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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. sineSurfer

    bankStick x1

    From the album: sineSurfer

    tiny bankStick

    © sineSurfer&copy 2009

  2. sineSurfer


    From the album: sineSurfer

    © sineSurfer&copy 2009

  3. Hola Fernando, and welcome to the forum! Nice video and good to see another mb sid alive, now find a nice case for it ;)
  4. ah, probably you are right(electronics newbie here), I just measured the backlight voltage after the resistor to be sure it was between this particular lcd specs... after burning a $30 lcd because I didn't read the datasheet and connected that lcd without any mods :) of course I got the intended effect of a darker backlight after all. let us know what you find out on your tests please ;)
  5. for the record, if you already soldered the lcd pots and don't want to mess with the pcb, you can add a resistor between led+ wire/ pin 15 on the lcd, lcd on my mb6582 worked fine with an 8k res(low mA led lcd) bigger image here you could try with a 50k potentiometer to get a proper value, then just replace the pot with a resistor
  6. another one: Neutrik NAUSB http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Neutrik/NAUSB/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtV0NIoyAjRfaomlpKvD%252byNxDwtWFh4Sf0%3d
  7. On personal experience, this type of contacts against bare cooper tend have duplicated triggering or fail to make contact sometimes so you need way to improve the contact, there's this material to do the work, haven't tested myself but I've seen it used with good results it seems: TINNIT BRIGHT TIN PLATE Alternative for the closed circle: You could cut away some of the contact circle, just enough to avoid touching the led traces, would be wise to protect those traces too (nail polish comes to mind). Another thing to consider, with a top layer only diy pcb you'll have to use surface mount components only. Also, seeing the photo again is not clear if there's actually a hole on the pads to be able to use regular leds, if not, maybe holes could be drilled.
  8. already asked them for a dxf file to be able to plan pcbs :)
  9. Hi raz, I'm interested in this as I'll be doing the same thing with a 25 keys fatar keyboard for a mono synth, with 1 8x8 matrix. the 7-8ms resolution is for the two matrices or for each one? it feels too slow? and yeah, any light on the subjet is welcome!
  10. Hi patrick and welcome! midibox as a drum brain is doable but looks like nobody has made one already so I guess it could be a little bit difficult with no examples to follow, feel free to try though :) Also, there are some alternatives, reading all those pages should give you a better idea, and most if not all you can find there could be implemented with midibox core, etc.: http://www.edrum.info/ http://todbot.com/blog/2006/10/29/spooky-arduino-projects-4-and-musical-arduino/ http://drummaster.thecave.homeunix.org/
  11. Hi JargMarbin, good to know you got it working! About the LCD, we need more info: 1.- what kind of LCD are you using?, is your LCD driver HD44780 compatible? 2.- have you followed this pdf? building_a_midibox_lcd_cable Again, take your time to double check the LCD wiring, it's always tricky no matter how many times you do it.
  12. Hi JargMarbin, let's see, a couple of months ago I had the very same problem when building my mb6582, I could upload to the first core and then nothing... tried all the tests, each one passed just fine, tried to upload again... nothing, every time the upload failed when almost finished , the core just rebooted itself endlessly, of course I went mad and cursed everybody, including the regulars. So I was like wtf is wrong with this?, then it jumped right in front of me: check the fkn midi cables!!! And lo and behold, there was one grumpy midi cable, it worked sometimes, conveniently when doing tests, but not when uploading the app, must be that I moved it by accident or something... Replaced the bad cable and all went smooth from there! My advice, don't take anything for granted, not even the smallest or simplest things, check everything before giving up. Btw: how many smash's core boards do you think are around the world, without a fault to be found in them?... no, think again, there are more than that number :) Take a break from it, check all again and don't hesitate to ask more questions or give more clues, you are welcome to do it, just don't expect to have support right away, you know, we all have a day job after all ;) laters!
  13. Hi DJ Trago, are your sid chips 6581? if so, they are known to be noisy, and the quiet held note remaining sound... comes with them, at least that's how my 6581's work ;)
  14. Hi, I killed one 74hc595 by placing it backwards on the MB6582 (or it was dead before, who knows :D) nd of course I got no sid sounds from that channel, check if yours are placed correctly/try using new ones.
  15. is nice to see a finished mb808, the first one maybe?, and a good looking one ;)
  16. Hi there, just published a tutorial to teach you how to DIY etch labels/designs on your aluminum panels here: http://www.instructables.com/id/How_to_etch_aluminum_panel_labelsdesigns_with_a_r/
  17. Easy one to answer, not really a fan of the C64 as I had a Tandy TRS80 back in the day. But I'm a musician in search for different sound sources every time, programmer, and also like to build electronic/etc. stuff so the mbSid fits quite well, 2 built so far and one more chip waiting to be desoldered from a C64 board, for a mono CS A version.
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