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Everything posted by Jaicen

  1. Ok, Maybe this is me asking for the world here, but I'm looking for something specific. I want to build a super simple mono-synth based on a MIOS core. Bearing in mind, programming's not my thing (as Stryd will attest ;D ), is there anybody here that would like to collaborate with me. My skills lie in DIY friendly PCB layouts and analogue electronics. I'm playing synth with a new band, and I need a good mono for simple synth lines and dirty bass. Basically, I need something like an SH101 without the pricetag ;) I've been looking at the AVRSynth but it's not quite what i'm looking for. I need lotsa sliders and stuff! :o What I'd like, is a core that will output a pulse wave tone, preferably with PWM. No fancy waveshapes here, just square/pulse. Ideally, a dual oscillator and/or sub would be available too ;) This needs feeding into an analogue filter board, and if possible envelope controlled via the core itself. A simple Attack/Release control would be adequate for my purposes, though ADSR would be nice. I've seen a really good PIC based ADSR and LFO, so that could be a good place to start, but I have not the time or skill to achieve either. Control will preferably be via a DIN-based 2-octave keyboard scanner i'm sure i've seen around here somewhere, no MIDI necessary. So, does this sound like i'm an arsehole wanting the moon on a stick?? Or would somebody be interested in helping me out? If I get it working, i'll happily build a complete synth for whoever can provide the necessary code.
  2. Personally, I'd prefer red translucent knobs, but that I think is illustrative of the problem we're facing here. If we could get clear/translucent knobs, I think that would appeal to more people.
  3. To be honest, I don't think there's any way to nail THE 303 sound, since they're all a little different. Nor is there any real need to. I've heard lots of x0xb0x's, and never once have I thought, hmm, that doesn't sound like a 303 ;) It's plenty close enough for those of us that will never be able to afford a real one to not be able to tell, and once you put it in a mix, forget about hearing any difference whatsoever! I want a x0x, because it has a combination of the 303 sound, and the sequencer, which is the killer for me.
  4. That's pretty much what i'd do I think.
  5. Yeah, i'm a memeber over there, doesn't seem like as nice a place really. Mostly populated with rich people, and as a result, it's less inventive in my opinion. Hey Prof, any chance we could have some samples?? I'm still pursuing this thing.. ;)
  6. AFAIK, the YMF2164 is the same chip used in most of Yamaha's cheaper synths, and many Korgs of the time (as they were owned by Yamaha at the time). I've got a DX27 (my first synth, £60 ;) ), I certainly recognise some of the sounds the FB01 makes. That said, some of your bass patches are awesome! Any chance you could send me a sysex???
  7. I'm perfectly happy to pay that price! I will however go in search of a UK source, see what I can come up with.
  8. Dude, that really is awesome! Let's get this ball rolling. Where do I locate the PCB files and things?
  9. I love the looks of that ML, although the round buttons do bug me a little. As I think i've mentioned elsewhere, I don't think I can get Eagle running, but if I can, i'll have a look at maybe shoehorning some nicer switches in there like the original. Any xOx I'm going to build HAS to be silver though... ;)
  10. If that is indeed the case, then I shall be building one for sure! I might be able to help out with a UK supply of the rare transistors, but i'll have to check. As I said, if we can get the price down a little (lot :) ) it will be awesome! That said, I wonder if you've considered modifying the PCB a little to take it slightly away from the x0xb0x? For example, the switches have always bugged me on this thing, is there any possibility to make it look more like a real 303 like the ML? Maybe i'm being offered a slice and asking for the pie, but I'm a sucker for those vintage looks! Either way, i'll buy a kit for sure.
  11. I definitely recommend building the burner on the uCapps site. Works just fine, and you'll find other uses for it too. That said, i'm getting my PIC's off smash as soon as I can ;)
  12. Sasha, i'm in for a x0xb0x PCB if you get them made for sure. Can you price it up for us and let us know the final cost with the group buy stuff (once you're done, no rush). There's no way i'm shelling out the £300 that the real thing costs (x0xb0x that is!), but if it can be built for say, £100-150 i'd be happy with that.
  13. Wow, that was quick! Have you notified those that are on the list?? ???
  14. I've said it before, and i'll say it again.... I love you.... :-*
  15. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ Oops! I had actually been all over ucapps, but I was under the impression that the layouts were double sided. That said, I can't actually open .brd layouts. I don't suppose there's anyone that can make a pdf of the core, SID and AoutLC boards for me? I can't seem to get Eagle working :(
  16. Hi, I was just wondering if anybody here had any PCB layouts they'd be willing to share for the SID and Core modules. I'm looking at building a mono-synth using one of those lovely LCD screens i've got. At some point, i'll probably add an analogue filter (anyone got an AOUTLC PCB layouy ;) ). But at the minute, i'm trying to keep things cheap, in keeping with the £2 LCD's :o I'm looking for single sided layouts, so if anyone has anything suitable, please let me know!
  17. Awesome, I loved this the first time round, now it's gonna have twice as many SID's?! If you're planning to offload your cores, I might be interested in a couple perhaps....
  18. If it can be configured for use with a Flextone II, i'd be interested in building one at some point. I'll look over your documentation and see wether it will be what i'm after. Nice work!
  19. Ok, which LCD's have you ordered? If they're the negative black and white ones, i'd be up for one. I'm in Europe, but I'm sure that won't be a problem ;)
  20. I agree, if you want something that just 'works' then get a GR-20 and a GK3. I use mine regularly, it's about as good as it gets if you ask me. If on the other hand, you like a challenge....
  21. .....Because?? I love posts like that. Quite beside the fact that it's already been achieved over 30 years ago......
  22. It's probably the voltage regultor getting hot. Nothing to worry about unless it gets very hot.
  23. You might want to consider looking at the Hagstrom guitar synth approach. That utilised the strings and frets as a keyboard matrix. Each string was isolated, and the frets were wired into a matrix. That way, when the string was pushed onto the fret, it produced a discrete voltage. Obviously this doesn't allow for pitch bend, but it is fast (keyboard fast) and very reliable. It would also allow you to use standard pickups and regular magnetic strings. In fact, it would play just like a real guitar, except that it's not necessary to pluck the strings, just to fret them, to get the sound. I don't know if you've seen it, but the Stepp guitar synth used a similar detection method, with gate signals derived from a seperate set of strings, so maybe that could be a possibility if you use piezos as triggers.
  24. Ermm, off the top of my head I couldn't say. Check the datasheet for info, I think it's 5v, but as I say, can't be sure.
  25. They are compatible yes, that's why I was surprised nobody wanted them! The backlight appears to be a soft green/blue colour, which I quite like, but i've not had time to knock up an inverter for it yet. There's around 5mm between the back of the LCD and the PCB, so I think it would definitely be possible to slide some SMD LED's in there for a less power hungry backlight, but again, i've not had time to look into that.
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