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Everything posted by shed

  1. That part looked especialy neat, it must have been hard geting the c64 logo of the case, those things are glued on arn't they? ed
  2. wow v.nice i like the chomeness of the knobs and the cool looking c64 keytops. A cool design, and your inards look realy neat too. Are the labels on the front pannel printed on? im gonna buld my sid in januray just a soon as my exams are over!
  3. ok i got my order of pics today, so i will go and get a parallel plug in a few days time and try this thing out! ive got 6 at the moment so il program them all to let you know how it goes.
  4. im sure you should be able to get coloured siliacone, i had some black stuff once, and also if it sets to a matt finish its usulay ok to paint, you will lose the soft touch if you do paint them though.
  5. opps my fault, you have to rember to type things in right. But seriously download the new JSynthLib http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/jsynth_018_with_mbsid_rel6.zip cos there are some new functions and all, and there is the batch file that makes it easier to open JSynthLib. I wouldn't bother making a cubase editor, i used JSynthLib for a novation synth at college and it was a lot more usefull than a cubase pannel would have been.
  6. i found this on maplins perhaps you could use the top part of these keytops. http://www.maplin.co.uk/products/module.asp?CartID=040630130836632&moduleno=2533&Products=1 ed
  7. ive got some stuff called desolder braid that is fairly good for little jobs. You just bung it on a joint with a soldering iron and ... all the solder is gone! You cut of the end of the braid and your done. Its a lot esier to use than a pump and good for little areas like just unslodering one compnent (and tidying up when you f**k up and get solder everywhere)
  8. I think the aout in the sid gives you a missive amount of scope for expanding the timbral qualitys of the sid, It gives us access to a million and one alanaloge devices that have been thought up, the song that tk put up with the moog filter showed just how much the sound can be changed with some fairly minor addon stuff. And of course it would be fairly cool to have some patches with totaly mad setups like a quad sid and an MS20 or something that would be fat. And wow the FM just sounds brilliant i cant wait to see what you manage to squeese out of opl3, im sure you will suprise us tk! i found this site http://www.fee.vutbr.cz/~arnost/opl/ the possibibltys are fairly massive for a synthisis project.
  9. shed


    well ive not seen a c64 user group thats still arround in the UK. I know of a BBC micro one and and atari one, that still do some things, but i aint seen a c64 one arround, and ive never herd of user groups having such massive stock piles of chips laying arround that they give stuff away. But hey lucky you titan!
  10. the best option would be to use a computer to record and controll the automation for something based on the midibox lc or similar. You can get that to sync up to timecode with the right interface. It only needs to be fairly basic as it would just be handling midi. So s a failry low speced and cheep machine could be used
  11. ok runing java aplications is a little bit difrent from ordenary programs. Firstly You need to have the Java Runtime enviroment installed (most people do anyway)you can download it from http://java.sun.com/ then you unzip the jsynth lib zip to some folder. Â Then open the command prompt (in acessorys in win 2000). Navigate to whereever you unziped the file using the cd comand (ie cd foldername). Â Then when your in the JSynth Lib folder type in java jsynthlib Alternitively you can set up a file assocation for.class files and point it to java Check out the docs http://www.jsynthlib.org/docs.html -ed
  12. i guess you could build the LC without the faders etc but not a lot of point as i dont think you can have 2 controllers on one set of peramiters under the LC protocall
  13. The MIDImon project should do this, i havent built it myself but its purpous is to display midi messages sent to it on an lcd. It wont be of two much use for looking at sys ex messages (unless you know what your looking at) though check out the page on ucapps http://www.ucapps.de/midimon_en.html -ed
  14. yep, i dunno TK says in the docs not to upload mios using the jdm, pehaps there is a way to do it but, it isnt suported by tk, and i think you would have to mess about with things a bit?
  15. Yes but you have to solder a link wire to the core J7 to use the clock of the PIC, look on the sid module page for details http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sid.html As far as i know the PIC18F452 firmware can only be uploaded using the bootstrap loader easily. This is because of the way that mios works (having aplications etc). You can just update bits of the firmware ie one app and not the operating system using the bootstrap. So ... just use the bootstrap, it makes things much esier and... if you are building a sid, you probibly want it hooked up to your computer anyway! -ed
  16. those buttons were self made i think anyway good job josh, reminds me a bit of a small stone phaser i borrowed once, someone told me they made them out of russian tank parts. And i can imagine that after a direct hit all that would be left of a tank would be the reason drum pattern selector! It looks solid.
  17. If the plan was to produce a MIDIbox manual or something similar, we could do it somewhat like some open source software documentaion is sometimes produced, the documents could be produced and then editied by difrent people who had regestered themeslves to work on the doumentation. All of the documentation could be kept on a CVS server and updated by people when changes needed to be made. The advatage of this is there could be a release version upto date with the current version of mios and the hardware etc, but also the process of actuly updating the documetnts could go on behind the scenes, so we wouldnt end up in a situation with confusing half done documents. Also the documentaion could be produced at the same time as people like Thorsten are hard at work producing new apps etc. Anyway just my two-cents ed
  18. shed


    im looking for some sids at the moment, and was wondering where people who have made the sid module found was best to get them. Im probibly go for ebaying them, are there any pointers about what to look for, also im sorta a little bit wary of riping open about 4 working c64s to get the sids it seems like a big waste. Has anyone bought a sid from the catweasel site ? http://www.jschoenfeld.de/products/cwmk3_e.htm i noticed the link on the sid page, do they mind if you order 4 sids or something off them, and if anyone has ordered from them are they ok, cos i read somewhere that sids can vary in quality quite a lot, due to the production cycles and there age etc. Anhow peoples experinces of how to get them cheepest and niceist would be dead usefull. Thanks -ed
  19. also with silk screening t-shirts its realy hard to line things up if you use more than one colour. I guess its less of a problem with a solid panel or something because you can make a jig or something so that the difrent layers line up properly, solong as you cut them properly. -ed
  20. yep i know how silk screening works, ive done some t shirts and things with it. :) However i was just sugesting that axels method looked quite pro, without having to do anything messy with paint or oven bakeing, and it might suit your aplication if it wasnt going to be used heavely. -ed
  21. i guess it depends on how harsh an enviroment its going to be used in, and also what sort of surface you are printing onto. Axel had some very nice pannels he made by glueing photo quality paper to his pannels http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=gallery;action=display;num=1079994325 take a look they looked fairly sweet.
  22. Humm yep, of course stupid me. Now i got out the spectrum circit board and there are 8 diodes conected to one end of the matrix, but they are the other way around from in Thorsten's diagram. So it could be that they did things the other way arround, now im not sure what this is conecting to, because i cant find out what the ic that they run into is. Anyhow, shouldnt this work, because although the coloumns are all conected to the same shift register the rows are all on sepreate ones. -ed
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