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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Hey Lars I'm interested in multiple clocks also; please do share if/when you get something working. I won't be much use with the programming side of things unfortunately, but I'm happy to help if I can. Now, when's that Core32 coming? ;)
  2. Rhodes Chroma :D (It's just asking for a MIDIBox64E ;))
  3. You're doing very well, I'm sure. Thanks for YOUR time/patience etc. :D
  4. I have a Teisco 110f :). It's probably out of tune seeing as I haven't touched it in a while. I remember the KB scaling wasn't very good when I got it. I also have the schematics/ service manual. You could probably wire to the filter cutoff knob, but you will need an AOUT_NG or _LC module to generate the CV.
  5. I'm not too sure, sorry. If you can get to Jaycar I'd recommend having a look at both. I'm using 60/40 0.71mm rosin flux solder, and with the knob on halfway it works very well. Of course, you don't get an exact temperature readout, but that's why it cost $70 instead of more ;) Good luck and Happy Birthday!
  6. I've got the Duratec one here: http://jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=TS1620&CATID=29&form=CAT&SUBCATID=425 Fairly cheap and works well. Tip is replaceable; I haven't looked for spares yet. This one http://jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=TS1560&CATID=29&form=CAT&SUBCATID=627 looks very similar, but the holder is plasticy and will slide around. Also, the actual "pencil" seems a bit more "sturdy" or "substantial" on my one.
  7. fussylizard 2 strophlex 3 nsunier ~10 rosch 3 ssp 2 (maybe 4) gtxdude 2 matoz 4 lucem 6 enth 3 flemming 1 kyo 2 wilba 6 (possible per discussion w/ fussylizard) dstamand 1 olga42 5 latigid on 2 ---------------------- ~52 Thanks for organising the Order! I'll also update the thread title so we can get those lurkers interested ;)
  8. The MB-SEQ will only record in steps. For looping MIDI phrases, I use a Roland MC-505 Groovebox
  9. Hi there! Where were you searching? Did you try http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_v3.html
  10. Nice work :D :D! I'm gonna put an NG module on my 6582 (once I get the parts).
  11. Looking good. :D Now, let's see if I can embed :P http://vimeo.com/5393037 Err, no... Enjoy anyway!
  12. Clock divider, of course. Sounds good, now I just need some time... Regards,
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