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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. He got it working on a bare core without the CS (I sent him one to try to sort it out), I could duplicate that here as well but it crashes if you connect it to a MB6582 mainboard, you get garbled display once you start using the controls it will eventual go out.  Someone with time, a MB6582 mainboard, and knowledge of writing drivers may figure it out.  It's not the same thing Hawkeye used in his.


    I got very excited about this as well and bought 5 but they do NOT work with any existing driver.  If you want to give it a go, I'll send you one, just pay shipping

  2. Ok,


    Initial findings:


    SeqV4: Works fine

    SeqV4L: Works fine


    The app itself is a little rough around the edges, I've had FCs and black screens when messing with the configurations and there is some lag on the feed back occasionally (the red bar going by) but everything works as it should.  I only moved the "connected/disconnected" button since once lemur reformatted the project for the different aspect ratio, with was overlapped by another control


    I did look at the CV project and that seems like it needs more formatting adjustments for Android but nothing big, just moving stuff around but my main problem is that I dont have a MIOS32 environment set up to build the binary,  If someone could compile the project for the LPC core, I will test it but I dont have the time to get the MIOS32 compiler up and running today.

  3. Yeah, the "USB tethering" which is setting it up as a network device via USB cable to the PC, pretty pointless.  I'll wave the OTG flag at the forums for a while and see what happens. nTrack and TouchDAW support USB Midi interfaces just fine (I run GM5s on my phone when testng in the lab, pretty handy actually), hopefully Lline will get with the program soon

  4. No - I use linux for everything, and there's no lemur daemon for linux...  I may wind up running a virtual machine just to run the daemon though, I guess.


    I expected it to be able to recognize USB -> MIDI devices though, like the iPad version does.


    grr,  Did some more digging and OTG usb midi is NOT supported on Android which is some B.S..  Half the reason I bought this was with the assumption that it would be supported since just about all other midi apps work fine at this point with OTG midi devices.


    On a better note, tested the V4L and it works, I get some lag with the time bar going by sometimes but everything appears functional.  I need to change the magjack on the big seq before I can test there but i'll be doing that shortly

  5. I use the LPC cores right now, I have a layout for CNCing the holes for those and right now. I am doing a second rev of the Aout board, the first one had a bunch of mistake since the schematic I used which I assumed was correct had a bunch of errors on it. The prototype worked fine with all the fixes though. If you are not familiar with soldering fine pitch surface mount parts, I recommend you learn on something else. The Max525 parts are SSOP size which is VERY fine and at $25 each, its not a part you want to practice on. This board was made with the smallest possible footprint possible as the goal so the layout is pretty dense.

    if you want to rack it, you might want to consider TK's new line length extender as well, the Aout is pretty sensitive to long data cables.

    Once I confirm that the new rev is fine, i'll post the files

    • Like 1
  6. yes. works fine. (12VAC x 1.414)-1.4 = 15.4 VDC.

    Using a 18-0-18 trafo for a +/- 12 setup is a waste and you're just burning off that extra voltage as heat. Measure the input of your vRegs, you are probably around 24V!

    A transformers VAC output is an RMS measurement so to find out the corresponding DC output (at load) the formula is VP =(V secondary rms x 1.414) - 1.4 V

    • Like 1
  7. So reading through the documentation, I find this statement: "..but as long as only OSC messages should be sent and received, the external MBHP_ETH module might be sufficient..."


    I'm thinking about laying out a combo ETH/USB module for the core and am a little concerned about the "might" part of that.  Is this something that is not tested at all and should work in theory or not tested at all and who knows if it will work?



    Alt, do you mean 1 amp draw for a regular MB-6582 or with your switching solution? I am using your recommended 5 V switching voltage regulator (http://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/Texas-Instruments/78SR105HC/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtwaiKVUtQsNWWYJJUUxYbPRFCRyYymPj0%3D) where I am drawing about 200 mA with all LEDs lit. This is without SIDs so far, hopefully this weekend




    That sounds about right.  The SIDs draw crazy power, close to 800 mA on my rig


    as far as running on 9VAC, 11.4 is really pushing it since you should always factor in 10% variability on the mains, I always give it 2.5V overhead



    That's the part I didn't quite 100% understand, but I guess I did read that right then.  So, it is ok to put 12VDC in the 9VAC rails.   But, the C64 supply works, yes?


    Yes but you will get a 1.4V drop across the bridge rectifier though and that wont be enough for a 7809 (10.4V)



      It supplies only 9VAC to the 7809 on the control board, yes? 


    No.  The 9VAC is rectified and smoothed providing ~11.4VDC to the 7809 .  You cannot run a 7809 off an AC voltage, it has to be a (well) smoothed DC voltage.  You would still need to rewire the PSU (PSU option C) to generate the +5 rail off that 11.4VDC which then begs the question of why not just pull the bridge rectifier and use a modern compact 12VDC adapter, a 1.5A one will be a fraction of the weight and size of a 1.5A 9VAC one.  Either way, you will need a way to deal with the heat from the 5V vReg (use a switcher).  The ONLY reason the 9VAC made ANY sense was when generated by the C64 PSU which already had a regulated 5VDC output



    You dont need the 1.5A Recom, the 500 mA ($3) one is fine, the SIDs draw 80% of the current

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