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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Hello everybody I updated and published the website. THE BULK ORDER IS NOW CLOSED! Please check what I transferred to the Webpage. If anything is wrong... Post the correction here! I would apprechiate if you could PM me an OK if everything is right, so I know everybody has checked the listing. We're talking here about a lot of money and I don't like to make any mistakes  :o ... I don't have use for 100 faders ;) Greets, Roger
  2. ... just for information: A few of you are afraid, that they got forgotten because the list on my website isn't updated. Don't worry!!! If I can't fix it until this weekend, I'll post a copy of the updated lists in this thread, so everybody can check if everything is o.k. Greets, Roger.
  3. http://www.ucapps.de/mios_fun.html#MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet Greets, Roger MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ;; in this speed mode the increment value depends on the     ;; rotational speed based on the following formula:     ;;  speed_ctr: decremented with every update cycle     ;;  (-> MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet)     ;;        (normaly 1 ms) to measure the time between     ;;        two encoder steps     ;;        Init value: 0x7f     ;;        reaches 0x00 after 127 update cycles     ;;       (normaly after 127 ms)     ;;  MIOS_PARAMETER2: specified with the MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet     ;;     ;;           function, allowed values:     ;;            0 (fast)   -> divider = 2^(7-0) = 128     ;;            1 (faster)  -> divider = 2^(7-1) = 64     ;;            ...     ;;            7 (fastest) -> divider = 2^(7-7) =  1     ;; ->     ;;  incrementer = speed_ctr / (2^(7-MIOS_PARAMETER2))     ;; set speed for encoder #0 to "fast", speed exponent value is 2     movlw    0x02            ; speed exponent     movwf    MIOS_PARAMETER2     movlw    MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST    ; fast speed mode     movwf    MIOS_PARAMETER1     movlw    0x00            ; rotary encoder #0     call    MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet
  4. ... but then your PSU has to be regulated!!! I don't think, that this wallwart is regulated...? Greets, Roger
  5. ... jeder bekannte Audio Editer: Cubase, Logic, Sequoia, ProTools usw. Greets, Roger EDIT: Du wirst aber Latenzprobleme bekommen :( ... einzige Abhilfe: eine DSP gestützte Plattform, wobei Du dann gleich einen Digital-Mixer kaufen kannst. Mit einem nativen System könnte es vielleicht funktionieren, wenn Du keine Plugs einsetzt.
  6. ... prices (I couldn't update the webpage yet, but the "RSAON11M9" got in a cheaper range, since there are over 100pcs. It is €14.90 excl. TAX now) http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/ALPS_Main.htm For calculation in US$: http://quotes.ubs.com/quotes/X0=29/X1=s59a7PaXj4ciFkaAuvmmeUW1TPXC8d83drSpUz6O7cdhQZLxBi34aWcBqPwWnP3BMRz6UdSuq7HnvOvQgLFbL96YpS7zsL0e4PnuhITcP3YI=/X2=saxrvbkFvDdpKPep5saNuzs$96683Em7Ur7r-rtDFPrjZeizEBaU$fw== Greets, Roger
  7. LAST CALL!!! THE BULK ORDER OF THE MOTORFADERS WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY 10TH OF JUNE 2005 Greets, Roger PS: Same deadline for somebody who wants to step back
  8. ... I understand you very good! I'm really just at the edge with my energy at the moment. - I even don't have time to find out about the problem I have when I try updating the web-page. I promise you, the order will be placed very soon! Greets, Roger
  9. ... durchsuche das Forum-Archiv, da gab es immer wieder Drum-Trigger Projekte. Das Thema interessierte mich bis anhin zu wenig, als dass ich Dir nähere Angaben machen kann. Schau speziell im Folder "Midification". Greets, Roger
  10. ... I've never seen those neither. But you could configure the touch for example as an automation write enable "button". Greets, Roger
  11. ... if it hasn't to be pots: Studer Vista Mixers have encoders with a to activate magnetical "snap". Don't know about they build them by themself or buy those from somewhere. Greets, Roger (I think it works magnetical)
  12. ... Greets, Roger
  13. doesn't matter, it just shows you an other polarisation. Greets, Roger
