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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... why don't make one out of a single line character vfd? http://www.parallax.com/images/robotics/machining/rpm_display/avi/RPMDisplay.AVI http://cgi.ebay.com/D013-NEW-Noritake-Itron-VFD-Fluorescent-Display-Module_W0QQitemZ7544220822QQcategoryZ26206QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Greets, Roger
  2. ... yes http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/midibox_lc_ledrings_meters.pdf ... MIDI data Greets, Roger
  3. ... it will be hard to find somebody to help you with doepfer hardware in this forum :( (reasons you'll find in different postings) ... why don't replace them, if they're ALPS? Greets, Roger
  4. ... most of todays multimeters have a diode test function (beep) if you're not shure. Greets, Roger
  5. Hey Jay The Faders are right on their way to USA tomorrow :-) Payment not possible yet. I'll contact you when I know the total price. You can PM me your PayPal related E-Mail address already if you want. Greets, Roger
  6. It's still available http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1335&dDocName=en010296 ... just not recommended for new designs Greets, Roger
  7. ... I think, if you take "A" (function), it's momentary Greets, Roger
  8. I'll send you an invoice and a PayPal money request. You'll receive your knobs from SmashTV then. Greets, Roger
  9. Please EVERYBODY send me a confirmation PM when you received the faders and everything is to your satisfaction. - THX Greets, Roger
  10. Sorry I don't get it :( Please try to explain it in a different way. Greets, Roger
  11. ... yes ... I would suggest MIDIBox64E ... there are plenty of tutorials and search the forum database Greets, Roger
  12. ... browse mal durch's Forum. Eine ähnliche Frage wurde erst vor ein paar Wochen beantwortet. Durch umkonfigurieren ist es soweit ich mich erinnern kann möglich, eine Statusänderung eines Schalters als Toggle Funktion zu definieren. Greets, Roger
  13. It's nice, that you greet me in your E-Mails with your real first names... makes it more personal. - Anyway, please include your forum name somewhere. It makes it easier to handle everything and prevents that I suddenly mixup some names and send wrong invoices. Thanks and greets Roger
  14. ... der Bulk für die V-Type Fader ist eigentlich auch geschlossen, die Bestellung aber noch nicht getätigt. Ich bin eh noch jemandem eine Antwort schuldig, der an den V-Fadern interessiert ist. Ich werde diesbezüglich noch informieren. Wenn jemand anderes später einen neuen Bulk starten will, werde ich ihm selbstverständlich die Kontakte und hilfreichen Unterlagen übergeben. Greets, Roger
  15. ... I'm sorry, the order is closed... I already received the faders. BTW: I didn't order Encoders because I think there is a good alternative from SmashTV. I organised the bulk order for faders because of the discount we received. Greets, Roger
  16. I lately just bought a big sheet of this black plexi a couple of days ago ;). Actually I bought it for some finishing parts for my LC, I'm building Greets, Roger
  17. ... yepp... that's just what I'm doing this Sunday evening. I'll buil a "snap-in" holder for my portable GPS, to clip it to the middle console of my car. Greets, Roger
  18. You get yours directly from me... it's even already packed. You'll get a PM from me ;) Greets, Roger
  19. I will meet Raphael this Sunday in Germany and he will do the distribution for the German orders. - THX Raphael!!! So he will have the faders and as soon he's getting the o.k. from me (when I received the individual payments), he's sending it to you guys. So the German guys will get a PM from me this weekend, containing the payment instructions. Greets, Roger
  20. I will soon do some drilling in plexglass again. It's about 15 years ago since I did it the last time and I remember having some trouble too. I remember that I made good experiences with high speed rpm while using a drop of oil. Make shure, it's an oil which doesn't react with the plexi. Normally regular household oils like for oiling door angles will do. You can also try cooling the drill bit with pressured air. If the drill bit gets stuck because melted plexi, apply pressure on the drill in intervals so the drill material has time to transport the heat energy away from the drill point. Greets, Roger
  21. ... bitte haltet die Postings sauber. Es erleichtert das Selektieren enorm, wenn man im Forum Postings zu technischen Fragen sucht. Also das Brummen wäre ein eigenständiges Psoting wert. Greets, Roger
  22. ... well I could order one for evaluation without problems. At the time I'm just too buissy to do all the read out of the data and for me it's not first priority since Sequoia doesn't support the C4. :( Greets, Roger
  23. ... I can only say once again: NICE.... VERY NICE!!! Greets, Roger
  24. ... machen wir so! ... um dieses Posting nicht in eine falsche Direktion zu leiten, habe ich im englischen Motorfader-Sammelbestellungs-Posting geantwortet. Greets, Roger @Acid303: Du bekommst also Dein gratis Encoder-Muster ;) Betreffend Adressangaben und eventuellen Versandkosten, schickst Du Raphael am besten eine PM
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