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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Much nicer method! Thanks Mike! This new (new to me anyway) info means that the above code will certainly not work.
  2. Yeh, I'm a passive-cooling guy myself. Point was, fan noise is not a blocking issue here :)
  3. Hahaha oh yeh totally. They're quality made these ones too (check out the description - nice!) That was "ouch" as in, "I can't afford that", rather than "that's a rip-off" ;) BTW, 'Janos' sounds kinda like 'jshah-noosch', not 100% on the last name (I used to know a hungarian Janos myself)
  4. Relocated appropriately. Nice one man. Let's see it with the lights on! And ahh... don't carry your drink over there with you when you go, it might spill, or you might :)
  5. Maybe that's what you meant to say ;) Besides, why the separation between the industry and the music? Pop music... well... wouldn't be, if there were no industry.
  6. Yummy. Sasha, try the silent mecs buddy, they have all the good stuff without the uberclick.
  7. [flash=200,200]http://www.ableton.com/home?movie=3[/flash] Nah that one's for flash. http://www.ableton.com/home?movie=3 Just shows a link tho... Smithy if you POLITELY send a PM to twin-x, he'll put it on his lengthy to-do list. But be patient cause twinny's workload here is even higher than you'd expect. We're high-maintenance, it seems :D
  8. The difference is only .34 of a millimeter, so they're pretty much considered to be the same thing... Push harder ;)
  9. Hah... I saw that APC and immediately thought "JV is gonna be gutted". I know how you feel man, it's tough when you pour so much effort into a project, only to be "beaten" by someone else. Soldier on though - you will probably take some hints of 'what not to do' from this. Sometimes the early bird gets the worm.... so it's good not to be first (the worm).
  10. Sweet. Love em. Just one small issue: Ouch.... OUCH!
  11. I dunno. I'd say that exploiting an artist and their artform (or anything else) purely for monetary profit, worse yet, doing so based on your ability to brainwash a bunch of people with clever/expensive marketing, which is paid for by those very same people... And lock them up if they try to get it for a reasonable rate... Sounds fairly "bad" to me. Sounds like an insane conspiracy theory, I'd be skeptical had I not seen it with my own eyes... *clicks bugfight's link* I better read this before I post that hah. LOL /me orders three. But Britney's production has been pretty slick. Bad ethics and good form can coexist quite well together. Actually, the latter is what enables people to get away with the former ;) Was it called "The Overlook hotel" by any chance? Sounds scary already.
  12. Yes. keep in mind, MTC is realtime, not musical time. As in, seconds, not beats. Only if you code it.
  13. Totally. I wouldn't be powering on with chips until that's fixed. Did it read that high when you tested it without the chips?
  14. Can't help there, I'm a jdm guy....Anyone else? Sounds like all of them..... What'd you do to get it to behave in the end anyway? Maybe it's kinda borderline... working enough to detect the PIc, but not enough to burn it... Is it an MBHP-Burner? Are the voltages all cool, especially MCLR? I dunno, I'm taking shots in the dark here...
  15. Sounds fun. As we'd say in the chatroom: Pics! Or it didn't happen! I wonder how you are interfacing the PC motherboard to the laptop LCD? Also, I'm curious as to why you chose to put one controller (keyboard) upstream of the seq, but the other (MB64) downstream? Personally I'd put them both upstream... That way you can control the sequencer with the MB64 too.
  16. D'oh, it went off without a single bid, and now the price is more sensible: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110338678097 I wouldn't have bought it anyway, but that was definitely a rare ebay bargain that got away...
  17. You'll get some help, but not that much ;) It's very simple, if you know how to make a midibox support USB flash drives. I'm guessing you've missed, that a midibox is designed to receive midi messages (not midi files) via cable (not removable media). There is SD card support recently in PICs and in the upcoming core, but that's not out yet. Either way, you need to write a bit of code, to handle the filesystems and midi file format (much less on core32 though, wow.), so you're definitely going to need some programming knowledge to pull it off. Probably it's much easier to send it live from your PC. I'll come back to that. Unless you need CAN, I'd go with PIC18F4620 (more ram). Only you can count those. Unless you mail me the harpsichord. Well, if you want to send midi messages from the PC, that will be fine. You connect the GM5 direct to your midibox, and you get USB midi. Then, you can send midi messages from a sequencer on your PC, down the USB cable, where they're converted to native midi in the harpsichord by the GM5, which is wired to the core, which controls the douts, which control the solenoids. Yes. OK you don't strictly need one, but it's a good idea. In the end it comes down to your design. Isn't this in the FAQ or something? You would have to program that. You could run that app on the core if you follow the above suggestion with the GM5 and PC sequencing live meessages, yes. You should read up on all the available apps and any that you would consider coding yourself, and select the most appropriate. Exactly. That's your homework ;) Seriously, only you can really do that. If you provide all the info that's required for someone else to do it (like how many solenoids, LED's etc you want in your specific design, etc), then you're essentially asking them to play human calculator for you. Try 'Start...Run...', 'Calc'. ;) I then can begin to put it together in my mind and then study the appropriate areas on the site.
  18. Welcome aboard dude. I think you have 10 times the experience of many who've gone before you... My guess is that your biggest issue will be fear. Jump in, the electrons are fine.
  19. Rumour has it that it is pretty damned hot indeed. Hypothetically if someone had seen screenshots they wold have been very impressed :)
  20. Perhaps you missed my last post, I'll be more direct: Paste logs, and we'll get it fixed. Precompiled hex is always convenient though ;)
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