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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... from the German Forum: This Information is only for Germans speaking buddies: Ich glaube, ich werde den Versand aus der Schweiz machen. Durchschnittlich wird der individuelle Versand auf ca € 1.-/Fader kommen. Bei einem Sammelpaket ca. € 0.35 plus der individuelle Versand durch Raphael... ich glaube, es wäre teurer über einen Zwischenversand durch Raphael. Und wenn es sich beim Gewinn nur um ein paar wenige Cents/Fader handelt, lohnt sich der Mehraufwand durch Raphael nicht. - THX anyway! Irgend welche Einwände bzw. bessere Ideen? Greets, Roger EDIT: Habe gerade gesehen, dass bei diesen Preisen keine Versicherung beinhaltet ist... wollt Ihr das wagen? Ich übernehme keine Haftung diesbezüglich!!!
  2. ... hab ich Dir schon einen. Wenn z.B. Raphael einverstanden ist, kann ich diesen in sein Paket mit den Motorfadern legen und er könnte Dir diesen dann "Deutschland-Intern" zuschicken. Was<meinst Du Raphael? PS: ... habe ich zuerst weggelassen und erst später, vor dem Posten noch angehängt >:( grrrrr ;D
  3. Screaming_Rabbit


    Zum T-Shirt möchte ich mich nicht äussern... ist Geschmacksache ;) Wenn Du Erfahrung im Siebdruck hast, wären Information betreffend Bedrucken von Frontpanels vermutlich der begehrtere Renner. - Fände ich absolut genial!!! Greets, Roger... keep on printing :)
  4. 1. Soviel ich weiss ist dies die maximale spezifikation... also die durchschnittliche Grenze, bevor der Trenn-Film durchschlagen könnte... bin aber kein Elektroniker :-\ 2. kaufe doch die Encoder bei www.voti.nl oder bei SmashTV... gute Preise und mit MIOS getestet Greets, Roger
  5. http://www2.okw.com/katdetail.asp?Gruppe=Pultgehäuse&Nummer=ST3380 Greets, Roger
  6. ... THX Raphael, I missed that in his posting Greets, Roger
  7. ;D ;D ;D :o ;D ;D ;D Does anybody know, where "incarnation" lives? I sent him a PM because I still don't have his address and he didn't answer yet... I think he's often on business travel and can't check the forum. I just need to know about he's from North America or Europe, so I can send the american bulk to SmashTV a.s.a.p. Thanks for any replies Greets, Roger
  8. ::) Yes it does!!! Dependent on what knobs you're using and what kind of holes you can drill (mm or inches) Get your knobs and then you'll know, what kind of pots you need. For example: When you'd use the knobs I use http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/SIFAM/SIFAM_Main.htm, you'd buy the 6mm D-shaft potentiometer and encoder. Got it? Greets, Roger
  9. ... in europe our standard drills are in Millimeters in USA in inches. So if your drills say per example 1/2", you'll want to order the "1/4" x 3/8" Round Shaft "-potentiometer. If your drills are labeld with for example 7mm, you'll buy the "6mm x 15mm "D" Shaft "-potentiometers. Greets, Roger
  10. ... I just received the message, that the faders arrived at the local post office. :D :o :-* I'll pick 'em up tomorrow. Greets, Roger
  11. ... you'll need a VGA to LVDS converter and I don't think that you can DIY this... anybody knows better and correct me? Greets, Roger
  12. ... momentary ... those are membrane switches: Mostly made out of one piece of silicone. Hard to get, because they are relativly cheap to customize for big series... so manufacturers mostly don't have a "standard line" but only offer to design and produce custom line by order. ... might be interresting for you: Greets, Roger
  13. ... warum geändert? Ich fühle mich geehrt, wenn ich andere Leute inspiriert habe. - Sonst müsste sich Goethe ja bei 7500RPM im Grab drehen ;D Und ich glaube kc hat dies auch nicht so ernst gemeint ??? Greets, Roger
  14. Not that I need any pots, but I think you should spezify, about who you're talking about: Smash or Mike? ... they aint the same guy! ::) Greets, Roger
  15. ... a bit too much work and organisation for a couple of bucks ;) Greets, Roger
  16. Hey Brian ... this is correct ... yes, you need to load MIOS first ... the PIC has the required memory available. A Bankstick you needonly, if you'd like to switch between different configuration setups (banks) Greets, Roger
  17. ... no problem... think of a piano hammer. Greets, Roger
  18. Hey Taylor Hmmmm... yes, the fader order is actually closed. The N-Types are ordered since last week. But since Skunk and me were the only ones, who ordered the V-Type, we decided to wait. And yes, the thing with 10 V-Faders left over might be fact too. Mr. Schmidt told me once, that they have something over 60 pieces in stock. - So if you count our order (I hope they reserved them for us), it could make about 10 left. Let me check with ALBS, how long I would have to wait for the new stock and I can think about, that you'll take mine and I wait for the new delivery.... stay tuned for an answer in the bulk order posting. Greets, Roger
  19. ... if you're considering using 60mm or 100mm, I wouldn't think too much about ALPS or P&G. When you go for the ALPS V-Fader... they're moving in the same quality range like P&G. BTW: Most professional digitals mixers are using ALPS V-Faders today. Like Studer, LAWO, Stagetech... ;) If you're interrested in ALPS V-Faders (about € 40.-) ... this bulk order is still open. I'm sorry, the bulk order for the cheaper N-Fader is closed Search the forum for fader resolution... Greets, Roger
  20. http://www.dowcorning.com/DataFiles/090007c8800022e9.pdf ... you can get it from here: http://www.suterkunststoffe.ch/pdf/produkteuebersicht.pdf Greets, Roger
  21. ... it's written on http://www.ucapps.de/midimon/mtc_extension.pdf, which raphael posted for you: "common anode" for example: http://www.voti.nl/shop/p/DISP-5.html ... this is for the LC application Greets, Roger
  22. ... it's all on ucapps.de... http://www.ucapps.de/midimon.html ... I have no idea about timecode midi signal-stream from cubase (not a cubase user) Greets, Roger
  23. ... I think it's this one: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_fun.html#MIOS_AIN_PinLSBGet (not shure since I won't use rotaries) Greets, Roger
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