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Everything posted by julianf

  1. hmm... black... silver... black... silver (cant decide!)
  2. As some of you know, ive been concentrating on lowering the costs on the mbseq panels, by cutting them in 2.0mm What id overlooked is that the colour range availible is so much larger in 2.0. Ive allready shown the gloss blue and gloss black panels, but ive recently ordered in some other colours. The matt red is shown below - Ive ordered enough of this to make 4-off the above panel at present, but the metal was actually (for some reason i dont really understand) quite a bit more expensive than other colours, so im unsure if i will order more when its gone. Ive got another colour in the latest order too, which i have not yet cut, but i think it could be equally as smart.... (watch this space! : ) Below are shots that you have seen before of the gloss finishes (which, again, are not availible in 3.0mm)
  3. Just a brief note - I have just ordered in some different colour finishes for the 2.0mm low(er) cost panels. Below are some 19" units in the same low-cost style - Anyhow, if anyone is interested, this design could also be used in the desktop case, and would represent a decent saving over the 3.0mm panels. When the metal turns up, ill cut some demo panels, and post them up here to see if there is any interest. Thanks, Julian
  4. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

  5. Nice - how did you find the fit of the panel in the case grooves?
  6. as per the thread in the midibox sequencer sub-forum, im thinking of making some of these for people, as the should save a fair bit of money over the mbseq panels from FPE - I understand that the bolt heads showing may not be to evreyone's liking, but the panel will be cheaper as a result, and will, hopefully, enable some people to build the device without thinking so much about the money aspect of it all.
  7. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

  8. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

  9. Not all that relevant to this forum, i admit, but, in conjunction with http://www.synthi.co.uk/ we have just started producing nice looking vcs3 covers. Photos below - The following link has more info - http://www.synthi.co.uk/vcs3_covers.html My reason for posting here is far more decadent than me trying to be a sales man - i mainly just think they look nice : )
  10. I am more than happy to work for you, but you must understand that quotes for the same custom works do not change, no matter how many times you ask for them. If you could possibly understand that canceling components of your order, after you have instructed it to be packed, but prior to actually making payment, does somewhat add to a suppliers work load. The reason why i do not ask for pre-payment, prior to packing the majority of orders, is because it would inevitably lead to inaccurate postal estimates. I find that most people appreciate this, as it safe-guards them against excessive postal charges.
  11. Im sorry - ive been meening to update this thread. I have some mb6582 sets currently, and the mbseq panel in the photos is sold and shipped... Ill check what colours i still have left in the mb6582 (need to cut some more again) and update later today.
  12. Yep, its one of mine. Another photo from my own website - You can see in the comparrison above that the 5u panel just about accomidates the control surface of the x0xb0x and its rear i/o panel, so i cant see why you wouldnt be able to do similar with the mb6582 in a 5u modular. ..thinking about it now, someone in the past enquired about a panel for the mb6582 in 5u format, but the enquiry never converted to an actual order.
  13. I would have to look at my notes to refresh my memory on the exact details with the x0xb0x, but, in short, they just wouldnt fit width wise without reworking the whole pcb (as the whole button interface is mounted on the same pcb). I cant remember much more off the top of my head, but if if had have been a go'er, id have done it. Even the MOTM version was more complicated than it first seemed, due to clearences on the top and bottom rails, but that one just fits, whilst the side-by-side in the rack wouldnt. I can cut pcbs on the cnc machines here, but, even with reworking the sequencer interface, you would still have to mess about (on the x0xb0x) doing all the other panel wiring, so it wouldnt have really worked, without doing the whole lot, which seemed more effort than it was worth! Shame, as it would have been quite nice...
  14. i looked at mounting two x0xb0x units in a rack, side by side, but, unfortunatly, the whole lot just didnt quite fit : ( given that the mb6582 pcbs fit the same pactec case, id have thought they would be the same sort of size as the x0xb0x units, and, again, would unfortunatly not work in a dual config with the full control surface (ie just a vertical version of the desktop), however, as above, im sure you could re-work the front panel component layout more easily than itlld be possible to move all the many x0xb0x surface controls?
  15. Exactly. The 19" ones i was doing before were for standard rack mount cases, but these 17" ones are for the desktop units. You can see silver lines along the top and bottom edges in the photos - this is where these edges of the panel have been profiled into a sort of step shape, as to fit within the extruded alluminium that the desktop chassis are to be made from. (the 19" panels dont have this profiling - just a standard cut along the edge)
  16. Small print : ) Postage is always at cost (i hate it when people overcharge me for post) Packing is always free : ) I can recieve bank payments in both Sterling (GBP) and Euro (euro conversion as per HSBC's euro 'buy' rate) I dont take Paypal, but can take cards using Google Checkout (surcharged at cost) I use Royal Mail for shipping. I find they have more resonable prices than most, and are reliable. They list their prices here - http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/content1?catId=400036&mediaId=53800712 I have to insist on tracking and insurance for card orders, but otherwise its optional / at buyers risk. ...oh, and im in England (UK) but have shipped to evrey continent except Africa, i think? As a final note, i realise consolidating evreything like this looks pretty commercial, and i hope that offends noone. I would never try to deny that there is not financial motivation in making these panels, but, at the same time, i would like to think i do well by people here at the same time.
  17. Can also cut - ...well, pretty much anything youre after, but here are some 19" mbseq panels - Some other nice non-midibox bits from the past, just as examples of what's possible, in case anyone wants somthing completly custom - (one of ken stone's modules - for those who dont know, a british penny is 20mm dia, making the unicorn's head rather small) (a panel for trevor page's 9090 drum synth) (a reproduction of an old digisound pcb from the pcb overlays) (messing about, reproducing 1970s artwork) (a buchla inspired klee build - unfortunatly not a gret photo)
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