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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Check each of the changes since then, you'll see he increased his order by 3. Don't forget to look for the others too.
  2. Sweet :) Thanks for letting us know man. I'd heard they worked OK...but I wasn't confident enough to tell you to spend money on it heheh
  3. That's better ;) Probably should post an update instead of black hat discussions in the chat room and such... It's been like..a while. Chatroom dudes can just ignore this post, you've probably heard it all :) I'll try ad keep it brief. Well I wanted to push this thing a bit harder than I had been, and it just didn't want to play. If I got the sequencer to behave itself with a number of tracks that was even remotely useful (using external RAM), midi went berserk if I tried to send it controls. And that was with a 2-button CS. It was just asking too much of the PIC. I hit similar roadblocks in the past, and had considered things like dual/multiple PICs with parallel or CAN communications, but I'd put it in the too-hard basket. This time I came up with a variation that I thought might just work... Sharing access to shared external SRAM to two PICs. So I tinkered and played and fried a 628128, discovered a handy bus arbiter chip, and eventually come up with something that, shock horror, actually worked. I've got schems and boards in kicad format (and images) a MIOS driver module (ASM and native C - I think it's the only native C driver around) here if anyone's curious. Actually I'll attach some pix. So yeh, it worked, at least it would allow one PIC to write a bunch of data to ram, and the other to read it, without any nasty collisions. But, I never did get around to adapting the code to use it, because TK announced his intentions regarding SeqV4 (that's gonna be a MONSTER) and it's basis in the new core. I've had a lot of fun and learned a LOT of stuff doing the vX so far, but... I'm not crazy. This core is clearly the smart move. Fortunately, I had been secretly hoping that this new core would come some day soon, and so I have been writing my code with this in mind. hehehe. There's not much there that's PIC-specific, it's all C, so it should work OK with the new platform. That is, things like the sequencer and LFO modules and signal handlers will only need minor changes. That said, I don't particularly like the idea of just porting it across. Why? Well heck, if I'd been using a 32bit micro to start with, it wouldn't be designed like it is. This thing has just undergone too many overhauls to try and make it work on a PIC, it's not the sequencer it once was. (note: this paragraph confirms TK and TheProf's prophecies. I knew they were right....Why did I do that...) Even the original concept I shared here was watered down a bit from what I really wanted, in that it was semi-modular both in routing and in modules. Fixing things like that, made for faster handling, but it also made for greater complexity in code. Seems strange to spend so much effort to make the machine less capable ;) So what this is coming to, is that I've been doing some homework and I'm pretty damned sure I can make this fully modular on the new core. The modules are already ready for it, it's just a matter of doing the routing. A helping hand from nILS has me on the right track for this. I'll fire up some doco, which I'll need myself, and share it here soon. In the meantime, here's the promised pic from times past:
  4. Hahaha damn, I was just coming back to edit that post, because I rushed it (posting from work == eating lunch while editing code and replying to midibox and answering phone calls. I should stop that.) and it sounded rude when I saw it later. Beaten! LOL I'd very much like to see that kind of thing in the mbseq (as well as your previous suggestions which would be awesome), but you may not be aware of TKs FILO list ;) Seeing as I'm covering that 'weird algorithmic sh**' thing off, it leaves room in the 'buffer' to do some of the more requested features, which is why I suggested my project.... aaand I'd completely forgotten, I've already taken down the old page while I'm nameing the new one, so you probably don't know WTF I'm talking about LOL. I just killed the SNR, so I'm gonna split this post off.
  5. tyypos aer teh l33t omg you spelled it with an s. How unamerican of you! :D
  6. Hahaha! alas I've never seen one, but I have seen forums full of dudes discussing LEDs. Damn geeks!
  7. The rest of us are insanely jealous and hate you.
  8. Gerrit you are correct, someone has edited their order (actually, it seems a few people did) and pushed a few people off the first batch. This is not cool, people. You're taking chips away from someone else because you planned poorly. That's rude and selfish. I'm looking at you, Edis. Gerrit please go through the past revisions, find the people who have edited their order to push you off the list (with turuloid and chazworth and maybe others), and move their additions into the second batch of 250. You should end up where you were before. Let me know (in a PM or in the chat room) if you need any help.
  9. All part of the Great Plan. Dark times are ahead for midibox, dark times indeed. Mark my words.
  10. I thought I was the King of Vapor around here.... I have been dethroned! :D Welcome back to civilisation Tanstaafl ;)
  11. That's the job of my seq ;) I'll release details soon...
  12. This topic has been moved to MIDIbox of the Week. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=11617.0[/iurl]
  13. What if you're allergic to beans and eggs? :D
  14. Totally dude. It is possible to buy meat that is from animals that are treated well - in fact, here's a tip: Happy animals that lived a happy and wholesome life, and died a comfortable stress free death, and were treated respectfully after their sacrifice, taste a LOT better. Okay it costs about 3 times as much, but damn, it's worth it.
  15. No you don't, that's true... The drivers themselves are in the Restricted repo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ATI&searchon=all&suite=hardy&section=all ...But you do need it to get envy, which is by far the most user friendly way to deal with the whole video driver "thing", and will get you later drivers, and find related tools, auto update for you, etc... And seeing as you're gonna want to enable those repos anyway.... Just seems the easiest way :) Don't make me send you to the naughty boy's chair.
  16. Got the latest GPUtils on here too.... No joy. Gonna work on making these two toolchains play nicely together and see how I go.