  14. ... might be interresting for all you DJs on this forum (I'm not :)). Just a reminder - there are only two days to go before the convention starts! To see all the specific details, please visit this URL: <http://www.aes.org/events/118/> ------------------------- Live Sound Seminar Track: New Activity on the 118th AES Convention Barcelona, May 2005 - For the very first time, AES offers a continuous seminar track throughout the whole Convention, dedicated exclusively to Live Sound. Live Sound is such an important issue that it could not be covered by a single workshop or a paper session. This is why AES has organized a whole set of seminars about selected topics related to live sound. The Live Sound Seminars start on Saturday afternoon with a novelty, too: The first and new topic for an AES event is DJ Mixing, giving a general overview about the technologies used for DJ shows. Technical and esthetical criteria will also be discussed as well as typical technical problems, which can occur during DJ shows. This Seminar addresses especially to a young audience. The Live Sound Seminar track continues on Sunday morning with an event about Loudspeaker Line Arrays. It will be held by John Taylor and Ralf Zuleeg by d & b Audiotechnik. One of the main goals of this seminar is to teach the attendees about line array technology. The session will begin with a presentation about "De-mystifying Audio Techniques" and will continue with a lot of practical tests and listening examples. Also on Sunday, the session about Digital Mixing in Live Sound takes place. It will explore the benefits and challenges in the use of digital mixing consoles for live sound applications and is held by Terry Holton, Yamaha. On Monday, a Live Mixing Demonstration with In-Ear and Front of House Monitoring of a concert is in the Live Sound hall. For this event, a lot of in-ear systems are available so that each visitor can listen to the in-ear mix! The show will be presented by two well-known professional engineers. Wayne "Heights" Gittens is the Monitor Engineer of Herbert Groenemyer, Xavier Naidoo, and many other high-profile German artists. Oliver Voges works as Front of House engineer for German groups such as 4 Lyn, and Kelly Family. Besides, he is the FOH engineer of the Echo Awards, one of the most important music awards in Europe. On Tuesday, the Live Sound Seminar track closes with a presentation about Remote Controlled Amplifiers and Equalization Systems. All Seminars in this track will be held in one big room equipped with an excellent PA system. "First we thought about putting the sessions into a Pre-Convention day but then we realized that this day would have been too short for all of the enthralling presentations", states Martin Wöhr, the seminar chair. "AES and the supporting companies have not spared any effort to prepare and equip the seminar room with state-of-the-art technology. So this new activity will be a perfect chance to learn more about PA and Live Sound. An activity which you shouldn't miss!"
  15. ... definitly NOT! Use E-Mail or PM Greets, Roger
  16. I updated the list but I can't upload it to the webserver. - Maybe a problem with the ftp-server. Greets, Roger
  17. ... SIFAM-Order (rotary knobs) is closed since 25.04.05. I'm sorry but I already received them :( If you like, I can give you contact information but I don't know about they distribute to private clients. I didn't put you on the list for the fader order. Please check your budget when I place the posting for "last call" end of may and post an order again. Greets, Roger
  18. Even if you only set a pole (don't know about this is the right word) in the center of the panel.
  19. ... no problem! Just plan one support-rail in the middle and you're fine. Greets, Roger
  20. Hallo Jack Nein, Thorsten habe ich noch nichts zugeschickt, da ich ja noch keine Lösung habe. Ich warte noch auf die Gummis aus China,,, es scheint da verschiedene Typen zu geben. Die, welche bei den Displays auf Deinem Link verwendet werden scheinen eine Führung zu haben. Zuerst mal schauen, was ich aus China bekomme. Falls das nicht hin haut, bin ich auch für eine andere Lösung zu haben. Aber ich denke, da müsste noch was zu dealen sein ;) Greets, Roger PS: Viel Glück bei den Prüfungen!
  21. ... I can't wait to see the price difference: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/MEC/MEC_Main.htm Greets, Roger
  22. ... see position 17: http://avi.dezines.com/mbhp/buy.html ... yes it's possible Greets, Roger
  23. ... or a Jellyfish ;D EDIT: DRÄPPEL... be careful or I give you Bad Religion ;D
  24. ... no it's just me sleeping ;D You're not too late :D I think, I'll close the order about end of may. A few days before the deadline I'll post a last call message. Greets, Roger
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