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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Why don't you put it on the wiki then? ;)
  2. You gotta compile the code into an "executable" for the PIC, ie a hex file. Here's the tools you'll need: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart The main.c should overwrite the main.c in the sdcc skeleton you will find in the mios_base package at ucapps. Then type 'make' at the command line, from the directory where the main.c is, to get your hex file :) You might like to search around for more info if it doesn't work right off the bat, but it should. There's a way to setup notepad++ so that you can build it right in there by hitting F6, which gives you other nice features too. Lots of goodies all hidden in plain sight around the wiki and ucapps on this one...
  3. Cubase has never been too great for MIDI, I tried it out from time to time but never adopted it full time because of that, so I can't tell you how to do it... I just know you can/could do NRPN curves just as it does CCs... I know it did in previous versions anyway... Logic used to have an environment back then too, so take this w/ a grain of salt .
  4. And you, go make some cookies!
  5. Sounds like a reason to upgrade to a real DAW to me ;) Still, CC's will be nice for quick try-outs ...
  6. Just to support the above, I talked with seppo during his design phase of the aout_ng about multiplexing and I know he really did his homework.
  7. Ahh that explains it. I hate the way they give you 30 days to evaluate stuff too, such a crock... Not nearly enough time. Have you seen http://ardour.org/ ? I'm pretty sure that runs on mac... It's audio-only, no midi until v3 (I can't wait) but a very nice package. Check out also ShareWare Music Machine: http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/mac/top50/ and KVR http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=results&st=adv&soft=h&type[]=0&f=0&fe=0&osx=1&free=1&un=1&sf=0&receptor=&de=0&sort=1&rpp=100 Edit: you'll need to copy/paste that URL sorry... There's probably some mac-specific FOSS portal somewhere..... ? Mac guys?
  8. I'd be careful about referring to amiga in the past tense around him ;)
  9. Yeh... I mean, to refer to the original topic, the key word here is "bendable". If you want a hardware sampler, for real, just go buy one. An akai s2000 can be had for a couple hundred bucks (about the cost of a custom panel on a rack case) and you can go up to some of the very nice e-mu samplers in the region of a couple grand with options galore, which you simply ain't gonna do in DIY land. However... making a DIY sampler starts to have a point, if you can do something with it that is not possible with anything commercially available. "Bendable" doesn't *have* to mean hardware, doesn't have to mean jumpering random wires all over the place because you have no clue what you're doing... It can be in software and specifically designed to sound a certain way.... just my 2c....
  10. Another positive contribution to the world from the USA there. Go make us some flapjacks and do something useful BF.
  11. Whatever grandpops. Knowing your scales is like, so last century. We have a "Happy" slider now. !cane
  12. The resident chef speaks! :D *barf* I don't like savoury crepes myself. But I have a sweet tooth ;) You must have missed the rest of this highly important and productive on-topic thread :D
  13. I think you're talking about savoury crepes - best for mains/entree, those kinds of fillings (or sometimes cooked into the crepes like I've had with cheese and spring onion/shallots/whatever they're called where you live) ...the lemon/sugar thing is better for dessert, or maybe breakfast.... Such a versatile dish - just like a pizza, as you said :) Ahh food. One of the very few things as cool as midiboxing :)
  14. Definitely a crepe then. Lemon and sugar on pancakes is shite, it just turns into soggy paste. You want Canadian Maple and whipped butter on those, Oh yeh. Aussie English is pretty much the same as UK English. We won't be aligned with those yanks and their rampant Z's! My favourite is "fanny". In American it means your bottom.... In Aussie, and I'm pretty sure English too, it means ahh... front-bottom. Can make for some extra-amusing lines in US TV shows ;)
  15. Oh say does that Star Spangled Amero still waaaaaave O'er the laaaaaand(s) of the freeeeeee *laughter* sorry, I never can get past that line and the hoooome of the Slaaaaaaaaves Thankyou, thankyou! Play ball!
  16. Thanks man! LOL well said :D
  17. Awww poor meter :( What a stress! Glad it's behaving now. Do the dance! Do the dance!
  18. Nah they're our ANZAC bro's, we don't look down on them... just joke about them a lot ;)
  19. Yep, you've shorted the inputs for those two pins together. There aren't many places you can do that, so just check the board. Don't forget the socket too....
  20. Yep, that first link is another fucking midibox. Some people are just total assholes.
  21. Yeh pretty much. Generally speaking, if you intend the module to be used in ASM apps, I would pass the first byte in W, and subsequent bytes in PARAM1/2/3 etc. That keeps it in the convention that TK has started. If you use __wparam in your C declaration, then SDCC will put the first parameter in WREG for you, and the subsequent bytes will be in FSR0. Then in your wrapper .asm file, copy to PARAMx from FSR0, via FSR2, where required. I put examples in the mod_skel, this one's modified to match the description I just gave: ; EG: void mod_skel_function(unsigned char myvar, signed int myint) __wparam; ; not required, it's already in W ; movwf _mod_skel_var ; get first byte of arguments from W movff FSR0L, FSR2L ; get other arguments from stack movff PREINC2, MIOS_PARAMETER1 movff PREINC2, MIOS_PARAMETER2
  22. Especially since you've been told at least twice ;)
  23. You're confusing Australia with New Zealand ;) (that's like confusing Canada and USA, or England and Scotland)
  24. Welcome aboard pesce :) The answer is Yes :) You don't have to reburn the PIC if you buy one with the bootloader pre-burned from smashtv or mike. Have a search around the forums to learn more.
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