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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... Du meinst vermutlich "Aluminium Laminat Platten", welche für den LKW Fahrzeugbau verwendet werden? - Ist eine stabile Sache und gibt's in verschiedenen Farben eloxiert. Ich werde auch damit für's Gehäuse arbeiten. Greets, Roger
  2. ...??? I don't know a laser printer for CDs... and I wouldn't buy one. - I think the emmitted light would be so strong, that it would erase your data on a CDR or at least corrupt it partially. InkJet won't work (doesn't resist the accid)... I don't know about thermo printers, which are available for CDRs ??? I'll perhaps talk to our CD Production Roboter distributor, to test it. - Those printers are available for about $200.- Greets, Roger
  3. www.emu-ecke.de find E-Mail under "Flohmarkt" on the left side on the page. Hurry up! He's just placing an order at the moment. 11€ per SID 8580 Greets, Roger
  4. ... mit einer Ständer Bohrmaschine ist's wirklich kein Problem, mit einer Handbohrmaschine ist's schon schwieriger. - Damit die Senkungen sauber werden, musst Du schauen, dass Du die Maschine wirklich sauber senkrecht hälst. Dazu ist wichtig, dass die Lager der Bohrmaschine kein Spiel haben, sonst kommt der Senker in's Schwingen und die Senklöcher sehen aus wie Vulkankrater ;D ... Bevor ich mich als Laie an das fertige Panel machen würde, empfehle ich, erst ein wenig zu üben ;) Greets, Roger PS: Die Senker Grösse ist auch sehr wichtig (10.4mm, wie Pay-C vorschlägt, ist gut bzw. maximal). Grössere Senker haben oft keinen Spitz mehr, sondern sind abgestumpft.
  5. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2758.0 Greets, Roger
  6. ... get some MDF pieces (pressed wood... don'd know the precise name in english), take a Jigg-Saw ... and be creative 8) Greets, Roger
  7. ... use http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html Greets, Roger
  8. You know what? I'll send you some displays. - Maybe you come to a acceptable solution. I still have your address from the fader bulk.... just give me some time. Greets, Roger
  9. Actually I have 100 displays... but without the frames and it turned out, that there's too much work to get them to function without the original frame Depending on price, I'm interrested in 100 pcs. Could you please post the final price? Greets, Roger BTW: Perfect work!
  10. Welcome Graham Please search the forum first. - There are plenty of threads about this. Greets, Roger
  11. Where do you get the Displays from and what price? Greets, Roger
  12. I'm using an external supply on J2 ob my testing setup. It's from a Lacie external HD-drive and it delivers 5.03V while booted. - But I haven't checked all the time, while the box is running... perhaps I would measure sometimes something else... ??? I don't care ;D Greets, Roger
  13. Hey Andreas Hehehe.... and the prices :P ? And who's writing a driver? :-* Greets, Roger ;)
  14. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=611.0 Greets, Roger
  15. Hi everybody I hope that everybody received the faders by now (I didn't get response/confirmation from the most of you) except of "Fallout"... we have a special aggreement. If there are no complains within a week, I call the bulkorder as finished! Greets, Roger
  16. Hey Andreas ... weiss auch nicht mehr genau... per Zufall. - Habe nach etwas anderem gegoogelt (soweit ich mich erinnere, habe ich nicht mal "MIDI" eingegeben) und bin dann auf eine Seite gestossen, auf welcher ein Link auf diese Seite war. Greets, Roger
  17. Tip: To prevent contact of the bare wire with the PCB traces, don't place the caps like on the picture. Cut one leg so the cap body is right at the IC-pin (for example: Pin 16) then put a shrink tube over the other leg and solder it to the other pin (Pin 6, 7 or 8). Greets, Roger
  18. http://home.snafu.de/sicpaul/midi/midi0a.htm Greets, Roger
  19. ... it's this one: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=4387.0 It looks, that the buyer wasn't satisfied... so please don't roll this up again. - I still have a trauma from the last case... I think we have better things to do. Greets, Roger
  20. I ran into a similar problem... having not enough buttons. I don't know Ableton but with Sequoia, I do it this way: I have the possibility to connect 4 controllers to Sequoia, which I can configure however I want. So I go for 3x8 faders in LC-Mode and the 4th controller is a MIDIBox 128 in which I assign the additional functions directly to the master section. So functions which are under an other layer I want to have present by pressing only one button, I configure on this 4th controller. This is done with the "learn" function in Sequoia. Greets, Roger
  21. I saw this ad on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.ch/Neve-Motorfader_W0QQitemZ7356172191QQcategoryZ21775QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem If you have a look at the pictures, it looks like NEVE is solving the precise positioning of their faders by an electrical brake. The seller of this faders writes, that there is a "Inertia Dynamics" motor in it. But on the website of "Inertia Dynamics" http://www.idicb.com/ you only find brakes and clutches and the appropriate controllers to it - no motors. Now take another look at the fader module: You see, there are two parts attached to the driver string... seems like an electro motor and a clutch. ... interresting :o Greets, Roger
  22. Thanks guys! :-* Greets, Roger
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