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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... Core: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html Implementation in MidiBox64: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox64.html and in MidiBocLC: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc.html ,,, ääähhhmmmm... yes... äähhhhm... perhaps ??? :-\ :P ... see this post (sorry, it's only in german) I would just buy one pot at first and make some tests. You see in the bulk order, that I'll do the same ;). You won't profit from a discount anyway, since there ain't enough orders for this pot. Greets, Roger
  2. Hey Pete ... same as Motorfader: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html ... I think not :( ... see link above and: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/Datasheets/RK25T12MO.PDF ... you can find those pots in the Motorfader Bulkorder list ;) Greets, Roger
  3. ... see this one: Greets, Roger
  4. Hey Folks I have another PSU and power connections question for MIDIBox LC. ::) First what I wanna do: I have 3 switching computer PSUs and one transistor regulated 5V PSU, which I wanna build into an external 19" / 2HE rack case. Having a 6 core cable going to the controller and inside the controller on 6 copper rails going from left to right for distribution. That's the way it's done inside the AMEK / Fairlight Fame (little bit of copying ;-) First question: Is there are problem, connecting all the grounds / 0V to one common line inside the rack case? Second Question: Since according the ALPS MF Datasheets one fader can draw up to 800mA, it's possible that I draw 24x800mA=19.2A plus 5V/2A from the Core, plus 5V/4A from the for backlight LEDs... does the common ground cable have to handle 25.2A or is this a wrong calculation? Thanks and greets Roger
  5. ... that's possible. I lately just fried a PIC in the JDM by doing this :(
  6. ;) :-* ;D 8)@moebius... still upset? ;)
  7. 01000011011011110110111101101100001000000110100101100100011001010110000100101100001000000110000101110011001000000110110001101111011011100110011100100000011000010111001100100000011110010110111101110101001000000110010001101111011011100010011101110100001000000110110001101111011011110111001101100101001000000111010001101000011001010010000001101100011010010110111001101011001000000111010001101111001000000111010001101000011001010010000001100011011011110110111001110110011001010111001001110100011001010111001000100000011011110111001000100000011010010111010000100000011001110110010101110100001001110111001100100000011100110110100001110101011101000010000001100100011011110111011101101110001011100000110100001010000011010000101001000111011100100110010101100101011101000111001100101100001000000101001001101111011001110110010101110010
  8. .... what is fair? The first ones on the list like perhaps me and Metamorphoses say: "Fair is: First call, first serve". Dräppel and others say: "I wasn't quick enough, so fair is, that I get one or two as well" ;) I think at last it's about business and not just about fairness and since it's YOUR (atomsize's) business, it's your desicion and we have nothing to say as long as we didn't pay a cent. I'm enough happy that you even offer this service. I don't care about fairness if I don't get 4 chips even for being 2nd on the list. - What I'll say is: "Shit! I couldn't get 4, I have to look somewhere else for more" And If I was last on the list and wouldn't get even one, I'd say: "Shit! I wasn't quick enough, I have to look somewhere else for one" Greets, Roger
  9. I think you don't have to program this in assembler in MIOS but in your MIDIBox applikation ??? Greets, Roger
  10. ... are they detended/switches or not? Like, do you feel "clicks" when you move them in another position or do they feel like regular sliders and suddenly they switch in another mode? If so, you could program in your application, that you have 3 partitions of the whole slider way and as soon as you reach a new partition, the box sends a change to the syth and stays in this mode until you reach another partition. Greets, Roger
  11. Hey Atomsize Thanks for your efforts! Could you also post the revision number, when your friend has found the chips? Greets, Roger
  12. I have one of those Midiman LPT Interfaces. The problem is, that they don't supprt them anymore... NO Fckn.. DRIVER >:( Greets, Roger
