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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. This is what I meant: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2308409&group_id=599&atid=100599 ;)
  2. Hehehe. Doesn't sahira's photo look pretty in a black frame? LOL!!! Who else thought of peter griffin then?
  3. I don't think he was rude indeep. If anything, it sounded like FutureMan was encouraging you and supporting that you would be able to figure it out, and supplying a link and an old proverb. He was being nice. Maybe language barrier is playing it's part here. Either that, or you're a very sensitive person. ;) 1) DOS was just part of an example that Futureman gave to demonstrate his lack of programming skills. He was saying "I'm just like you" 2) I think Xcode is intended for the 'C' language, not PIC ASM. It doesn't really matter, you will compile with 'make' from a console anyway. The document you have been shown already explains how to configure xcode to use make. This may work. 3) This is where you will begin your learning about programming 4) You are on the right path. Keep reading. You will need to read for weeks, not hours. Be sure to read the documentation (README file), ucapps.de, wiki, and especially, search the forum. Then do it again. Your learning time will be longer than most becau not only do you need to learn some programming basics, but also there is very little documentation on using MacOS for midibox :( 5) I'm quite sure you have misunderstood. 6) If you write down the things you need to know, and then name or edit a wiki page, it would be greatly appreciated. As you can tell, there is not a lot of documetation for newbies on macos. But documentation is DIY too - it's all written by midiboxers like you and I :) The information is out there though. You will just have to read a lot to put it all together. I have used a few technical terms in this post, but if you google them you can find all you need to know :)
  4. LOL Don't worry, I have plans to have DNR tattood on my chest. I always wait 12 months before I go through with a plan to get ink, 2 months to go! :D
  5. Hey feel free to send me Marilyn in her prime, I wouldn't hold it against you ... ;)
  6. Beta software.... Give it a little time ... I know what you mean, but I've been using this theme for a few weeks now, and it's grown on me :)
  7. Sounds correct. Why would you connect a serial output to a serial output? Wouldn't do much, would it? :) (Actually, it might even short)
  8. I tried to warn you all :D And I forgot about the rolling eyes smiley. I need it to use on bugfight!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3JTM5G3o7U :D
  10. Well you already know I love it man :D ... for those of you who haven't heard about this before, check it out!
  11. Same thing :) If we're twice as efficient, we can have twice the people... Prime example of my point. Sad fact is, his mother, like all of us, is responsible for the deaths of an incredible amount of life on this planet. Saving her is "a nice thing to do", if you ask her, or her son... Just don't ask the plants and animals and other people who suffer as a result. I know it sounds harsh, but that's the reality of the situation.... don't shoot the messenger ;) Anyway, I'm repeating myself now, which means I've reached the hands-on-ears "lalala i can't hear you" threshold of the forum, and will promptly stfu :D
  12. Nah, it's part of our "animal brain", designed to have us protect other members of our pack, and especially our children, by enabling us to "feel" what others are feeling. It's wayyy old :) goblinz/cimo: it's not just how much space we have, but how much of it we require exclusively for our own use, regardless of the consequences to other life... as in, some of that area, we'll use in a way that prevents other life from surviving. The fact that habitat destruction is the #1 problem we provide to the animal world, makes it clear that overpopulation is not a future problem. It's right now.
  13. Agreed. Tokolog, you can PM TK to ask for access, or if you like I'll upload it for you.
  14. Okay there was one thing I wasn't sure I'd gotten right, and it turns out that it depends on which PIC you're using. In the code above, right at the top, is this: J5_DOUT_Init ;; disable the ADC which allocates the analog pins ;; removed ;; movlw 0x07 ;; movwf ADCON1 If you have a 4620/4685/etc (newer chip) then make it this: J5_DOUT_Init ;; AN0...AN5 AINs, and AN6,7 DINs movlw 0x09 movwf ADCON1 If it's a 452 ... uhm... Pretty sure that we want J5_DOUT_Init ;; AN0...AN5 AINs, and AN6,7 DINs movlw 1 << ADFM) | (1 << ADCS2) | 0x09 movwf ADCON1 Oh, in case you didn't notice, you have to use the AINs for the first 6 pins on the port, and the remainder can be DOUTs. BTW, if you want to use more or less pins, these ADCON1 values will change. You can find tables in the PIC datasheets that describe what ADCON1 values will do.
  15. Edit: don't use this yet...... I gotta check one more thing.... I went to try this and found that TK left you a hint: j5_dout.inc: J5_DOUT_Init ;; disable the ADC which allocates the analog pins ;; removed ;; movlw 0x07 ;; movwf ADCON1 ;; turn on the output driver of PORTA and PORTE ;; (note: if you want to use some of them as input instead, just set the appr. line to "bsf TRISx, x" ;; first 6 pins reassigned as AINs bsf TRISA, 0 ; Pin RA.0 = ain bsf TRISA, 1 ; Pin RA.1 = ain bsf TRISA, 2 ; Pin RA.2 = ain bsf TRISA, 3 ; Pin RA.3 = ain bsf TRISA, 5 ; Pin RA.5 = ain bsf TRISE, 0 ; Pin RE.0 = ain ;; last two are still DOUTs bcf TRISE, 1 ; Pin RE.1 = output bcf TRISE, 2 ; Pin RE.2 = output return Then in main.inc: USER_Init ....... ;; initialize J5 for driving LEDs if enabled #if ENABLE_J5 call J5_DOUT_Init #endif ;; initialise AINs. BE SURE TO EDIT j5_dout.inc !! movlw 0x06 call MIOS_AIN_NumberSet call MIOS_AIN_UnMuxed ........ Then throw your stuff in USER_AIN_NotifyChange ;; your code here return I *think* that will work. Check my work, because ****ing this up can result in a short and nuked PIC.
  16. Yep, compiler error. My toolchain was screwy but that was my fault (I broke it and I knew that) but once it was fixed, the above code *all* works with sdcc 2.8.0. However, 2.8.4 (the snapshot) is no good. Grab the working one here: sdcc-2.8.0-setup.exe Would you like to file the bug report?
  17. stryd_one

    DOG LCDs

    There's no driver yet, but it is possible. Thanks man, how much are they from this distro you found?
  18. Thi programme also broadcast in Italian: Midibox fm problemi vari...
  19. Yes. It's OK because you used two languages, but you should note the crosspost for your reference and for others: problem lcd,core-opl3
  20. Yeh it's not too rough. You set the appropriate TRISx bits to 1, and configure the ADC accordingly (unmuxed).
  21. I guess this would be a wiring error. The OPL and LCD share a data buss, and perhaps they are talking at the same time. I would first check all connections against the schematics with a multimeter. I'd also consider soldering the components into the PCB properly, rather than leaving hem floating like that - it leaves room for short circuits. Similarly, it's worth investing in connectors for the cables, rather than soldering them onto the jumpers.
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