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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. 1/4 closer to the goal... nils: add the i/o activity leds per channel :D
  2. yeah right, blame TK! ;D I'm glad I spotted that one before you ordered the panel, don't forget to post pictures when it's done heehee
  3. ahh, any particular reason to have "UTILITY" button twice?
  4. just for the sake of it used your pdf to build the s1 caps version, looks good too and no need to move the labels around but... The hard way seems to be way harder than I thought (custom panel, pcb/panel gap, third hole on the switches, led wiring, etc.) so I think i'll stick with your plan on this one, thanks for the pdfs Wilba ;D
  5. ups, "Custom MEC Love" clear caps... but hey Wilba, if you don't have a layout already done don't bother... unless you want to ;) anyway, I did a dummy with your pdf's(approximate sizes), check the attachment I think it can work really good, no bi-color leds though, what are those for? btw. the cap hole is 6.5 mm only, the semi transparent area there is the cap full width behind the panel but there could be one issue: 23.2mm total height with mec switches and the clear caps (4.5mm height version of the cap), what's the total height with the x0x style switch and caps? btw. Wilba, the encoders you are using are from your group buy, right?, could you add holes for smash's encoders or is it too late? Thanks!
  6. Hi Wilba, do you have a panel layout where you used MEC switches?, I'm trying to decide for the easier/harder route... easier (and cheaper) being your final choice with square caps ;) thanks!
  7. would it be possible this: GM5 + GM5 -> only one USB connection to the computer?
  8. Hi Phattline, do you have an mbSEQ already built? i'm asking because some of your questions may be easier to answer by trying the mb808 firmware on the mbSEQ hardware and help you on the hardware side decisions for example(anyone correct the info if it's wrong please): if you are planning to use mbSEQ firmware, 2x16LCD is not supported "Edit Pattern-names" , not supported on the mb808 firmware etc.
  9. can't remember the name now, but there is a file where you declare all the files that you want to compile, so, yes you can have your own my_ app_setup.asm
  10. good question! Also, can anyone help me to find the USB socket on Mouser please? for get it, found it: 571-292304-2
  11. indeep: those switches are momentary, not on - off... with the on - off push feeling though
  12. happy 10 Birthday Midibox, been here almost a year now, nice place!!!
  13. possible bug: I was changing filter parameters, and suddenly the cutoff knob changes osc type instead, happened once, haven't tried to reproduce it yet btw. I get the MBSID doesn't respond thing too from time to time
  14. hi cimo, good work... is it tested?, any pdf ready to etch for your friends? ;)
  15. a toroid like this could make a nice C64 psu replacement too!
  16. According to the experts around, a "Switching Power Supply" is a no-no for audio stuff, but you could try it and tell us how it went hehee there is some info here in the forum, hit the search ;)
  17. yes, life gets on the way no need to explain, good to know you are fine ;)
  18. Thanks a lot for the example arumblack, looks easy to follow and I recognize the concept, used in a ms 20 filter clone...I think. You are right seppo, manual filter control alone can get boring, so... just want to know if it's possible to use some MB customized simple sequencer to control your boards? Thanks, Freddy.
  19. I did got my lcds (well, a friend we all know very well did for me, in less than a week)
  20. I may be interested on 1 of all that will be available :D mmm... that means to say goodbye to some of the mec switches eyecandy. please?
  21. so it means no Core or AOUT_NG, AOUT_LC or an AOUT would be needed, just the CV ins and/or cutoff/resonance pots and IN/OUT jacks... and the bipolar psu?
  22. got curious: what would we need to make it a standalone filter box without CV or MIDI control? and on the opposite case, fully featured standalone box with CV and midi control? Thanks.
  23. for now: 3FTL6 "Quiet" x 70 1D.16 (Translucent white) x 70
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