  13. All the smoke for nothing ::) ... it was the USB/Serial converter. Bootstrap loaded perfectly :D Sorry for the buzz for nothing (... I suddenly remembered, that I once read something like that) Greets, Roger PS: So all the soldering was perfect... and I'm proud, it's the first PCB (after thousends of XLR and Bantam plugs) I soldered in my live 8)
  14. After testing everything over and over, I think the problem is the usb-serial converter. I'll try the programming with my DAW in the studio. Greets, Roger
  15. Komme leider zu keiner Lösung, welche akzeptabel wäre. Die Gummis haben keine eigene Führung, d.h. sie müssen durch die Fixierung präzise positioniert werden. Das Ausarbeiten eines Prototyps inkl. Schablonen und Pressformen würde mich etwa 8 Std. in Anspruch nehmen. Jedes weitere Display dann min. 1/2 Std. - Absolut unrealistisch! Ich werde wohl wieder mit mit China verhandeln müssen und die teurere Frame-Version bestellen. I'll keep you updated. Greets, Roger
  16. Hi I just made the JDM Hardware test and have only 0.6V between Vss (Pin 12/31) and MCLR# (Pin 1). If I measure between Vss and Pin 3 of Q1 I get 13.9V. The solder points of Q1 look perfect. Is it possible, that Q1 is defect? All the other Tests work fine. Greets, Roger
  17. Hi Heitor I'd also be interrested in 4 pcs. ;D ... same as Tom: Greets, Roger
  18. Allen Parson Audio-Test CD. Enthält alle Terzband Frequenzen, Pinknoise und Whitenoise als einzelne Audio-Tracks. Greets, Roger PS: Habe Dir eine PM gesandt
  19. ... ich glaube Du möchtest einen Funktionsgenerator zum Einmessen von z.B. Bandmaschinen ....? Hier eine Bauaneitung (leider ohne Pinknoise) http://members.shaw.ca/roma/thirteen.html Eine einfachere Lösung: Mit z.B. WaveLab kannst Du Dir WAV-Files mit den gewünschten Frequenzen erzeugen und auf CD brennen. Falls dies das ist, was Du brauchst, kann ich Dir eine solche CD brennen und zusenden. BTW: Ich messe meine 1/4" 2.Trk. Master-Bandmaschine auch auf diese Weise ein. - Direkt ab dem Analog Out der Soundkarte. Greets, Roger
  20. Did you try to exchange them? This shouldn't be a problem (... at least not here in Switzerand). Greets, Roger
  21. ... this shouldn't be an offense against you or anybody else at all !!! I don't want to say, that you're lazy in a way of hanging around, doing nothing. What I mean: It's in the nature of us humans, that we always take the way of less effort (naturally). Greets, Roger
  22. Hey Rambinator I think best will be, to set the fader positions in your host and see, what the fader shows on your MidiBox. Even if this isn't the 100% correct posuition if calculated, it represents the true value on your host ... and that's what counts. With Frontdesigner the trick is, to create your scale considering the smallest value step. If your controller needs a scale from -100 over unity gain (0) to +10 and your smallest step is 5 (like for example +5, -5 and -15) you choose the appropriate "Teilung" (don't know how it's called in the English version). In this case it would be 22. I created an example: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/Temp/Log_Scale_Example.SCL After taking it over to the Panel, you just erase the not needed lines. Hope this is what you're looking for. Greets, Roger
  23. ... die Daten-Pakete werden eins nach den amdern gesendet. Mit einem Merger ist es möglich zwei Ausgangskanäle auf einen Eingangskanal zu "mischen". - Die Latenz erhöht sich, die Daten werden einfach gepuffert. Priorität: First come, first serve. Einen Merger oder eine Merge-Funktion brauchst Du z.B., wenn Du zwei Midibox cores in Deiner Applikation als nur einen Kontroller auftreten lassen willst. ... solange die Geräte auf verschiedenen Kanälen "laufen" gibt's keine Komplikationen Greets, Roger
  24. ... Uuuuhhh... entschuldigung :-* Aber wenn wir schon "picky" sind, dann würde ich sagen, dass die HUI von Mackie ganz klar als ProTools Controller angeboten wird (oder wurde) und nicht als universeller MIDI Controller. Und noch ein bisschen "pickier": Eine ICON gibt's nicht. ICON heisst das gesamte System. - Was Du meinst, heisst entweder D-Control oder D-Command. ;) Ich weiss, bei der Ankündigung der D-Control hätte man meinen können, dass das Ding ICON heisst... tut es aber nicht (... wenn ich ehrlich bin: Habe ich anfänglich auch gemeint. :-[) Greets, Roger
  25. ... NO ;D ... in other words: I don't care :-\ ... well, then for shure they all look the same. It then leads everybody into this direction for shure. - Being human meens: Being lazy ;) If you can get it with less effort you won't be encouraged to make your own design. Greets, Roger
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