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Everything posted by buhler

  1. sorry man. that last post was more from memory than actual fact. i can't paste the logs yet. i'm away for the weekend. i'll post them sunday if i can't figure it out! thanks again stryd. just as a side note. the thing that is most unclear to me is how i get a .hex file out of a .asm file and a .inc file... do i insert where those files, .asm and .inc, are located in my computer in this spot: cd c:\<your application directory> and then type the actual file names in between the %'s? like here: ---------------------^ SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;’%PATH%’ ---------------------------------------------------------^ and ----------------------^ again, i know nothing about code and programming so this may be blatantly obvious but i just don't know enough to understand.
  2. hehehe... funny story. i was typing my frantic comment on my MAC while doing the DOS stuff with my PC. i did type "SET PATH" etc... but it didn't do anything. is that normal? do i leave the "make" out of the end of the string? is there a tutorial somewhere that i can read to figure out what to do with my modified .asm and .inc files? i can't find anything about how to recompile etc..
  3. i wish i knew more otherwise i totally would help you out!! the MbSIDv2 is kicking my newb ass around right now!! :-[ give me a few weeks and i'll be able to help!! ;D are the most current schematics on the wiki or are there new ones? i can't remember. i can breadboard one soon and see what i can do... you want to teach me how program in C??? ;)
  4. so awesome nILS!! now quit it and get back to work on the MbPOKEY!!! ;D
  5. OK, i just edited the setup_6581.asm file as well as the cs_menu_buttons.inc so that i could have buttons for switching between L/R sids. i downloaded and followed the instructions here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart and got to the end where you type in the command in DOS and i got "'C:\MSYS\1.0\bin' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." now what? i have no idea what i am doing. when this command works, does it set a path so that you can convert .asm files into .hex files? also, you do you combine .asm files and .inc files and recompile them? i've searched the wiki and the forum but i guess i don't know the correct terminology to search for. thanks!
  6. so before i go and do all this... if my LCD is already working fine, does that mean that i have something wrong? i.e. all 8 data lines are connected and there are no problems. this sounds pretty complicated!! @stryd- i thought you meant the SIDL and SIDR button/led configuration. ;D i've been working on that the last couple hours!!
  7. J10/J2 = CLK Front View = Female 7pin DIN socket http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midibox_sid_faq ;)
  8. woops... i get ahead of myself sometimes!! searching is good. i'm gonna add a search reminder to myself to my sig!!! ;D
  9. i've only had it for 6 months and it sits right next to my lovely PC running windows. :-[ i try as hard as i can to say i'm totally a Mac guy but that PC side of me creeps out every so often!! ;D
  10. well... i couldn't wait for a reply so i went ahead and connected the 4 pins (DB0-3) and it fixed my LCD problem!! i would just like to know whether or not i may get problems from this later on down the road? i'm not worried about CAN as i want this to be a simple 2SID box but if there are any other issues i should be aware of please let me know. also, i uploaded the SRIO test and the core/DIN/DOUT pins are all connected properly and read the correct voltages. so... i re-uploaded the SIDv2 setup hex and then left it at that. if i can fix the DOUT problem i would love to but since the DIN and the LCD work just fine, i may just scrap the DOUT module... i don't know. i would really like to fix it. i like the LED's! :D anyway, unless someone has an idea of what is going on... i might just disconnect the DOUT module as well as the SID1 and SID2 buttons. is it possible to configure the SIDv2 hex to make the SID1 and SID2 buttons SIDLeft and SIDRight when using only one core? thanks.
  11. if you're anything like me, space is an issue. i was constantly planning the layout inside my enclosure. the fuse from the C64 is gonna take up a lot of room, especially if you are using the giant radial caps from a C64 instead of axial caps. aside from space, the fuse isn't really necessary unless you are a little paranoid that your PSU will explode! ;D
  12. which of the drivers on the download page is this one? i couldn't find any reference to it in the descriptions of the LCD drivers... :-[ also, would i need a new driver for the LCD if i did connect DB0-3? i'm not planning for multiple cores this time around so i don't mind removing the possibility... anyone?
