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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Scene 2 Act 1: Setting: Delivery room MBSeq: <crying> x0xbox: I want another epidural! MB6582: You cheating b*tch! That's not my child, he looks nothing like me! It was the soldering iron, wasn't it?! Wasn't it?!! That's a sweet seq. Koki tell us about the knobs and buttons man!
  2. Sweet, thanks man! These test apps come in real handy ;)
  3. Offsite doco...grrr.... </broken record> IMG_3516.JPG IMG_3516.JPG
  4. For future reference TK, I think you did this the right way. It's not the implementation that causes confusion, it's the documentation, or lack thereof. I mean... the documentation is sufficient for experienced builders, but needs a lot of research for newbies. This is mostly the fault of newbies who figure it out, but don't bother to document it for others. In future, I think that you should keep doing what you've done in the past.
  5. No lollipop to you! Eat your cupcake and go straight to your room young man!
  6. LOL Yeh that's very true. Dudes who are new to midibox are very helpful with their advice, because they have the benefit of an outside perspective, which can make things much clearer to them (and consequently, us). Dudes who have skills in electronics but are new to midibox are especially helpful, as they're able to make similar advice from a similar perspective, but with the added advantage of their experience. That's why everyone, including/especially newbies, are encouraged to politely discuss any issues they see. Everyone wins! :)
  7. Can I get a job? Yes: Mad midiboxing ensues No: Jump off bridge / set self on fire at parliament / etc '09... You'll either see me here, or on the news ;)
  8. [quote name=stuartm link=topic=12668.msg106633#msg106633 the true version TK, your timing could be improved! ... so I'll have to wait till the next year to test the new version. ;)
  9. Heh yeh I mentioned that on one of my wiki pages:
  10. Edit whoops i deleted half that post! I don't think it's possible to miss pages if you do all of them. That's the point of that list :) You said "one way would be to setup this link to point to the proper place, and leave it uncreated until it's the next candidate in the list." Well, the best way is to create this page, but leave it as a bare-bones copy of the template. That way, it's easier to create future links to the bare-bones-placeholder, and when you reach the old version of that page, you'll just be copying it to the appropriate place in the template. That's what I've been doing with the top-down approach so far, and it works well. To use the 'tree' analogy, you do the branches of the tree, but the leaves go on in the top-down approach. But, yeh, there's nothing stopping us from doing both. The 'grow like a tree' thing you mentioned is very good, for the reasons you mentioned, but it will leave pages behind (there are lots of orphans). What you can do however, is do the 'grow like a tree' thing, but just don't mark the old pages as being 'overhauled' yet. Then when we get to them in the top-down list approach, it will be clear that it's already done, and the person doing the top-down approach will just skip over it. I'm sure this approach works, because we've all been doing the growing tree method so far, and while doing the top-down method I had a few nice surprises with pages that were already done :)
  11. Funny, that was my first guess (although I was looking for noise)... Damn I must have accidentally cleared my chat logs because I can't find the conversation, but IIRC It was tested with two transformer based PSUs, which were 12V and 9V.... I seem to remember saying 12V was a bit much, and you said it had a heatsink. Maybe it's not big enough ;) Although, indeep, you didn't tell me 5.8V output when you tested it back then, it was 5.2... 5.8's a touch on the high side, and it's also worry that it's changing. First thing I'd do, is re-do the voltage test you should have done before stuffing the chips. Power it up with the meter attached, test according to ucapps.de (without the chips in it! search! ) If it's still 5.8, turn it off. Your regulator is cooked... Good luck!
  12. FWIW, we don't know that. If they aren't successfully formatted, that will explain the re-formatting every time. As for the core issues... Look for shorts would be my first guess. You might need to do similar to the core as the bankstick module, if the soldering is similar. What voltages do you get on the IIC pins? you could try a resistor+LED on the SD pin to gnd, to see if the core is trying to drive the port...
  13. Those are compatible. Perhaps you've an error on the core module too?
  14. Not too bad at all! Thanks diablo. I wonder how hard it would be to mod to +/-12V...hmmmm
  15. Ahhh. Yeh, the idea was to leave the existing wiki untouched so we don't bother people while we tinker with the new one :) Bingo. Yeh, we needed (as I think it was you who pointed out most recently) to have a way to know what was done and what was not. Also, as it occurred to me while considering a solution, that we could also need a way to know what we still had left to do - don't want to miss any pages! So, we didn't have any really good ideas, and we were >< that close to marking the existing pages, which is a bit of a bummer, but we didn't have any other way... But I had been trying to find a list of all pages - that way, we can easily know which pages are done and which are not - we just work from top to bottom :) That's what that other thread was about - I found that list (it's on a button down the bottom of every page hahah). When you're working on the overhaul, you post in Wiki overhaul progress and say what pages you're working on, so that we don't collide, and then post when you're done, saying where you finished. That way, the next guy knows where to start.
  16. LOL! Yeh I know what you mean mate...
  17. Well let's just say they are a perfect fit for a 25 pack of cigarettes. (serious) No pics because cigarettes are wack and I'm not advertising my murderers.
  18. Pro. As. F*** Those buttons just ain't doing that lovely case justice though :( If we could just find cheap CNC for the rest of the world, and cheap CS components for you.... Or... yaknow, cheap freight :D
  19. That's already like that, no?: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=home:mbhp:module:core Every page in the new wiki structure (under :home:*) is built from a template like that, which is what the :wikify:* namespace is about. For EG the core page is built from the module template. No, you can only link where there's an anchor, IE, only to a header >=H3. That sounds OK, but once your documents become complex, a great deal of useful info is <H3 and can't be externally linked. Regardless, if the pages are well structured like our new ones, it's not really a problem. In the thread you originally replied to, I posted a link to the index page, which shows every page on the wiki. I think you've misunderstood, and thought that is our new wiki documentation - it's not, it's a list of stuff we need to copy into the new pages, and then trash.
  20. Sorry max moved this in here because the other thread is meant for progress reports on the top-down approach to the 'index' page list. There are three problems with the flatter structure that come to mind: 1) You can't always link other pages as easily, so it breaks the modular layout durisian conceived and i love 2) It makes for really big pages that scare people off, especially newbies (which results in the dreaded "i searched and found nothing" response, when they actually searched, found it, and ran screaming from the alphabet attack) 3) It makes template maintenance really difficult, which can lead to the kind of random editng we're now trying to clean. Plus, now that we know about this index page, it makes it really easy to find the page you want quickly, should the search engine and the structured layout fail you somehow.... So having it broken up is less of an issue. Sorry mate but I think a change in structure now, would be too late... We're kinda past that stage... Bah, humbug! :D
  21. 3) LOL don't forget the original approach, use modules from smash :D
  22. OK that's it for me for now. On the index page, I have done everything down to the 808seq page; so all the namespaced pages have been taken care of - with two exceptions being :pedal box and :pga. The rest of it which is in a namespace other than :home or :wikify, or :wiki or :playground (those two are built-into the forum) is ready to be trashed. So now we can just go through the list of pages in green, and copy the info to the relevant page(s) in the :home namespace. When we're done, we can cut over the new homepage, and run through and delete all the old stuff. Yay. Easy! ;)
  23. Hey guys... there's a bunch of stuff under :dictionary entries, and in the :dictionary:* name space.... Do we need all that? I think at one time there was a plugin using it, but it's gone now, an I'm of the opinion that's what google is for...
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