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Everything posted by /tilted/

  1. This should be do-able. You would need to run an interface between the encoder and the existing circuitry in the Korg. I would suggest you do this with a Core module, a DINx4 module (would allow you up to 16 encoders), and a DOUTx4 module connected to JFET devices or similar to "simulate" the buttons on the Korg unit. Hope this helps a bit!
  2. Just wondering: What are the LEDrings for? I'm curious because generally LEDrings are used with rotary encoders, and you max out these at 64. So 96 LED rings may be (gulp- dare I say it) impossible. Unless you run two cores. In which case, you can't save on DOUT modules...
  3. You would need to be sure that you keep a good distance between sensors, and that the sensors themselves are well isolated from the front panel (or use a plastic front panel). It occurs to me that you could use small rubber grommets to isolate the plate from the panel, and just glue the wire from the back to make it all stay put. (don't use solvent glue, or you'll melt the grommets). The usual caveats apply to the use of touch sensors, ie the better ground sink you represent, the better they will work (I think). You may find they work better if you have wet or sweaty fingers (fine for live use, then), or if you have bare feet, and stand on a wet, metallic plate (probably during a thunderstorm*) (*not recommended)...
  4. It's not so much what I'm doing with my "components", as what they are doing to me!! ;D
  5. I agree. I just got a whole pantload of kits and bits. I can't wait to get them up and running...
  6. Ok. Now (thanks to stryd_one) the button assignments are up on the midibox wiki site. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mc_protocol_mappings The spec as shown previously only shows one set of commands: Digital Performer. This wiki page shows the commands for every piece of software supported by mackie. Note: I have not replicated the assignments for faders or fader touch sensors, as these are less likely to be of use to a midiboxer. (ie, these functions don't change depending on the program used) As can be seen, the interface used is somewhat dependant on the hardware and the software. ie. the interface doesn't say "channel 1 solo", the interface says "G#-1"...
  7. No need to reverse-engineer, this guy already did: http://home.comcast.net/%7Erobbowers11/MCMap.htm This used to be on the Mackie site, apparently in a manual... Anyway, this version is pretty close. There are a few small errors where the guy has cut/paste some text and not edited properly. I have a repaired version of this, which also contains the functions assigned to all of the buttons by various applications (a button sends a generic message, the software interprets what the message means and turns the LED on). My version will also include the various buttons which the standard LC app does not support, and will appear on the wiki as soon as I can standardise the formatting.
  8. Ok, I really tried this time, and couldn't find a way to attach a file directly to a PM. I could insert flash (nope) insert image (nope) and all that garb. Unless I can host the file and send you a link, I can't figure this out. Maybe it's because my eyes are closed. It's 1am. Perhaps I'll try again when I'm alive awake.
  9. b ff s ggg hoo ly crap! That is beautiful! Nicely played old chap!
  10. This would work. Absolutely. If you decide to do a floor board in addition to the controller pedal, you could still connect the whole bit using 6 pins, + 1 pin for each analog pedal. This way you could add foot switches, as well as the control pedals. These can be mapped to anything using MB64, then used by ableton to control anything. Possibilties??
  11. Oh, by the way, I forgot: It's an OpenOffice Writer doc, not technically an MS Word doc. Perhaps it's better to just export it as HTML?
  12. Last name Fleet. First name Greg. Conforming to the standard Australian nickname distribution algorithm: Nickname = Fullname - Firstname + "y"
  13. Thanks Stryd. I pretty much figured I was asking you directly. ;) How awesome is Fleety?!
  14. OK, so as we know, the Mackie Protocol (as opposed to Logic control) is now supported by a whole slew of audio applications (to varying extent). The way in which each button works with each software package is similar in some cases, but generally quite different. (example: the Logic "Global view-MIDI tracks" is also "Bank A" -(reason), "D4 (assignable)" -(Live), "New Track-Audio" -(Sonar), etc. I did a little reconnaissance at the Mackie website, and have compiled a list of functions-assigned-to-buttons. I currently have this as a table in a Word document, but would love to attach it to the MIDIBOX LC wiki, so anyone building their own doesn't get a lovely front panel which bears no resemblance to what their controller does!! (Don't worry, this did NOT happen to me, although it could've) How is this done? What is the best way to form a table in the wiki world?
  15. You could always MAKE one... I doubt you'll get brand-oriented advice as to what to get. I just don't think this is that type of forum. I may be wrong. Of course, if your MB64 is less than completely packed with buttons and pots, you could quite easily implement a floor-board type controller as a remote, attached to your MB64. If you are able to use an optically encoded expression pedal, you could attach your floor board using only a 6-pin interface (+5v, GND, SerOut, SerIn, SClk, Enable)
  16. There was a guy on ebay selling EL backlit 2x24 LCDs. petroelb is the user ID. I just checked, and he has none currently, but I got the feeling he has a number in stock, so perhaps try it out. I got 6, cause I'm greedy ::) and planning a 3xLC similar to Axel's (but with a panning joystick and extra bits and pieces ;)
  17. I just got my batch. They too are 24 "clicks" to a full turn, plus push switch. I am standing by the post box for my Smash order to arrive. twitch.... twitch... oh well, I'll go in and finish proto-boarding my stupid-huge MTC display (stupid-huge as in 20mm high displays...)
  18. That is cool. I like the knobs particularly. (I might suggest shortening the shafts a little though), or is that extra length the knob itself?
  19. Such things are available. Try google, or try here (google's first reply): http://www.advanced.com/soicstart.html
  20. All righty then. I thought I might be boned there. Apart from anything else, I'm not too keen on trying to multiplex the ains on the motorfaders. I guess this is an opportunity to add yet more functionality to my box! Ace!
  21. So... I've tried, and I can't find it... Can a joystick (analog) be used for surround panning using LC? As best I can tell, there are no more analog ins to be had without MUXing, and since the Mackie Control has no surround stick, does this mean the protocol does not support one? Am I facing a fundamental problem here? Or do I just add another core and run it as an MBox 16?
  22. As far as I can guess, the control protocol is on a "this just changed, so I'll tell you" basis. That said, there would be information coming from the software package (DAW) to update fader positions en masse, send through fader labels, screen updates for pan mode, eq mode etc. I doubt you need to make more than one fader, as per your example. Any data not used (ie the other 7 faders, the leds etc) could be ignored by the midibox anyway.
  23. Or you could use 2 8way SIP headers... or 8 2way headers... ;D P.S. erm, 4x 3way + 2x 2way? 1x1way, 1x3way, 1x5way, 1x7way?
  24. Have you considered using a coupling device? Using a 1/4" shaft encoder with a couple to a short piece of 1/8" rod? This would add to the depth from board to panel, but might be easier than getting specialist encoders... also easier to replace encoders should they fail. I guess it also depends on these knobs. Are they grub screw, spline shaft or interference fit? I love it when I talk dirty... grub...
  25. I was just about to mention exactly these switches! Momentary, tactile, LED backlit, removable clear cap (option) for labelling, and between 60c and $1 US each (pricey for my intended LCxheaps, but very pretty) I also found this guy on eBay selling bulk lots (50) of push-switch encoders, which I stupidly just pounced on (50 encs for $60AU), I got excited ;D. Then I decided to look up the tech sheets, and I think they are 24ppr... If they don't work, I might just have to pretend I'm back at uni and write a driver for them... Watch this space!
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