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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. Hi Futureman, you'll need to add a resistor(or two?) to make it a passive mixer -two input channels, one output - , check wilba's mb6582 build instructions for tips/guide (J70 header).
  2. just curious, maybe all that goes to the back of the case? the front would have all the activity leds and channel labels. and you don't need screw holes for any of the sockets.
  3. hi, if you have a relatively new mac, you have garageband installed too, free. And you can accomplish almost all the things that you can with Logic(feels a little bit on the amateur side though).
  4. Mexico #23... pretty much like on the olympics or the worldcup. wait... that means I may be the only one crazy enough to get into this things over here. 8)
  5. Hi and congrats audioguru42!... another one on the green side ;) Can I ask wtf have you done with the green paint? :P My first thought: "this guy's camera has some color problems", then: "ohhh wait, he got custom panel and knobs!" and then "ahh, hand painted" hehee. a little bit "non-pro" but still interesting... and you took the 4 corner screws safety feeling to a whole new level, good job! Now... who's next? btw. Wilba, do you know how many are alive?
  6. hi there, for the DIN plug you can use this one, it fits fine: neutrik NYS323
  7. Hi there, if you look closely the reg silkscreen on the board is a rectangle with a line inside it resembling the metallic tab on the reg, you should orient it the same way. About the heatsink, Wilba says it's probably not needed for psu option A. I added one on my box but the reg stays cool enough to be fine without it, but YMMV. good luck with the build.
  8. Yes, finally the MB-6582 #16 (or so Wilba says) it's alive and kicking!, Thanks to TK, Wilba, SmashTv, and the rest of the helpful guys around here ;) I had to "improve" it a bit: Added thermofit to keep the lcd wiring tidy. Added socket cap screws to the corners, no matter how strong the jb-weld is(it is, accidentally dropped the front panel to the floor, no harm done to the spacers), it feels safer with the screws going thru the panel, and quoting nils: "those screws make things look important" heehe. Hopefully a lot more projects will be done next year :)
  9. "You will have to connect the B+ pin (pin 9) to +5v (pin 12)" It's the same case with the other LCD headers, right?
  10. Get a case for my MB-808. Get back to doing music and playing live gigs. Send nILS his stuff and build the ...mmm, nILS goodies. Build my 2 SSM2044 boards. Build 2 GM5x5x5. Finish the design, and start building my mbFatman. Build my 2 ultracore boards. Build 1 clockbox and 1 router. Build custom boxes for some of the projects. Get married. Hire some people to help me with my clients work around the world and get some more clients to keep feeding the mighty diy queue. Get and build 4 SDS3 boards Wait patiently for Wilba to run the MB-SEQ "kit" bulk order. Get a case for my future MB-SEQ. Build another MB-6582.... nah, I'll be happy with the one I'm building now. Build a good amount of the Yusynth modules. Long list it seems, Am I missing something? :P
  11. that's me, what I won?, extra gm5x5x5 board? some secret goodies maybe?... the right to slap somebody? :D
  12. I bet is not fake, white thing is thermal paste, I bought a couple from ebay looking like that, crappy filters but otherwise good chips.
  13. what now? ;D hehee, I guess it was me, and just before checking here, I posted a super quick tut in e-m: http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=210140#210140 An all steps photo documented tut is on hold until I have some free time to do it, I have the photos ready though.
  14. Thanks a lot Kurt, as soon as I get out of some freelances i'll take a look at your files and see what I can learn hehee
  15. lol, how many copyrighted photos do you need daily? btw, for me just a "hi, i'll be using this photo over there" would be enough most of the time...unless you are planning to become yourself rich using the photo, which I highly doubt ;D now, back to the topic, C64 are too old to be reliable, they'll die if you look too close at them heeehe
  16. that was fast, thanks Smithy! Seeing how the other way that flickr allows to use photos outside(html)does not work in this forum, my best guess is that is ok like that. yep, no problem Answer to that would be yes, look the type of licenses they let you choose for each photo: None (All rights reserved) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs Creative Commons But I guess if you ask any photo owner about a copyrighted photo, you may be allowed to use it this way without any problem ;)
  17. HEY Smithy!!!!, how about linking other people's photos from flickr -black c64 psu- as flickr says: Flickr Community Guidelines?(with link back to the photo page), not to mention the legend right below the photo: "© All rights reserved." Before you ask... yes, I took that picture and no, I don't mind you posting that particular photo here as I already posted that photo somewhere else in this forum, I'm just asking you to play by the rules... flickr rules in this case, thanks. btw. using google is not an excuse as you can read below the same photo: "Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright."
  18. hey, no hurry on this side, I guess we can wait some more time to learn from your app ;) Thanks Kurt!
  19. maybe the numbers below the knobs are too close to the knobs? otherwise is looking good!
  20. Got my boards in mexico, thanks seppo! ;)
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