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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. is happy to be surrounded by any amount of synths, analog or otherwise

  2. Just did this touchOSC layout, added red/green leds on the first row of switches to check if that's the way to go... you need to use OSCulator or something to make this useful? I would do it but can't sync the ipad on the office network. hehee, now with the file. virtualBLM.touchosc.zip
  3. hey, good news!, looks like iOS 4.2 will have coreMidi support marcora:,over here: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32
  4. mmm, this leaves out my spare 7 pin DIN sockets 8 pin DIN on mouser: 161-0507-E or 161-0508-E btw. looks like 8 wire cables are not that common? maybe this: 17HR618 + this: 172-0008 (again, from mouser) nice work Alt ;)
  5. Tigrillo is not here so I'll nom that danish, happy b day Flem!
  6. I'd move the left mount holes to the right of DIN7 (between this connector and the others) and move every part but din5 connectors a little bit to the left, including right mount holes. Both changes just to shave off some pcb width ;) And, fix the couple of weird angle traces before nILS notices!
  7. Hi Greg, if I remember correctly you can use J5 as digital in or out instead of using a DIN, check in setup. asm or the read me files to find out what you need to change in the code to make the app work with J5 like that btw, you would only need 1 DIN for your project as you have a total of 3 switches and each DIN gives you 8 digital input pins
  8. Que tal rawdata, los layouts de las placas que encuentras en ucapps.de solo están en formato .brd que puedes ver e imprimir (pero no editar) con la app Eagle: www.cadsoft.de El detalle es que si quieres hacer tu propia version de algún modulo o hacer una placa con varios modulos integrados tienes que crear los archivos .sch (diagrama con las partes a usar y el cableado de la placa) y luego el .brd (ya con el layout final de la placa) pero la versión libre de Eagle sólo te permite placas con un máximo de 10 x 10 cm Saludos
  9. Que tal Rawdata, aquí encuentras la lista de modulos completa: http://ucapps.de/midibox_808.html creo que en tu lista te faltan un core8, 1dinx4 y 1 doutx4, también podrías basar tu secuenciador en el mbSEQ y entonces puedes usar la versión 4 con un core32 en lugar del core8 El gm5 en realidad no es necesario a menos que quieras aprovechar la conexión MIDI por USB, ya que el core trae salida y entrada midi. Buena suerte con tu projecto ;)
  10. For the record: It turns out julienvoirin was right: "have you though to 7805 getting too hot and then not delivering enough power ? " Added a diy heatsink (no way to fit a proper one in the available space) to the 7805 and the lcd problem is gone for good, whee!
  11. mbSEQ done!, how many years do I need to master it?

  12. Nothing fancy: pine + mahogany stain + water based polyurethane for finish
  13. Wilba, nILS: bench/throne closeup: Had to do it like that because the sd card pcb (from sparkfun) comes without mounting holes Davo: If you have the tools and the time go for it, lots of fun! julienvoirin: Just changed the psu to a more reliable one, 9v 1A, everything working fine now it seems!
  14. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer ©2010

  15. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer ©2010

  16. Hi there, finally I managed to finish my mbSEQ with custom diy wood case included Update: added the back panel layout as pdf by lukas412 request, feel free to use it! mbSEQV4 back panel.pdf Update: added my MBSEQ Illustrator drawing file MBSEQ CASE DRAWING.ai.zip Inside the case: Outside: Not quite done with it though as there's this strange thing the lcds do after a couple of minutes: Both lcds go dim (characters and backlight) in like 1 second intervals, 1 second regular brightness, 1 second dim I'm using a brick psu labeled as 9v, 800mA, maybe not enough power?
  17. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  18. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  19. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  20. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  21. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  22. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

  23. From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer &copy2010

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