  13. i suppose i asked for that one... ;D i see what you are saying. the SID 1-4 buttons are a derivative of the MBSIDv1 right i.e. the 1 core/1SID idea? i do get full use of both SID's as well as 6 note polyphony... so i guess it was more of a curiosity thing than a necessity thing. thanks for the answers guys! away i go uploading and testing! :D
  14. thanks for making me feel better stryd. :) i actually borrowed a friend's PC running windows and got everything uploaded. there is something screwy with Mac's... i have plumstone, MIOS studio and one other driver type thing for java that i can't remember and i still couldn't get it to work. the PC picked up the request instantly. i guess Mac's aren't awesome for everything!! i would like to get it to work at some point so i can build more of these projects. anyway, thanks again.
  15. hey stryd... MY MBSID WORKS!!! i'm so stoked! BUT i have 3 questions. 1.) when i hit the SID 2 button, i get a message saying, "SID2 not available (CAN disabled!)" i don't remember having to have a CAN connection with only one core. i can't seem to find any info on this. 2.) i am using a 2x20 LCD that has these specs: controller is compatible with HD44780, 4-bits or 8-bits MPU interface, High speed MPU interface: 2MHz, 80x8 bit display RAM. its an OLED display, but since it has both a 4 and 8 bit interface i thought it would be fine. the display works perfectly unless i turn the encoder too fast or push any of the buttons too fast. if i do "move too quickly" for the screen the bottom middle block on the screen disappears and the screen freezes. i've tried the LCD test program in MIOS and it seems to work great. i can't figure this one out. i tried to download a different LCD driver but the links were all dead. 3.) my DIN module works perfectly, all buttons and encoder are assigned properly but my DOUT is not working. i checked all the wiring and pinouts and found no mistakes. all my LED's are permanently on. i can't seem to figure this one out either. i thought i read somewhere that there was a test program that i could upload to test these. any pointers would be awesome. otherwise, the synth is awesome! thanks for all your help everyone!!
  16. i have the same LCD. i like it a lot. i'm having driver problems with mine though. it freezes after a few seconds or a few clicks from the encoder. i'm trying to figure out the .asm stuff to fix it. let me know if you figure it out. post the steps if you can. i'm reading like mad but i'm always missing stuff.
  17. thanks stryd... i know. i must have missed it somewhere but i've been reading like mad trying to parse the whole MIOS world. i don't know anything about programming but am really interested in understanding and maybe even trying it. thanks for the answer.
  18. i actually just found this in the FAQ. sorry guys. another lame question though, what is the difference between the SidV2.hex and SidV2.asm? i can't figure that one out. do i need to upload both to the core? i think this is the last lame question i'm going to ask. then i'll leave you guys alone.
  19. hey thanks for the reply! if the blank pin at J2 on the SID pcb is connected to nothing, then i just leave the MD connection out? i honestly don't know what MD is for so i just want to make sure. thanks.
  20. so.. just to double check. is the MD pin on SmashTV's SID PCB R3a J2 the blank pin between Vs and RC? it should be obvious i'm sure but i want to be careful not to mess up the SID's in my project. thanks.
  21. i would just like to say thanks to you guys before i make you hate me. i didn't mention that i bought my kits from SmashTV and if i had, one of you may have mentioned to me that i did not need to upload MIOS if i had a preprogrammed PIC. anyway, long story short: i'm an über noob and an idiot. i guess if i were having trouble uploading the SID applications then i wouldn't be so lame, but trying to upload MIOS to an already programmed chip, well that's pretty lame. sorry for the inconvenience guys. i'm lame. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  22. hey wilba, i just added my name to the list. just in case you didn't see.
  23. Payment sent Wilba!! Thanks again! I can't wait to get the SID's!! Let me know if there are any problems.
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