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Posts posted by jojjelito

  1. Hi peeps,

    I'm considering sending a 9HE monster front panel to Schaeffer and it will cost me dearly for a couple of those. Does anyone have a referall code so that I could get some rebate on my first order? I thought I saw someone post one, but I had no luck searching.



  2. Your switch pinning looks OK.

    I'm curious as to why you used one data line per switch instead of the diodes plus matrix arrangement used in the MB6582? I guess your way (the classical way) is far easier to debug and conceptually grasp though :thumbsup:

    I've got no idea at thi point in time if a resistor to VCC like you did it or a resistor to GND is to be preferred - someone else maybe knows. Guess I should read up some before forming an opinion (what - that's like thinking before you speak?!).


  3. Hmm, thar's also a Shruthi VCF board that takes a SSM2044, but that's outside, yet similar to some MIDIbox projects. Also, it's easy to roll your own VCF or quad VCA based on those chips. There's bound to be more SDIY projects that uses those, but use of specialized analog ICs has become frowned upon lately.

    Some of us old farts who bought stuff as spare parts and nice to haves when it was still cheap will still happily use them *cough cough* *modular panel madness*...

  4. Just a quick one: The updated gatorade schematic is attached in the original post above. Don't blame me if you use the old version from before I checked against the Core32 J5A/B/C pinning.

    Remember to always print or open the PDF schematics and sanity check all interconnections so that you avoid getting lied to and potentially costly mistakes poke.gif


  5. VU meters are dead easy: Use LM3915 for log/dB (this is what you want for audio) or LM3914 for linear (this is what you want for balance, tone, CVs etc). Add some LEDs of your choice color and matching resistors. Done.

  6. Hi Rosch,

    Good idea about the box treatment you mentioned! This rack did work fine for the 9090 (2u but still) but I can see that it may be difficult to fit the CS pcb inside the opening...

    Here's the PCBs (I'll make 2 from a Eurocard) plus a schematic for the MB-seq CV and gate output - nothing fancy.

    This is what will be used behind the modular panel in order to use parts of the MB-seq as a MIDI-CV converter driving the modular.

    A little bit of sorcerer.png thanks to TK and others.

    Edit the 6th of Sept: The pinning to J5A/B on the Core32 is tad off in the included file. New versions are forthcoming, or make a cable that fixes the problems.. Just did some modular work/checking today...

    Edit the 10th of Sept: Corrected J5A/B/C pinning to the gate outputs. New schemo uploaded:



  7. Hmm, good questions. I used angled brackets to mount the other PCBs - Eth, SD-card, Core, Aout_NG plus the CV/Gate bufferoni. The entire MB-seq is affixed to an Adam Hall 12HE table rack with a side/back-cover made from plywood. Some ports are then routed/cut in the ply as needed. But, the rest of the rack is a 9HE analog modular so my use-case is atypical.

    What you could do is to use more spacers and sandwich a back panel against the CS PCB using those, or try to glue something made of plywood against the panel or... This will get you a very shallow rack box. Banzai has some rack boxes for instance, but those are made of thin metal so I strongly recommend using a proper front panel with those. The good thing is that the original front panel makes a good blind plate for mounting XLR jacks or whatever on.

    My 9090 front panel got drilled by me so that 4 extra holes for screws hold it against the case frame (case bought at Banzai). There is no standard placement of those holes, so depending on your rack you'll end up rolling your own. Remember that cooling the drill is a good thing when drilling aluminum.

    Guess I should take pictures...

  8. Hi,

    First check: Are you in run-write mode pattern edit or step-write? Check the Xoxbox manual here for instance.

    Two: Does your xoxbox output MIDI at all? Check with other gear. The Xoxbox is hand-built so you're not guaranteed a fully functional Xoxbox unless it's been tested.

    On the other hand, if the sequencer starts when you start your xox there's gotta be some issue with setting up the MB-SEQ for recording...

    Good luck!


  9. Hmm, you could build an exponential converter using a transistor, or add/change some conversion curve in the software. The software method will yield awful results due to loss of precision, unless you sample each pot with 10-12 bits and then convert to 7-8 bits using a lookup table.

    The easy way out - get proper linear pots. It will be painful, but the other way of sampling log pots (sans correction) will feel weird as first you turn and nothing happens, then everything happens at once (or vice versa depending on how you mount and wire the pots). The software correction method is an overhead in terms of the table size or if you use interpolation.

    Edit: Here's some nice reading to get you started on some ideas.



  10. Saw a package containing the piano PCM card on Evilbay.

    Meanwhile I started to scour my old creaky HDDs for patch banks. How to share those? Dropbox or just attach a zip? It'll take a couple more days to bring it all together. Bank God bonanza and all that jazz...


  11. Haha, sell your Synth&Timeslice card on Evilbay for more money than the cost of a MIDIbox SCE thumbsup.png

    The details about the cables connecting the cards to a WS A/D or EX will be interesting to see... I hope the solution won't be something expensive.

    Regarding the waveform conversion on the PC side, my incentive would be to add some multi-sampled waveforms treated by real analog resonant filters. That's how it was done in the olden Amiga days! Or maybe to nick some PCM data off other old, but available sample libraries from say Roland, E-mu, Ensoniq or Fairlight for some custom shine. Then again, sample playback with decent filters can be done in a PC/Mac environment fer sure, but I like the wave sequencing plus hardware offload in certain situations.

    I found the Card Workshop demo soft using the Wayback machine. Would be interesting to resurrect something similar, cross platform to use with your box later...


  12. Hiya!

    This is great news to us WS-ers thumbsup.png I have the old WS-A/D, there's apparently some kind of sample handling difference with the WS-SR (it uses the same format as the 01/W) instead of the common WS/M-series format, will your unit handle conversion back and forth? I've heard that there's more PCM data to be had for the SR, but I haven't come across any yet.

    This is like this mythical Zadok thingy (one was on the german Ebay just recently) but with modern storage instead of floppies. What's not to like?

    Now if we could only have a way to transfer our own PCM data across to the WS... There was this windows software "PCM Card Workshop" for 01/W-type cards but the site where it used to be hosted is gone...

    Thanks for bringing in some fresh air into these old machines!


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