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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Even the domain name is hilarious
  2. Your new code may work, but it's not really the best thing... you're just tricking it into reserving 0 bytes for the variable. Try the 'global' directive and C declaration mixup, it'll do what you want :) The label before 'udata' can be used for banksels. PS: You ask interesting questions! :D
  3. That's probably overkill. I don't think you got any errors because it just did what you told it to do, and it's not strictly an error (sometimes you might want it that way, like a union) I think that what is happening here is that the res directive persists for following lines. I guess that makes it a bit less typing, because you can do: FRAM_VARS UDATA _FRAM_REG RES 1 _FRAM_THING _FRAM_FOO _FRAM_BAR And you only have to use RES, one time. If you wanted to have two vars in ASM code share the same memory address, then there are ways of forcing a specified address, but you shouldn't need to do that for your purposes.... No need to worry about it sharing the address with other vars, it will only do that with the automatic temporary registers. When you link the C code and ASM together, it'll match them up to ensure they get the same address - this way, you only define the variable once in ASM land (with the prefix underscore) and once in C, and it will match them up... global _FRAM_REG global _FRAM_ERROR ... FRAM_VARS UDATA _FRAM_REG RES 1 _FRAM_ERROR RES 1 unsigned char FRAM_REG; unsigned char FRAM_ERROR; When you link, they will become the same. Check out mod_skel_var to see how it's done. Note the difference between mod_skel_int, where the global directive is not used, so no label is generated for the linker to use.
  4. Welcome aboard bach! There are a few things that I'm not so sure about here... Is it mike's, or smashtv's? They're different! PIC's bought from Mike or Smash usually have this bootloader installed already... Where did it say to upgrade? Which document did you follow to get this instruction? It's very outdated. It should not even work. Perhaps you have old files and old documentation saved on your PC? Always use MIOS Studio in Smart Mode with Wait for Upload Request turned on. It's much safer, which is especially important when modifying the bootloader. It should! What switches did you use exactly? Velocity sensitive switches are special types of switch with two sets of contacts...
  5. I can't move this to MBOTW, but it's cool!
  6. Caveat Emperor: Buy yourself...from the Dark Side! Knowgood: you should search the forum for HKSS so that you can find the threads where this has been discussed in the past, so that we don't have to go over it again. The short version is that you should make sure that any defamatory claims you make, are well substantiated. That means: show proof, when you say bad stuff about anyone. That way there is no room for argument or wonder or fear, just facts....
  7. I'm hesitant to help you matyt, because last time you asked for my help, I gave you the answer, and then two days later you posted here asking the same question, and got the same answer (about using the change id app via com, or re-burning the pic). It seemed that you hadn't listened, so helping you was a waste of my effort..... But I'll try again anyway. Looks like the core is endlessly rebooting.... First things first, pull the chips and check your voltages, just to be sure that further tests won't fry it. We'll do some more tests after you have confirmed that. In response to slumgud... those images are part of the midi troubleshooting guide on ucapps, and you should follow that whole procedure, not just these two images. It's very unlikely that a broken opto will cause endless upload requests like in your screenshot, It would be slightly different: With a broken opto, and only the bootloader, but no MIOS installed, then the core will send an upload request every two seconds. It will never receive the uploaded data (due to the broken opto) so it will continue to send an upload request every two seconds, even if you are already uploading. In your screenshot, it is requesting an upload far more frequently than every 2 seconds. That indicates that the core is actually rebooting. I'm not convinced that this is really "the exact same problem". Sideline note: This is why it's important to paste logs - small differences in the logs can tell us quite a lot! (screenshots like you did are also OK but text is preferable as it is easier to paste and easier to manipulate)
  8. I'd start with anything with an RS232 port on it ;)
  9. Bingo. If it says to use the '452, you probably should, unless you know better. Search the forum for posts by myself or tk describing the differences between the chips and why it may or may not work. I would guess that the 4685 is probably not the problem. Read the comments in the SRIO app, they'll tell you how to use it. I suspect the problem is a soldering error (it usually is) and if so, this might give you some hints...