  17. Let's not descend into OS wars here gentlemen ;) We all know that they have their advantages and disadvantages, and that we like or dislike them for different reasons, most of which are valid and the remainder are definitely chat room fodder. Anyhoo, I've gathered that you're running an ATI card guys... Story is like this (95% explanation and 5% answer): If there's one beef people often have with ubuntu, it's that they are really strict on the open-source thing. Really. One effect of this, which attracts the negative response, is that the binary-only (closed-source) drivers such as those which ATI and NVidia release, aren't included out of the box. So your video goes all funky. Yes, it's a pain in the ***, and yes it busts up the "just works" factor, and I guess that your opinion on whether it's a good idea will depend on how you feel about open source. Let's not go there, but I thought maybe you'd like to know "why", and not just "what" The good news is that it's very easy to sort out. It's a three step process, but it's not as bad as that makes it sound. One of them you have to do in windows too (patch it), and one of them you'll want to do anyway if you want to easily install stuff like say... Eagle (enable closed source stuff). This is them: First thing to do would be to enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories. Don't know if you used it long enough to know this, but the idea is that rather than downloading an exe and installing an application that you want on your system, you use a single GUI or command line tool to select apps you want and install them. The apps are made available to you in package 'repositories', and enabling these two repo's makes lots of extra handy stuff available, like eagle, and closed-source video drivers. There's nice doco here on how to add the repositories . It's either editing a text file, or about four mouse clicks in a GUI. I then recommend installing all the updates which are available online .You'll be prompted with a red icon in the tray when you're online... this is the same deal as running windowsupdate when you first boot a new windows system. It's good to do this before the next step not only for security reasons, but because they'll probably include a kernel update that wants a reboot to apply it. If you install the video driver before this reboot, you'll install a driver for the old kernel. It's kinda like a win98 driver might not work on winME. You can then install the drivers, and yes again, there's a nice gui for it, as well as a command line. For either ATI or NVidia drivers, the easy way to go is with a package called EnvyNG. It's a tool that will detect your card and install the correct driver and all that cool stuff. If you look at the top link above, it shows you how to install software, just type envyng into the search box, it'll find it, and then you can install it. If you want extreme details, you can visit the EnvyNG FAQ. Once it's installed, you can run it from the menu. The rest is all happy GUI goodness. You can also do it from the command line if that's your thing ;) So yeh, that was a very long version of the story. I wanted to explain why it's like it is. Aside from the fact that it's crippled by the strict open source policy, you can see that it actually has a lot in common with windows. It seems kinda alien at first, but when you know the whole story, you realise that the reason it seems rough is not a failing or strength in either OS, but just good ol' familiarity with windows. So, if I remove all the stuff that is effectively the same on both OS, the difference between them as far as getting the video to behave is this: Install EnvyNG. Two word summary. I shoulda just gone with that. :D
  18. Hey, it wouldn't be midibox without $political_rant This should be merged with the People who are allergic to beans thread ;)
  19. Definitely a nice thing to have in any headphone. leather/pleather makes you sweat. Yucky.
  20. Is there an MBOTW post for this yet, or should I move it?
  21. Hehhehehe :D Well I guess the aim of the game, is to ensure that your cabling allows your devices to function to their full capacity. Adding splitter/router/merger in there is worth it, if you need them to get what the synth has to offer... I think you'll only need the one merger, to compensate for your controller keys.
  22. Use the WIDTH setting on your images: [img width=400]http://www.something.com/image.gif[/img]
  23. You seem to be on the right track. Sounds like an expansion of the pattern you mentioned... Is it always the same extra key with a particular chord? How fast does it turn on and off? Is that strobing regular, or random? As for the voltage, I was wondering if maybe the voltage or current draw was a bit high, which might contribute to crosstalk. That'll be constant, if it's there... Photos will probably tell us a lot.... Did you try old mios again? It occured to me, you might need a matching bootloader too... MIOS in recent versions moved it's memory around, and the bootloader makes sure it goes to the right location....
  24. >200 euro? And you thought the jays were expensive :D Custom IEMs are pretty sweet, but way pricey. On top of the price of those drivers, you're up for a fair amount for ear moulding (often called an "imprint", done by a specialist) and the actual 'plug' itself which is produced from the imprint. You'll be looking at 3-400 euro in the end. I was also looking at a custom IEM when I bought my q-jays, the LiveWires: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f103/livewires-california-dreamin-259853/ and they were the only ones of a decent price which seemed the way to go... When I went to search for that link, I came across http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f103/hearyourself-com-custom-iem-discussion-thread-368009/ and they seem not bad... Of course, there's no returning a custom IEM if you don't like the sound, so choose wisely ;) Such a can, is certainly worth the money if you need it... But TBH, this is way out of MP3 territory. If you're listening to FLAC files on a DAP with a digital output, a pricey custom DAC and headphone preamp, all carefully matched; or if you're monitoring live audio on stage or something; then you want to think about this kind of quality level.... Otherwise, it's really a bit of a waste. I mentioned earlier that the q-jays were the smallest dual armature driver around, and as it happens, that's one of the major reasons I selected them. I have *tiny* ears, inside and out. I'm yet to meet another person who has smaller ears than me.... and yes, in-ear buds do get uncomfortable/painful, with the qjays being the only exception I've encountered. I can wear the stock sony buds for about 15 minutes before I have to remove them from the pain. I can wear the qjays for ... well, 8 hours is the longest stretch so far. Now that I know you are concerned for ear discomfort due to your special requirements (you know what they say about guys with small ears... big ****! :D ) I would have to say - go for a closed superaural can, not buds/IEMs.
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