly 0x0000, changed by mios-gpasm/g' \ :D That error was appearing because when SDCC was broken, it wasn't calling that shell script
  9. Typical uninformed non-smoker entirely missing the point - Laser tattooing is not addictive, so you actually have a choice. Smoking does not afford you that luxury. That's why smoking is evil and laser tattooing yourself (edit) in this fashion(/edit) is just stupid. Besides, don't you drive a car? Use plastics? Eat food grown with fertilisers? They're far greater pollutants, and they don't just do it to you, they get everyone. Yes, people do stupid things. They usually do them because someone else is doing it and that makes them think it's not stupid. No. does it matter if they advertise it loudly and it convinces someone else to do it? Possibly. I have a little of both, all done by qualified professionals in a professional environment using pro equipment specifically designed for the purpose, and tried-and-tested methods. Nothing like this at all. Yes - informed decisions! INFORMED. That's the important part, because people are morons :D Do you see anything on that instructable article that goes into the depths of the research the person did to ensure that this was safe? Does it talk about what kind of laser cutter is and is not safe, and how to ensure they are more safe? Does it talk about testing on other materials first? etc etc etc... The only information there is how to do it, and that is not the whole story. One of the worst things about it, is that the article does not encourage making informed decisions based on common sense like what you're talking about. If anything it encourages the opposite. few comments to highlight exactly what I'm saying: Dumb kid gets dumber: Author is a tool: What? Why the hell did you instruct the world on how to do it then? What did you think was going to happen? What a spanner. Note this is not a disclaimer in the instructions, this is something he posted as an afterthought, a response to someone else discussing safe power levels. Hell, just look at the procedure 1) Get a laser cutter 2) Disable it's safety features which are designed to prevent you from doing this because it's dangerous 3) Test it on your own skin first. Start at 100% power and work your way down. 4) Position and go. 5) Use a cream if you like. Oh since I haven't dissed this part yet... Step 5 shows that this fool has no idea about the risk of infection, and the fact that he used aloe cream shows that he has no idea what he's doing. Pro's use bepanthen, not just to make it feel all better, but to make it heal right.
  10. Yeh the summary says it all: Remove safety precautions ... ... ... Safety! OMG what a fuckin idiot. Ditto instructables.com. That shit should be removed before some idiot takes a limb off.
  11. zactly, that's why I asked :)
  12. Yeh, that was a post-edit, it said the opposite originally, but thankyou for pointing it out :)
  13. Lemme get this straight - you bought the most expensive PC available, and now you're stealing software for it?
  14. There are so many that there are websites dedicated to listing them. Try the search at KVR, databaseaudio, dontcrack, nonags, google.... I wonder how you managed to come by the concept of stealing logic without noticing free apps like ardour, rosegarden, muse, etc....
  15. Dude, that's what's *right* with him! Also, he's Mr Nice Guy. The actual one, not the hypothetical guy of urban colloquialism. Sadly, he's gone completely crazy. I think it's looking at all those SIDs all day that did it.
  16. Sorry m00 just to clarify, that post was intended for the OP, not you ;)
  17. Yeh those are yummy switches for sure. Only drawback is that they're square, which is only a problem if you want to DIY your panels. I wonder if Mountain do a round actuator... I'm sure I checked their site..... Maybe not. *and away he goes*
  18. Yeh totally. I was going to suggest something a little less professional than a scope, which is simply: just try it out and see how ya go ;) You can check out all the parameters and come up with a theoretical limit, but even if you consider everything and make all the correct calculations, which as TK said is not practical and many would extend that to not possible... Well it might just not work out like that. Something I found useful is to define a few appropriately named macros to use wherever I needed a set of nops, and then I only had to edit the top of the file where all the delays were defined, for quick rebuild/retests. Start off with extremely long delays and whittle them down as you test (thoroughly). When you start getting errors, you've whittled too far ;)
  19. LOL nah it's not like that. I have no attachment to it :) That's why I said I wouldn't normally explain it. Ahhh right! Well the intention of that skeleton is actually the complete opposite of that. LOL. The idea is, that it has *everything* in it which is used in any of the other modules (that's why it 'inherited' this 'trick' from the BLM code) so that if someone needs to know "how do I do blah in a module?" then they can see how it's done in the skeleton, by searching for "mod_skel". They can remove anything else they don't need. This came about because when I had to write modules I found it a bit tedious to browse through all of the code in existing apps to see if/how something similar had been done, so I thought I'd throw it all in the skeleton. Really, that's far from skeletal, so feel free to dice it up as you see fit. It's no big deal whatever you want to do with it, I needed a module skeleton for myself, so I souped it up a little and threw it on SVN - it's not my baby :)
  20. Just wanted make sure it's not lost info... Sounds like it's better off lost after all. Thanks man :) mmmm, doco.
  21. Heh, short question, long answer.... Handy search terms: DOUT DIN SR 595 165 LED matrix current sink draw ULN transistor vreg regulator max I hope someone feels like typing an FBAP or you're up for lots of reading old threads :D
  22. OMG Wilba has gone totally off the reservation!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU WILBA!?!!one!
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