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Everything posted by tos

  1. Not tested: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=9552.msg72286;topicseen#msg72286
  2. this piece of code should be placed somewhere on a wiki code snippets section. along with other ones like reading jog-shuttle encoder or using bankstick.....
  3. RANTS: While rading about RTP, I can see the advanteges and ease of implementation (over OSC) since all midi data is wraped up at sender and then unwraped at destination. Now I see(/think) that: Implementing OSC would be really a pain in the back since it works with strings. There should also be a double-side learn mechanism, like(from a Traktor point of view): - you identify the OSC device on the network (your MidiboxOSC Interface). - put MidiboxOSC into learn mode - turn one pot/press button on Software so that MidiboxOSC can get the OSC path of that pot/button (an eventually type/number of parameters) - turn/press on the Midibox so that MidiboxOSC can assign(and store in the library) OSC path with MIDI control ID Later on, if requesting/getting the "callback list" is available, then(maybe) you only have to list trough all available controls (did someone said browse trough OSC paths). So I guess the problem is, juggling & storing lots of strings+network communication. So far, better sounds converted wifi/router Linux. I've just noticed on NI forums that traktor uses '.' as OSC path separator. Implementation of OSC in TDS 2.6 Here is work(47k) from one of the guys on NI forum. He uses his own program to capture OSC volume VU meter output, convert it to midi and send to BCR to drive the ledring.
  4. TK, tnx for reply, you can erase this post when you read it(or part of it, that is not usefull). I'm glad that you are on it. You are right about saving usb ports using RJ45, foolish me. (I was looking from my point of view, cuz while at the gig, I usually don't need/have ethernet.) Haven't got time to examine rfc4696(RTP MIDI) but I took a peek into the ethernetMIDI program (it is open source) and saw that it sends midi messages via UDP and witout any headers at all. Note this: typedef union { DWORD dword; char data[4]; } midi_data_t; void MidiIO::win32MidiInCallback(HMIDIIN handle, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2) { midi_data_t midi_data; midi_data.dword=dwParam1; switch(uMsg) { case MIM_DATA: socketio->udpSend(&midi_data.dword, 4); break; default: break; } } int SocketIO::udpSend(void *buffer, int len) { int res = sendto(udp_socket, (char *)buffer, len, 0, (SOCKADDR *) &RemoteAddr, sizeof(RemoteAddr)); return res; } It probably wouldn't work in lossy network, i wonder if next software layer worries about packet collision and resending (with UDP offc.). Edit, nice text I guess. EDIT2: RTP Packetization mailing list
  5. tos

    Sequoia V2

    Footswitch is prefect for SHIFT function, to alter behaviour of your buttons.
  6. Sorry for "poisoning" this thread. I'm wery interested in MBHP ethernet interface and I have a light idea that I heed someone to confirm/reject for me. Using ENC28J60 (as the straightforward path to the RJ45) with "brekout board" and a custom driver and MBHP serial interface can't we (just) rig something up? (Using OSC/ethernetmidi/midivianet). For starters, I don't care about using an extra application in setup like (MBHP->MIDI->Eth.->(Packet-to-MIDI/OSC app.)->Audio app.) Later on we/you can go on and develop a more robust solution. This is something that I'm in need right now (as I dont have a midi/com interface on my laptop) and a MIDI->USB will cost me 50-80 euros. To me, it will be better to develop something new, with RJ45 jack than using a USB (that you can't get enough of on laptop). So...can it be done this way? I'm not sure if I have enough time on my hands to do all the research and implementation. I guess I can try.
  7. Tnx, it is the UV reactive lime, covered with transparent self-adheesive film that is masking out areas which are not supposed to be UV reactive.
  8. After almost a year: Getting it done...... WIKI related page with full story: The path....
  9. Sasha: Maybe my fader is not for MPX-460 but that was written on the bag. It is 1x20kohm dj3nk: ecler magnetic fader is company's "secret" technology. They won't ship it to you. Last I've heard is that you have to send the mixer back to the factory for replacement if it (ever) gets broken.
  10. I found a mixer crossfader(StageLine MPX-460) for reasonable price (8€). It is about 20ohm end-to-end. And I'm quite sure it is linear.
  11. Some micers use voltage contr9olled circuits for mixing audio sources and therefore a linear fader. For example some stageline mixers. I have bought one replacemanet xfader with 20k ohm ressistance.
  12. Rabbit, what other technique would you use? Rubberband transmission/secondary encoder wheel(discussed above)/gear transmission?
  13. Tnx for the reference, this idea is still not tested.
  14. Ako ?emo se ve? ovde sakupiti, ajd, ja sam iz Novog Sada. Nice boxes dimitrii, I'm very interested in touch pads, would like to have some info on what you've done by now.
  15. I intended to propose paging via MeeboMe. If you are using jabber for IMessenging even better.
  16. That mp3 is just as good as the wav, compressed to 320kbps. Now that I have listened to the tunes, I gotta say that set of yours need more work, more fine tuning. I like [Brisco Klara - Deepest].
  17. That is sooo lame excuse. Please ppl with low bandwidth connections the MP3 >> Inkwell - Live Set oct 5.mp3
  18. I had an issue with 4x20 LCD. I swapped data lines with power/enable/... lines. The one "black dot" got heated up...and I have never ever got any good response from that LCD afterwards. Hey, at least now I know where the Paralel interface logic is without tracing. You are lucky that your LCD is probably ok. To be sure, you'll have to connect all comm lines and upload MIOS. Only when you "READY." onscreen, you can be sure that all is well.
  19. Would you be so kind and document your NEED and SOLUTION on the wiki? Somebodey ought'a know where to link such page in WIKI.
  20. There is no option like to Tie all ground connections for all(one group of) leds into single line and pass it trough a 5k(or whatever) pot? (edit: notify of replies -> ON)
  21. NOW I AM CONFUSED! Someone told me that I HAVE TO use MB64E if I want encoders (specific 2xScratch dials, 12xEffect "pots").
  22. I LOOOOVE THIS ONE.... nice....simple....easy to convert and yet sooo beautifull.
  23. I liiike, lovely work with those screws placed in the corners of section frames, the positioning hides them in a way, no matter that they have such'a large head.
  24. Ooops, I guess you are at the wrong place waveing money. Hou about you learn something new?
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