  10. Man how dodgy is that encoder?! There's not much excuse for mailing that out. Shame it's the same attitude as ever there... "I thought I should warn everyone how shonky you are, before I gave you the opportunity to make it right". Great stuff. Even if they're right and he is shonky, that's no way to behave.
  11. Ktechlab seems to be frequently recommended, that's a good sign. A few other hints from 'apt-cache search circuit': electric - electrical CAD system gnucap - GNU Circuit Analysis package gpsim - Simulator for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers klogic - digital circuit editor and simulator for KDE ksimus - KDE tool for simulating electrical circuits ktechlab - circuit simulator for microcontrollers and electronics oregano - tool for schematical capture of electronic circuits (works with gnucap) qucs - Quite Universal Circuit Simulator tkgate - Event driven digital circuit simulator with Tcl/Tk easyspice - A graphical frontend to the Spice simulator I diced out various gEDA components, that has circuit sim too it seems...there are others too, this is just the list that's on the ubuntu repositories. Have a search around for linux SPICE (ngspice,etc). Apparently some of the windows ones like LTspice (swcad) work in wine quite well... Pr0n: http://ktechlab.org/wiki/index.php?title=Image:Screenshot.png http://qucs.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html http://www.tkgate.org/screenshots.html There's no shortage... it's just a matter of trying them all and finding the best one for typical midibox purposes. That means not only considering the features and usability of each, but also how they might interact with other tools we use (like say xcircuit or kicad). Good luck!
  12. I'm not sure on that one... perhaps you could try some out for us, and let us know your opinions of them? It'd be very helpful :)
  13. Oop yeh sorry, old habits... twelvetone systems ... cakewalk .. sonar .. etc. I tend to roll em all into one bag. It's offtopic, but you'll probably find that you have better luck with the realtime linux kernel if you run it from the get-go. If you add it later, stuff tends to break, along the lines of what you mentioned... Still, it's just not as easy to use as windows is...
  14. You might like to refer to the pin list on the wiki as it already had this fix, and it has extra info, and the ability for you to add your own, that may be useful :)
  15. On the topic of freebie/shareware/cheapo apps, it should be remembered that they will often contain features which are not available elsewhere, as they may not be commercially viable (yet). Ableton Live was an example of that once. I certainly wouldn't write off the cheap stuff right away - not that you seem that way inclined, but just to offer another perspective on cheapies.. As for cakewalk, the best thing I could tell you from my experience is that you should use it like a normal windows app. Historically (meaning, I dunno if it's still this way) cakewalk was the only seq which followed standardised windows UI conventions. For example, copy was CTRL+C and paste was CTRL+V, while it was something else on cubase and logic etc. Of course you can customize the keyboard shortcuts, but the point is, if you use it like it's MS Word/IE/Explorer/notepad/etc, you'll get used to it real quick. That was a while ago, but I expect that it's still quite similar. The logic mouse thing was worse than you think... On PC, there was a custom mouse driver inside the app which stole the real mouse cursor and showed you a customised one. For example, there was no right-click, but there was click+hold. It was crap. If you're considering mac or linux, then this list could be expanded...
  16. Yeh word the f*** up man. that sucked. Personally the mac-style mouse driver drove me nuts, but that aside, logic was great. Then they went the asshole route.
  17. I'd bump cakewalk up that list a bit; it's the original pro sequencer on windows, has always been quite midi-focussed. Temper is dope too, but it's pretty unusual... I wonder though... what kind of music do you make? What kind of things do you want to do with it? My #1 bit of advice would be: try everything.
  18. Welcome aboard pb. Have you confirmed that MIDIO128 works on a 4685? it may not, as it is not originally intended for that chip. Perhaps you could try the SRIO interconnection test app. Did you use smart mode, etc?
  19. AC wall-warts are very expensive in Australia, the seller's figure is correct.
  20. Offsite documentation sucks. </broken record>
  21. Yeh, the silent mecs are custom-run only :( You can get a couple as samples, but if you want any number of them, they have to be ordered... DW has that on his list. Custom etched switches will be boss, knowing your work :)
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